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Interactive Dog Toys – Stimulate Dog’s Curiosity & Intelligence

The more you get to know dogs, the more you will realize how much they have in common with their masters.

They get depressed when you aren’t around, they get nervous when they don’t understand what is going on, and when they get bored they have a tendency to get themselves into a whole heap of trouble.

No amount of training or correction system will handle or even cure situations like these better than interactive dog toys.

They give Rover the opportunity to remain his own peppy self when left in his crate for several hours, exercise his mind as well as his body, and as is the case with some products, relate to you on a new level.

In this article we will explore the many options available on the market. We will also guide you to making the right purchase for your furry companion. Every pet is stimulated differently, and it is up to you as the individual owner to determine which toy is best.

You will find that there are a number of items to consider, like the chew factor and eating habits, while making your selection, but by taking this information into account, you will be able to pull your wallet out with confidence. Rover might pay a little less attention to you, but he will love you more for buying him such an engaging toy.

Chew Toys

Chew toys are a favorite of both dogs and owners. They are some of the most widely known and readily available. You can find them at the local pet store, supermarket, dollar store, or even online and they are generally inexpensive They are easily tossed for fetching, hidden for hunting games, and even stretched out for classic tug-of-war matches.

Cleaning is usually a snap, too. As they come in two types, it is best that you chose one that is best for your dog as it pertains to how you him to play with it.

Also, you need to gauge his chewing habits before selecting one. Gentle chewers should have plush toys. Those with an average style can adapt to just about any toy available. Those who like to power through everything with their teeth are best suited for hard rubber.

Chew toy

The sensory type of interactive toy for dogs is perhaps the most common on the market. These are the kind that get Rover into the mood of play with squeaks and crunches, and have a variety of tactile surfaces such as fur or rubber tips.

Some may allow him to sink his teeth into them, while others might crinkle every time he swipes at it with his paw. Regardless of the sense that the toy stimulates, the point of these toys is to cure boredom by keeping him interested in the product itself.

As many experienced owners will tell you, it doesn’t take much to capture the attention of a dog, and sometimes the simplest things work the best. Though it is a good rule to invest in several of them, for two reasons.

The first is because having two to four of them will allow Rover to choose which one he wants to play with at any given time, while the second is simply to have some backups. They can get lost, left outside, or they just might need to be replaced.

Interactive toys

Many owners find that the indestructible toys become their personal favorites because, unless the dog is extremely rough with its playthings, these are one-time buys. They never have to worry about replacing it because no matter how much Rover worries at the toy’s edges, his teeth will not shred or even fray the edges. These products are made of hard, rubberized materials or dense plastics that hold up to their classification name.

They work better than bones and dental treats to help keep teeth clean, mostly because they don’t deteriorate, get soggy, or need to be replaced.

Also, depending on the shape and size of the toy, they can be used in owner/companion play just like the sensory type mentioned above. They are a little more expensive, but as smart shoppers will tell you, they are well worth the price.

One thing to keep in mind with any indestructible toy is that they can suffer cuts and gouges from the worst chewers. You should replace any toy that is falling apart. Supervise your pooch to see how he handles this toy. If he is small, yet tears his up, you should try the larger size, if available.

Treat Toys

These types of toys are designed to keep Rover busy by giving him little snacks while he continues to play. Rawhide and dental bones are good examples, though they are centered more on taste than actual food.

Other kinds include those that you fill with kibble or treats and they spill out as Rover plays with it. Some even allow you to fill it with peanut butter or other foods. These can keep him occupied for hours as he attempts to lick out every tiny morsel.

Treat Toys Dog

Durability is always something to keep in mind as you shop for the right one. If your pup is a chewer, odds are that the inexpensive ones will not last as long as the company suggests it will. It’s also a factor to consider when it comes to cleaning up after him. Little chunks of plastic or rubber from a destroyed toy can do the same to your vacuum cleaner!

Puzzle Toys

Another type of toy is the puzzle. Yes, dogs can and love to solve puzzles, especially if there is some kind of reward at the end. These are geared toward testing memory and developing the ability to recall.

They also alleviate boredom. Puzzle toys are designed so that Rover must employ a series of actions to get a treat, such as pressing, pulling, nibbling, or other action on certain parts of the toy. This gives him both a mental and a physical workout that will stave off hours of boredom (not to mention that it will be entertaining for you to watch him solve it over and again).

Dog puzzle toy

There are two drawbacks to these types. If your pooch has a tendency to be destructive, he could pull it to pieces in no time, so before buying one, make sure to investigate the various moving or loose parts that he may tear apart.

The other thing to consider is the fact that he may not be interested in puzzles. If possible, let him experiment with a display model or borrow one from a friend. It shouldn’t take more than a few minutes to learn if this the toy for him.

Interactive Dog Toys Product Recommendations

There are literally thousands of interactive toys to choose from. The following is a list of those that come highly recommended by owners, trainers, and veterinarians. They have been quality tested and most have been on the market in some version for years. When choosing a product, make sure that it complements your dog’s needs for active engagement and his interest level.

Dogs can be just like children when it comes to the things they play with. They tend to key in on certain types of toys and ignore others, no matter how expensive or stimulating you thought it to be. You may even discover that Rover enjoys playing with the box more than the toy itself.

1. Kong Extreme by Kong

Kong Extreme by Kong


This indestructible toy was designed with the most intense chewers in mind. It is made of a special black rubber compound that gives it extra durability, and its pear-like shape enables it to bounce in unpredictable ways.

Your dog will spin in circles trying to figure out just which way it will go when you toss it and bring it back begging for another go. He will never grow bored because, to him, each round is a whole new game. It has a hollow core that you can stuff with treats.

Owners who fill it with kibble or other loose food and then either freeze it or pack it with peanut butter claim that their companions will spend hours gnawing at the KONG. It comes in three sizes, so it is suitable for any breed.

The indestructible material and the hollow, pear-shaped design help with behavioral issues. You can alleviate separation anxiety by filling it with treats and then giving it to Rover in his crate just before you leave. He will be so focused on getting at the food that by the time he’s eaten it all he’s gotten used to the fact that he is home alone.

Having the KONG in the crate or other place in the home when he is bored gives him something to expend his energy on other than damaging the furniture and barking up a storm at every passing car. Each time he loses his grip on it, it will bounce away, and it becomes a whole new game yet again.

2. Bob-a-lot by Starmark

Bob-a-lot by Starmark


This treat-dispensing toy resembles a pear or gourd. Its bulbous-belly sports tiny doors that dispense food as Rover plays with it. You are able to adjust the width of the opening for the size of your dog and the treats, and this also allows you to set a difficultly level for Rover to access the goods.

The weighted bottom allows the product to wobble and spin whenever he touches it with his paw. This helps to keep him entertained and prolong his snacking enjoyment. The screw-on cap enables you to easily fit up to three cups of treats, or alternatively, you could fill it with food and give it to him at mealtime.

This is an especially good idea for dogs who speed eat. It will take most dogs approximately 15 to 20 minutes to empty the contents, which is helpful to those dogs who are prone to bloat.

Another good point about the Bob-A-Lot is that, as long as there is something inside that Rover wants to get to, he will be entertained and exercised. He might even continue to play with it long after it is empty.

The one drawback with this toy is that it is not for chewers. The narrow neck and top are made of hard plastic, though they are vulnerable to those dogs who love to gnaw at anything they can fit into their mouths. Before purchasing this toy, observe how Rover treats his others. If he is typically easy on soft objects, then give the Bob-A-Lot a try, but if he can worry a bone away to slivers in a couple of hours, this is most likely not the one for him.

3. Flip Board, Level 2 by Trixie Pet Products

Flip Board, Level 2 by Trixie Pet Products


This puzzle is for dogs of varying skill and intelligence levels. It consists of lids that flip open, covers that slide over, and cones that lift straight up to reveal recesses in which you place treats for Rover to find.

By alternating the amount and placement of the treats, you can give him a new game each time you set the toy in front of him. The non-slip base keeps him from pushing it all over the floor, and the cones are designed in such a way that they cannot be knocked over to access the goods.

Instead, he must lift them straight up from the surface of the toy with his teeth. With three ways to get to the food, Rover will spend plenty of time trying to figure out how each one should be opened. This can help particularly fast eaters to slow down, and it will engage even the laziest of mutts in stimulating activity.

The Flip Board comes with an instructional booklet that will give you tips on how to increase the difficulty level and otherwise get the most out of the toy. It is dishwasher safe, so you should feel confident about keeping it clean even if you use wet or semi-moist food or treats in the compartments.

The only concern you might have about this toy is the cones. Since they designed to be removed by a dog’s mouth, they can become lost or chewed-up beyond use. Damage shouldn’t be too much of a concern because it does come with a one-year warranty on the moving parts.

4. Hide a Bee by Outward Hound

Hide a Bee by Outward Hound


This four-piece bee-and-hive set is a cross between a dog puzzle and a sensory chew toy. It consists of a plush hive and three bees that squeak when squeezed or bitten. The object of the toy is for you to stuff the hive with the bees and then give it to your pup to figure out how to pull the bees from the holes in the side of the hive.

The high contrast of yellow and black will seize Rover’s attention, and the squeaks that come when he pulls one out of the hive will reinforce his sense of accomplishment just as his ancestors felt when hunting game.

Dogs of all intelligence levels should be able to master this type of puzzle in no time, but the interaction component is sure to keep them interested for as long as you are willing to keep stuffing the bees back into the hive. It may turn into a competition to see who tires first.

The most important thing to keep in mind when considering this sort of toy is the chew factor. The plush texture is a favorite among many dogs, but some can get a little carried away with their enthusiasm and end up yanking out all the stuffing in order to discover what is making the squeaking sounds from within.

If Fido is a heavy chewer, you should avoid this and most other plush toys. The good thing is that the Hide-A-Bee is relatively inexpensive as compared to other products in its class, so if he does manage to tear it apart, it shouldn’t make a huge impact on your wallet.


There are thousands of interactive toys on the market. Making a choice may seem overwhelming, but if you know your dog, you should be able to narrow down your selection in a matter of moments.

Take some time to consider Rover’s personality and habits and then compare them with three general categories. If he is a chewer, go for something hard and bouncy; if he gobbles his dinner in less than 60 seconds, pick a treat dispenser to slow him down; if he’s not very active, try a puzzle to stimulate his mind.

Do some research while shopping to see how other dogs reacted to the products. But regardless of your eventual choice, you will have provided Rover with hours of entertainment and given him a more impactful psychological boost than a plain old bone ever could.

Homemade Dog Toys – Cost Free & Eco-friendly Solution

Homemade Dog Toys

Toys are an indispensable item in any dog’s life especially if he or she is expected to lead a healthy and productive life. By being able to facilitate mental stimulation, toys play a key role in alleviating separation anxiety, discouraging destructive behaviors, boosting social behaviors and encouraging the dog to live a happy and productive life.

But when it comes to toy selection, most dog owners usually feel obliged to purchase costly ones instead of looking for other affordable or non-costly alternatives.

Also, due to the hefty price tags on most play items, most owners can only make one or two purchases at a go. But not known by too many people, there is an inexpensive alternative that can assist pet owners in saving tons of cash while achieving the same result as they would have with a new play item.

Apart from being very easy to design, homemade toys are also very cheap to make and at times no costs are incurred as long as the pet owner has all the necessary assemblage parts at his disposal. Furthermore, homemade play items are ideal because they tend to increase the life cycle of various disposables.

Make a toy for your dog out of socks

Hence, they are eco-friendly and a green solution to items that would have normally been discarded as waste. See more homemade goodies in our easy to make DIY dog toys that are inexpensive, as well.

Needless to say, the home designed play items are just as effective as purchased play items because they all achieve similar results. But, like shop toys, there are several issues that every dog owner must put into consideration before selecting a suitable play item design.

Without addressing these issues of concern at the initial stages, the results may be dire on your dog with some instances necessitating the need for emergency medical attention. Hence, here are some of the things that every dog owner must consider before selecting an ideal homemade toy design.

Things to Consider Before Selecting the Ideal Homemade Dog Toy

Establishing where your dog lies on the chew meter is essential especially when it comes to the selection of an ideal toy. Various toys such as recycled plastic bottle toys are not suitable for very strong chewers because they can be punctured or torn easily. Hence, dogs that are on the upper scale of the chew meter it is indispensable to provide them with homemade playtime items.

The play items should be designed from materials that are not only durable but also strong enough to tolerate aggressive chewing. Also, the material should not only withstand the belligerent chewing but it must also not wither, shred, crack, rip or puncture in the process.

This aspect is very important because once ingested, the small particles from the toy may induce choking, vomiting, and many other gastrointestinal complications. All in all, if your pet is an aggressive chewer, you should consider toys that have been constructed from ultra-durable constituents such as rubber.

Dog sock toy

Apart from the chew meter, another thing that you should always put into contemplation when planning to either build or purchase a play item for your pet is the ratio between the toy and the dog.

It is essential for the size of the toy to be directly proportional to the size of the dog. If the size of the play item is smaller when compared to your dog’s size, they can be easily swallowed which will eventually lead to unwarranted medical expenses.

Furthermore, before handing a toy to your dog, always ensure that small sized items that may be attached to the item or could be swallowed easily are eliminated before handing the toy to the pet. See our guidelines on the top dog-friendly chew toys that are suitable for your pooch.

Your pet’s age also plays a key role when it comes to the selection of an ideal play item. Despite the fact that the desire to chew is usually a natural instinct in all canines, it is usually at its highest point during the developmental stages that are usually between eight weeks and six months. Hence, so as to release the discomfort present in his or her gums, your puppy is going clump onto anything that is chewable.

When searching for an ideal play item for your puppy, you should always ensure that the item of your choice will not be injurious in anyway. Also, toys that have been designed from materials such as plastics must be avoided at all costs.

Alternatively, the owner should opt for materials that are going to have a soothing effect on the puppy such as splash balls. Why not see our list of topnotch and cool dog toys that your furry companion might like?

Puppy and homemade dog toy

Homemade edible toys are also another option that homeowners can make for their puppies. Needless to say, edible play items are a good occasional treat for puppies because they play a key role in keeping the pearly white teeth clean. Also, edibles can be used to freshen the puppy’s breath and keep him or her interested for a very long time.

While putting all aspects into consideration, there are a wide range of options available for dogs of all ages and all of this preferences can be produced locally without the need for extra costs. Hence, before selecting an ideal toy design for dogs, factors such as the age and the chew meter must also be kept under consideration.

Benefits of Homemade Toys

Unlike manufactured toys, homemade dog toys are very cheap to make and at times there are no costs involved as long as the dog owner has all the necessary parts required for the assembly process. Most of the necessary materials and toy parts may be obtained easily from various recyclables such as old clothes, plastic bottles, tennis balls and many others.

Another benefit of homemade toys is that they are usually easy to make. Hence, you can have as many play items for your pet as you want with very little skills and without any financial restrictions whatsoever.

Needless to say, play items whether purchased or homemade are important because they provide mental stimulation and alleviate separation anxiety. All dog breeds will require some form of mental stimulation if they are to lead a healthy and productive life.

Homemade toys can be a great tool for instigating mental stimulation in dogs. Besides, play items can be used to alleviate separation anxiety that is usually common in dogs that may need attention from time to time. Our piece on how to choose the right dog toys to keep Buster preoccupied is a worthwhile read.

Another benefit of homemade toys is that they can be employed as an effective tool when it comes to combating destructive behaviors in dogs. By providing your dog with a play item, he or she is going to use the item as a positive outlet for the unnecessary physical energy.

The play items can be used to strengthen the bond between you and the dog because you will be going to spend more time with him or her while having fun. Furthermore, toys are essential in promoting dental health because they can be used as a form of exercise for the jaw muscles.

Finally, homemade toys can be used as a clean-up process because most of the materials used in the assemblage process are mainly recyclables.

Because most recyclables often reach a point where they can no longer be useful; assembling a play item for your pet from these materials is indeed a great way of improving the material’s life cycle. Also, items such as clothing, once they have been used as a play item they tend to become easily decompose due to the wear and tear effect inflicted on them.

4 Homemade Toy Designs That Every Dog Owner Must Try Out

1. The Whipwhir

The Whipwhir also commonly referred to as the stick and rope toy is undeniably one of the best toy ideas, especially for dogs with high energy levels. Apart from being exceedingly unique the Whipwhir is also very easy to make and will at times require zero budget as long as you have all the necessary materials.

Unlike most toys that may be used explicitly either on the inside or the outside, the Whipwir is among the few toys that can be used on both platforms.

But for individuals who will use this toy inside the house it is very indispensable that they should ensure they have more than enough space for the dog to move freely.

For the assembly of this toy, you will be required to have an old broomstick that has a hole drilled on one end. Also, you will also need a six-foot rope or cord and a toy preferably a tennis ball or an old sock.

After finding the all the necessary items, you are to begin the assembly process by fastening the rope on one end of the old broomstick preferably the end with a hole. The final huddle of this design, mainly entails tying the toy i.e. sock, braided rugs, and tennis ball on the end of the cord or rope and your toy is good to go.

Like any other toy, the Whipwhir unquestionably has some safety guidelines especially because it is an ideal toy for high energy dogs. While using this toy, there is a possibility of the dog getting injured when it becomes over exuberant.

Hence, you are required to ensure that the dog is properly warmed up before you begin any playing session. Also, it is highly prudent that the distance between the ground and the toy should be reasonable. Most sporting dog breeds can benefit from this kind of toy and high-energy activities, so read all about it in our previous article.

2. Recycled Drinking Bottle

The recycled drinking bottle toy is one of the easiest toys to make because all it requires is an old drinking bottle and a little bit of effort.

This type of toy is a favorite among all dog species because of the cracking and crinkly sound that it produced when chewed on by a dog. Before handing the recycled drinking bottle to the pet, always ensure that the lid, and the ring, which is usually attached to the lid have all been carefully removed.

Recycled drinking bottle

Furthermore, if your dog is a serious chewer, you can consider giving him or her another homemade toy instead of the recycled drinking bottle. The careful approach is essential because plastics tend to form very sharp corners that can cause some serious damage to any dogs’ delicate gums and in some cases some the sharp pieces may be swallowed by your pet. , there are three recycled drinking bottle ideas that you can use when brainstorming for an ideal homemade toy.

You can either choose to remove the lid from the bottle, and then fill it with dry food like biscuits. The main concept behind this particular design is that the dog would have to roll the bottle so as to get treats out it. Another dry bottle idea that you can opt to use is the pierced recycled bottle. , you will be required to get an old dry plastic bottle then pierce several holes continuously on its side.

Homemade eco dog toy

Unlike the first recycled bottle idea that has the food coming out of the lid, the pierced recycled bottle concept has the food coming out of the piercings on its side. Alternatively, you can decide to take the plastic bottle and fill it with water up to the half mark.

After you complete the first step, you will then freeze the bottle on its side. This particular toy is ideal during the hot months when your pet will be in urgent need of some cooling effect.

3. Tennis Ball Puzzles

For owners who are looking for an ideal way to slow down fast eating dogs then the Tennis Ball Puzzle can come in handy. Despite the fact that the Tennis Ball Puzzle is a little bit pricey in comparison to other homemade toys, its effectiveness and durability are unrivaled.

Additionally, this particular item is ideal for all dog breeds regardless of the age and level of activity. Before you begin building this toy, it is very important for the dog owner to establish the level of hardness that may be required.

If you are looking to challenge your dog a little more, you can always opt for a difficult version of the tennis ball puzzle. Factors that may also play a key role when it comes to the level of hardness include the size of the particular treat, your pet’s determination and the size of the treats.

Tennis ball puzzles

For this particular toy, you will be expected to have a very sharp knife, a tennis ball, and a muffin tin. After you have successfully collected all the necessary items for this particular toy, you will cut the tennis ball along its side so that the treat can be placed inside the ball.

Depending on the type of cut on the ball, you can manipulate the difficulty level of each tennis ball. Making a straight cut along the ball is an ideal way to increase the level of difficulty, and it often results in crushed delicacies instead of the usually released treats.

Another way that you can increase the difficulty level is by making cross cuts. The cross cut design usually requires on or two bites and chews before the treat is released. Finally, you can choose to go for flap cuts that can be tucked in for an increase in the difficulty level.

4. Upcycled T-shirt

The upcycled t-shirt is one of the easiest to make toys and is a great tool for playing tug of war or fetch. The good thing about up-cycled T-Shirts is that they can be used to make money during fundraisers and fetes. Up-cycled t-shirts are so easy to make that even you can also include your child or children in the project. For this particular item, you are going to require at least 20 1inch by 20 inch recycled knits from tops and parts in multifarious colors.

The first step mainly involves cutting the fabrics into 20 pieces that are going to measure 2.5 cm by 50 cm for dogs that are larger in size. For smaller sized dogs, you will reduce the length of the pieces but not the width.

Upcycled T-shirt

After you are through with the initial step, you will then divide the pieces in 2 section, with each section having ten pieces. Once you have separated the pieces into two groups, you will start twisting the two sections together.

Finally, you will conclude by tying large knots on each end. Complete the process by ensuring that the knot is not only tight but also secure. A point to note is that this process does not require any form of sewing or gluing, every step can be concluded without any additional item.

In Conclusion

Irrespective of the source of the toy, either homemade or factory built, supervision and regular are very important.

Whenever the pet is playing with the toy, always ensure that he or she is always with someone so that in case there is any development the issue is addressed immediately. Playtime with your dog should always be a safe time, as we’ve written in exciting games to play with your dog.

Furthermore, before handing any play item to your dog always ensure that you have adequately inspected the item for any damage signs. If the homemade toy is damaged in any way, do not hand it to the pet but instead you should consider getting a new one or repairing it first before handing it back.

Top 10 Best Toys for Blind Dogs 2022 – For Visually Impaired Dog

Toys for Blind Dogs

Not known to many pet owners, there are numerous conditions that may lead to blindness in pets, especially dogs. Birth defects, injuries, age, and illnesses are all perfect examples of some of the conditions that have the potential to contribute to blindness in dogs.

The good news is that if the cause or the factor that lead to blindness is restricted to the eyes, then the dog has a perfect chance of leading a normal life just like any other dog. This is because all the other remaining senses will still be functional thus they will all be instrumental is assisting the dogs to adapt to their environment.

When we put all of the senses into perspective, the ability to see in dogs becomes the third most important sense after the ability to hear and ability to smell.

As a dog owner, you will be required to capitalize on the first two senses together with the sense of touch so that the dog can be able to move through his or her surrounding and also interact with other pets and dogs.

In addition, as a dog owner, you will also be required to understand the fact that your pet’s blindness will be harder for you than it will be for the pet since many at times, affected dogs may not truly understand what may be happening to them.

Most dogs tend only to live in the moment but also be in tune with the dog owner’s emotional state. Hence, the blindness may not be a very big issue to them. When the dog owner is either sad or depressed, the dog will still be able to sense it and will try to do what it can to keep the owner happy.

Dogs and color blindess

It has been proven that a dog owner’s normal voice can be used as an effective therapy and training mechanism for blind dogs. Before touching the dog, it is highly advisable to use your normal voice so that the pet will know that you are approaching or planning to touch him or her. Also, you can also combine your voice and some heavy walking which will be more effective in alerting your dog through the vibrations made.

Alternatively, you can also employ the use of small bells which may be either attached to you, other family members or other pets that may be present in the house. The sound produced by the bell can also alert the dog of your whereabouts so that he or she can be able to locate effectively you. In many cases, as the blindness tends to develop, some dogs may end up being up depressed or may suffer from withdrawal.

If your dog starts to show symptoms of withdrawals or depression, you can assist him or her to have a positive attitude towards life. To achieve this, you will have to maintain his daily routines such as daily walks, playtime, and many others. Also, you should continue to treat him or her the way you previously did so that the change may not impact negatively on his or her day to day life.

Use of Other Senses – Toys for Blind Dogs

Blind dog

Due to the fact that sounds and scents are the dogs main senses, you can choose to place a very unique scent on the toy or alternatively you can buy your pet an exclusively designed toy for blind dogs. Pets for dogs may either be squeaky, may contain a bell or, in general, may be designed to produce a certain noise when bitten or moved.

These aspects are very effective because the unique sounds that will produce will assist the dog to locate the toy effectively. Also, dogs can also learn the various names of the toys and as a dog owner it is your duty to work on this with your pet.

While working on the names for your dog, you can choose toys that are slightly dissimilar so that he or she can be able to differentiate them without being able to see them.

During training, you can use scents and treats to reinforce the training and also ensure that the interaction between you and your pet is healthy. Currently, there are lots of toys that have been proven to work effectively on blind pets. All in all, here are some examples for toys than can be ideal for visually impaired dogs.

Top Picks Toys for Blind Dogs

1. Kong Branded Squeaky Toys

Kong Branded Squeaky Toys


When it comes to toys, any dog owner with an insurmountable amount of experience can attest to the fact that Kong’s are some of the best toys currently on the market for dogs that can see and those that are not able to see.

What makes, Kong’s stand out from the rest is that they have been designed in a way that the dog owner can be able to stuff in, treats. The treats will not only act as a motivator for the dog but will also offer various aromas which the visually impaired dog can be able to seek and find the toy.

A great example is the Air Kong squeaker bone toy that has a heavy duty exterior that has been exclusively designed from tennis balls. Also, the Air Kong Squeaker Bone Toy is also non-toxic meaning the visually impaired dog can be able to play effectively with the toy without suffering any poisoning.

Just like its name suggests, the Air Kong Squeaker Toy has been designed to squeak especially when pressed. Other examples of Kong Toys include the Air Kong Squeaker Tennis Ball, which comes in both large and regular sizes, the Kong Air Spinner Toy, the Kong On and Off Squeaker toy and many others.

2. Babble balls

Babble balls


Just like Kong Branded Squeaky toys, Babble Balls are also another great type of interactive toys for the visually impaired dogs. When touched or squeezed, bubble balls tend to talk or make exciting animal noises that can be fun and insightful for the pet.

Over the last few years, the technology used on bubble toys has drastically improved in a manner that a dog breathing or vibrations due to the pet’s movement can be able to trigger the toy to produce interactive animal noises.

Once the play ends, the babble ball can switch off automatically and will still be ready to produce noise when touched again. Due to the sophistication and the amount of technology used in the toy, most dogs often tend to think that the toy is alive. Currently, babble balls are available in some series such as the animal series or the talking series which is also called the wise-cracking series.

The new generation Babble Balls have been amalgamated with a series of features that undeniably makes them stand out from the rest. All Babble Balls come with a durable ABS construction, improved sound quality, triple sounds, and finally replaceable batteries.

The first series, the Talking Babble Balls are available in three sizes which each ball is coming with over 20 different sounds and wisecrack sounds like a sweet puppy, Grrrrr and much more. The second series, the Animal Sounds Babble Balls are also available in three sizes and over 20 different animal sounds such as those produced by lions, elephants, cats, lambs and more.

3. Rope toys

Rope toys


Rope toys are suitable for playing fetch and tug of war with your visually impaired pet. Apart from being uniquely woven and hand tied with the aim of improving the dental formula of your pet.

Each toy design from the leading companies comes with its story and are suitable for chewing and also playing tag for lots of hours. Currently, there are several rope toys designed that are available on Amazon, they include;

Daisy the duck from Jax and Bones, The Zanies Menagerie Dog Toy, Coco the Elephant from Jax and Bones, Griggles 10 inch rope Elton and Daphne the Deer from Jax and Bones. As one of the trailblazing toy designs, the Good Karma Rope Toys have been nominated by several magazines as one of the best toys for cats and dogs.

4. Bell toys

Bell toys


Apart from squeaky toys, there are also various toys that have been designed with bells on the inside. The bell toys are ideal for the visually impaired dogs because they tend to produce bell sounds when moved or thrown so as to assist the dog in locating the toy.

However, Bell Toys must be given to dogs under strict supervision because the bell in this toys can be easily swallowed if he or she manages to dislodge it from the bell toy. Currently, there are several brands that deal exclusively with bell toys.

They include Four Paws, which is the brand that has produced the Four Paw Rough and Rugged Bell Toy, the Four Paws Rough and Rugged Baseball bell toy, the Rubber Ring Bell toy, and many others.

5. Scented toys

Scented toys


As discussed earlier, use of scents is also an effective way that will assist your visually impaired dog to locate its toy without straining too much. Currently, there are numerous scented toys on the market like the durable rubber toys from Planet Toys which have been mint scented. Other great examples also includes the Orbee Tough which is ideal for the visually impaired dogs and those that are not.

The Orbee Tough scent toy has been designed in a way that there is a location where the dog owner can be able to place treats, cheese, and peanut butter. Apart from the Orbee Tough scent toys, the eco-friendly Vanilla Scented toys from BecoThings are also a great choice for blind dogs.

If you have already purchased other type of toys, you can also be able to scent them in different ways so that your dog can be able to find them. For the soft toys such as rope toys or plush toys, you can add a small quantity of scented extract like vanilla or mint to the toy. You can also alternatively decide to add different kind of scents to each of the toys so that the pet can be able to differentiate one from the other.

For the squeaky and hard toys, you can choose to place them in an air-tight bag that is filled with strong-smelling food such as dried liver or a pig’s ear. After several days, the hard and squeaky toys will have completely absorbed the smell from these pieces of food.

DIY Toys for Blind Dogs

DIY toys are suitable for individuals who are looking to cut extra costs by making use of what can be found around the house to design and create dog toys. Apart from being cheaper, DIY is also an amazing way to recycle old materials instead of throwing them away.

All in all, there are several toy designs for blind dogs that you can be able to design just by sitting down for a few minutes. Also, with DIY you can always decide to get a little bit creative without exhausting your resources or straining your budget. All in all, here are some DIY Toy designs that you should know.

1. Jiggle balls

Apart from purchasing toys for your visually impaired dog, you can alternatively decide to create your homemade toys that will in turn allow you to save a little bit of money. One such toy is the Jiggle Ball which is usually designed in a manner that it can produce noise.

When designing the jiggle ball, you will be required to poke a small hall into an old tennis ball. Through the hall, you will insert a small and simple metal ball. For more details or guidelines be sure to visit this youtube link at:

So as to keep the dog interested, you can also insert a few treats through the hole. For the visually impaired dogs and puppies, the scent emitted by the treat inside the ball will allow them to find the toy effectively without straining too much.

Finally, you will be expected to reseal the openings with some stitches so that the jiggle ball will not come out very easily.

2. Sock Ball Toy

Sock Ball Toys are also very easy to design and are suitable for all kinds of dogs. When designing a sock ball toy, you will be required to take an old sock then stuff it, with a tennis ball.

But before, stuffing the ball inside the socks, you should ensure the socks is clean because your pet is going to have the toy in his or her mouth most of the time.

Also, the scent of socks might confuse the dog, and he or she may start to chew other socks or shoes that may be in the house. After inserting the ball into the socks, you can then decide to get creative with the design since you will be designing this socks for a visually impaired dog. You can decide to insert treats into the socks, or you can also insert a jiggle ball inside the sock ball.

Cool Dog Toys – How to Choose the Right One

Cool Dog Toys

Engaging your dog with cool dog toys is definitely one of the best ways to help stimulate their learning and promote good behavior. These toys can teach your dogs to think creatively and to have fun while engaging in physical activities without resorting to becoming aggressive.

Although toys seem to be trivial items that your dog can do without, toy manufacturers have gradually developed more innovative designs that serve not only to entertain your dog but also help them develop analytical and other intellectual skills. So aside from giving your dog something to play around with, dog toys now can also teach your dog skills.

So you may be asking: why would you need to spend a lot of time just looking for a great toy for your pet? Well, the answer is that dogs are just like kids: they need time for play.

Just as studies have indicated, adult dogs can be compared to two or three-year-old children in terms of their understanding, emotions, and thinking. Aside from that, the play also allows your pet to relax and it also releases some of the pent-up stress that they have.

If we are going to apply the principles of how the human brain works, we can also say that playtime can be one of the most effective ways to teach your dog anything.

Why Invest in a Good Dog Toy?

Why Invest in a Good Dog Toy
Source: unsplash.com

Investing in a high-quality dog toy will only mean better results and benefits for your dog. Although price is definitely not a good indicator that the toy will be highly enjoyed by your dog, buying a cheaper one though could also mean exposing your dog to a lot of risks including ill-health or even death.

Expensive toys come with high-quality materials which add to their durability, and some of them are also well-designed which means a lot of thought and planning had been put into it.

These are just some of the reasons why a simple toy can be expensive but it also means saving your dog from any injuries and health risks due to poor materials and design. Would you allow your pet to play with a toy which contains toxic chemicals or choking hazards just because they are cheaper and would save you some money?

Considering the fact that dog toys are an expense, we should therefore be able to justify if it is definitely worth spending money on. So here are a few of the advantages or benefits that dog toys can provide for your pet:

  • Toys provide intellectual stimulation for your pets. Whether you like it or not, toys are not only for fun and enjoyment they are also for learning, too. There are toys that are made not only to help your dog pass the time but also to teach him tricks and skills which are rewarded by food or treat.
  • Toys help prevent anxiety. We all know what it feels like to be bored and have nothing to do. This is the same with our pets. They also get bored and if you add to that the fact that you leave them eight hours a day on their own then you definitely can understand how that can lead to anxiousness. By giving them something that they can be happy and busy with while you are away, you will be helping them avoid one of the worst stresses that they can get in life.
  • Toys will help you bond with your pet. Toys also help to enrich the bonding experience that you can have with your dog through activities that allow you to interact with them. For example, there are toys with which you can play tug-of-war with your dog as well as items which can be thrown and fetched. Being able to play with your dog not only helps establish that bond that you have with them as their owner it also helps them associate good times with being with you.

What Cool Toys Can You Give to Your Pet?

What Cool Toys Can You Give to Your Pet
Source: unsplash.com

There are a variety of toys that you can give to your dog but here are some of the best that are highly recommended.

  1. Classic Kong toy – There are several reasons why the Kong has become a mainstay in dog toys and these are their affordability, safety, and creativity. Unlike other toys, they come with a very cheap price which is less than $10 while giving your dog minutes and hours of fun trying to get food out of this toy. Kongs are made from natural rubber material which makes them safe and durable and they also have varying toughness that will suit each type of “chew.”
  2. Mammoth flossy chews 3-knot rope tug – This is a tug toy that also functions just like floss for your dog’s teeth. It is made of premium cotton-blend fibers which mean that they will not damage their teeth. Being 25 inches long, this toy also promises durability and hours of playtime for your pet.
  3. Nina Ottosson’s dog brick puzzle – This is one of the most unique toys that you can give your dog especially if you have a very smart dog. The toy involved hiding dog treats in the puzzle which they can only get by flipping covers or sliding some tiles.
  4. Hide-a-squirrel – This toy allows your dog to think analytically on how they can get the squeaky “squirrels” out of the tree trunk. It comes with plush materials that your dog will enjoy biting and chewing on. It also comes in different sizes so you can choose based on your budget or the size of your dog.
  5. Kong rubber ball extreme – This is a highly durable rubber ball with excellent bouncing properties which will help your dog occupied. It has a puncture-proof design and comes with a three-inch diameter which makes them suitable for medium to large dogs.
  6. Indoor Chuckit! ball – Just as its name states, this toy allows you to play fetch with your dog indoors. So, no matter what the weather is outside, you can still engage in an interactive play with your pet. It is made of a lighter and softer material so there is less risk of breaking anything if it hits something and it also comes with a Bounceflex technology which makes it bounce no matter what type of surface it comes into contact with.
  7. Kong Pudge Braidz dog squeaker toy This is a tug toy with soft weaves and colorful materials. What makes it interesting is the added squeaker in the middle which provides a more interactive play with your pet. Just like with other tug toys, it helps floss your pet’s teeth.
  8. Kong squeakair – Instead of having your pet chew on a real tennis ball which can wear their teeth out, the Kong Squeakair allows them to exercise their jaws on a much safer material. The ball is also much softer than a regular tennis ball and it is also very bouncy. The added squeaking sound will also make your dog more curious when playing with it.
  9. Nylabone puppy chew toys – This is a great teething toy for your puppy with just the right toughness for their developing teeth. It also has bristles which helps clean their teeth while chewing it. They also come with interesting flavors.
  10. goDog Dragon plush toy – This is one of the best plush toys that you can get for your dog because of its durability and interactive quality. The toy comes with Chew Guard technology which means that your pet would not be able to destroy it that easily and it also has double-stitched seams for better protection. The squeaking feature also makes for a good interactive toy that can withstand a lot of wear and tear.
  11. OurPet’s IQ treat ball – This toy is ideal for pets who love to play with balls not in the sense of chewing them but of rolling them around. It has a hard plastic material which dispenses treats through a small hole in the ball as it is rolled along. Your dog will then have to think of creative ways on how to let the treat out by manipulating how it rolls.
  12. Tether tug – Unlike other types of tug toys, this one can be used even without the owner or another pet to play with. The bendable pole is stuck on the ground and a toy or rope can be attached on the other end. It can rotate in any direction and is very flexible which allows it to “bounce” the rope or toy around when your dog tries to pull it off.
  13. Busy Buddy jack – This is a chew toy in the shape of a jack and this comes with a variety of materials with varying textures and toughness. If you have several dogs but you don’t want to buy three different chew toys for them then this can be a good solution. It has rawhide, soft rubber, and hard nylon parts so that there is something for everyone.
  14. Bubbletastic bacon bubble machine – This machine blows bubbles that are safe for your dog to eat. The bubbles come in bacon flavor so your dog will definitely enjoy playing with them. This makes for a very fun activity especially during dog parties as anyone can participate.
  15. Chase ‘n pull – This toy is suitable for very active dogs that have a strong prey instinct. It comes with a detachable want and flexible wand so you can easily change the direction of the braid rope or fur toy at the end and make for a very interesting chase.
  16. Wooly Octopus tug – This tug toy is made of sheepskin materials making it ideal for puppies that love to catch prey. It makes for an interesting object that you can drag on the ground or make its tentacles jump that will definitely appeal to your dog’s curiosity.
  17. Green feeder dog bowl – This dog feeder will give your dog quite a challenge with eating. Its surface comes with tall plastic grass blades that are distributed across it and which your pet would have to navigate in order to get their treats or food.
  18. Squirrel dude – This is also a toy that dispenses treats with its Treat Meter through a hole in the middle similar to a Kong. It has several prongs near the hole which helps to limit the passage of treats so your dog needs to work harder. It is made of sturdy rubber but with the right give that also makes it’s a good chew toy.
  19. Henrietta the chicken – This is a squeaky stuffed toy which comes in the form of a chicken wearing a bikini. It is made of natural latex shell and is hand-painted with lead-free materials. It comes in several sizes and is guaranteed to be safe for your dog.
  20. iFetch – This is a good toy if your dog is fond of playing fetch. It has a machine that launches the ball automatically and can easily be filled with new ones by just dropping them on a hole. You can even teach your dog to reload the ball so he can play by himself.
  21. Safestix – This is a better alternative than wooden sticks for playing fetch. These are made of flexible plastic materials that can withstand a lot of chewing and biting. It comes in several colors and can float on water as well.
  22. Home of paws rotator ball and rope – The ball-and-rope design ensure not only a chase or fetch game, it also is a good toy for tug-of-war. It is made of resin so you can expect it to be lighter than a regular ball but it is also more durable than rubber or plastic.
  23. Aerobie dogobie disc – This is a Frisbee toy is made of rubber and not plastic so it is much softer for a dog to catch. It is made of durable rubber that is puncture and tear-proof that can make it last just as long as plastic ones.
  24. Tuffies– If you have a pet that is a strong chewer then this is the right toy for them. Don’t be fooled with how these stuffed toys look like. Made to withstand even a lion’s bite, you can expect your dogs to play with them for a long time.

You can also read our post on how to make handmade dog toys.

How Do You Choose the Right Toy?

How Do You Choose the Right Toy
Source: unsplash.com

Dogs can have different personalities just like humans so choosing the right kind of toy for them will depend upon careful observation. If you are buying them a toy for the first time then it can be a good idea to bring them with you to the store and allow them to “select” on their own.

They will be attracted to whatever entices them the most and it can be a good clue on which to buy.

  • If your dog is not a very active one, you may consider toys that stimulate them mentally instead of physically such as puzzles and chew toys that dispense treats. More active dogs on the other hand, will need toys that engage them in a lot of physical exertion such as Frisbees, balls, and toys that allow them to chase it.
  • When looking for a toy, you need to make sure that it is the right size for your pet. Buying something that is too small or too large for them will definitely pose some challenges and risks which you may regret afterwards. A toy that is too small can get swallowed and stuck on their throat or their intestines whereas one that is too big can either crush them or be too large for their jaws.
  • Durable toys can be good but you need to maintain their cleanliness. Although it is a good thing to have a highly durable toy, it can also mean that dirt and bacteria can also accumulate in it. As your dog continues to play with it, saliva and other materials will become lodged in the toy and it can become a breeding ground for these microorganisms if not washed regularly. Some pet owners tend to neglect this aspect of dog toys especially when they know that it is of “durable” material. Cleaning toys is also an important step if you have an allergic dog.
  • Find toys that are age-appropriate. Puppies will require softer toys and those that require little effort while adult dogs will need harder ones and can also engage in more physically demanding activities. Giving your puppy a hard chew toy, for example, will break their teeth or dislocate their jaws.

Just like you, your dog will also need some time off from all of the stresses in life and engage in a fun and enjoyable activity. Their preoccupation with an interesting item will help prevent destructive behavior as they find more appropriate ways to make use of their energy.

Giving your dog the right toys will not only help him get rid of boredom and prevent the development of anxiety, it can also serve as a good mental training. Make sure though that the toys you buy are durable and made of safe materials that are appropriate for his age and personality.

Jack Russell Terrier – Dog Breed Information

Jack Russell Terrier

The Jack Russell Terrier became known for its hunting abilities as early as the mid-1800s when he was made to track foxes in the English country regions. This dog owes its breeding and development to a clergyman and hunting enthusiast at the time and who needed a dog that could help in the hunt.

Out of this has come a courageous, bold, alert and confident breed seen even today in this terrier. Aside from this the Jack Russell is an energetic, playful and intelligent dog that needs only to be trained. His small body and cheerful nature has endeared him to many people, and some have learnt too late that he is not all about being cute, cuddly and a couch potato. He is a very active dog that needs an owner that is like him, ready to eat up the outdoors.

Breed Characteristics

Breed Characteristics - Jack Russell Terrier

Dog Breed Group: Terriers
Height: 10 inches to 1 foot, 3 inches tall at the shoulders
Weight: Generally 13 – 17 pounds
Life Span: 10 to 15 years


Because of the energy levels, the Jack Russell is not for everyone! An owner who is not committed to be as active as the dog will become frustrated at his demands, and he in turn will demonstrate his dissatisfaction in unwholesome ways. Jack Russells will chew on your most treasured possessions; he will dig his way under and through any fence. Additionally, he is a great escape artist, and therefore you will need to build a fence that he should find challenging to jump over.

Be mindful that the Jack Russell is able to jump five times its height. The Jack Russell terrier is a small but sturdy dog of enormous strength. He has over 200 years of development and has been seasoned into a strong breed. Bred to an ideal for the hunting of foxes, the dog still possesses that courage, drive and fierceness that endeared him to hunters of social standing at the time. Anyone who owns a Jack Russell terrier will describe to you a dog with a huge personality.

A dog of small breed, Jack Russell has boundless energy. You will discover a dog that is enthusiastic, bold, brash, and full of self-confidence, characteristics which very often surprise owners out of thinking their dog was one that prefers to nap on the sofa. The spunky dog makes a great pet. However he is lively, smart, and will aggressively protect its environment. The stranger will be met with loud barking.

The Jack Russell does very well as an apartment pet if the owner is willing to provide him the amount of exercise he needs. With the amount of energy that the dog has, he will be bursting with desire to be busy outside. For this reason, you will see the beauty of the true nature of this working dog in environments with barns and horses. A barn with a Jack Russell will never have the likes of mice, rats, woodchucks and other pests around (Woolf, 2014).

The dog is an independent and rather headstrong breed. He has a mind of its own and needs someone who is able to manage this type of personality. For this reason it is recommended that only experienced dog owners should have one. When trained and socialized, the Jack Russell gets along quite well with families and children.

Main Highlights
  • The Jack Russell is not suited for a solitary and sedate lifestyle. This dog is known to be very active, energetic, and athletic and therefore needs an outdoor environment for lots of play and exercise.
  • While the dog makes a great friend and a loyal companion, he has a headstrong independence. Even with training he needs special attention to ensure that he keeps within the bounds of the training he receives.
  • The Jack Russell is suitable for apartment living. He however needs a fenced-in yard where he can chase as he desires. They are good at chasing small animals, digging and barking. This terrier breed is a high jumper and therefore fencing should be constructed with this in mind.
  • This is a great family dog, getting along well especially with older children who can match his energy and athleticism.
  • Unlike other breeds which are associated with major health issues, the dog has few health concerns.
  • While the Jack Russell does not take kindly to other animals, it has a special affinity to horses and therefore relishes barn life.
Breed History

The Jack Russell breed has its origins in the mid-1800s in the Southern parts of England. Parson John Russell, also called “Jack”, and a hunting enthusiast of the period, needed an ideal dog breed to follow the horses and help foxhounds to hunt foxes. He needed a dog that would be able to follow and flush out the fox from its den so that the hounds could chase them. Parson John Russell set to work and was successful in developing a working dog breed of this nature.

The breed was used and made famous by those who especially engaged in hunting sports. The breed was recognized and given the name the Jack Russell terrier in recognition of the work of its creator, Parson John Russell. Although John Russell was extremely active in the English Kennel Club, he would not declare his breed in conformation shows.

Jack Russell enthusiasts maintained this status for the breed, preferring to prove the dog’s mettle in the field rather than presenting it in show rings. This tradition has been maintained even to today, although some Jack Russels have been entered in show rings.

The Jack Russell terrier has been known to America since the 1930s when breed fanciers have differences in opinions in regards to the dog’s appearance, working ability, and whether it should be entered in conformation shows or to be continued in working dog status. You will find this in the differences in status between the Jack Russell Terrier Club of America which designates it as a hunting dog, and the Jack Russell Terrier Association of America which maintains the working dog.


The Jack Russell is a small but sturdy and strong dog. Both males and females maintain similar height and weight. The dog stands at 12 – 14 inches high at the shoulder and weighs 13 – 17 pounds.

Personality and Character

The Jack Russell is a small bodied dog with a huge personality. Here is a dog that is cheerful, loving and devoted, and one that makes a great companion. This is a dog that has all the makings of an animal that is athletic with boundless amounts of energy. Without a care, he will chase anything he desires over fences and across the streets. He loves to be engaged in active pursuits and so he is not for persons who are not as active. The Jack Russell needs to be entertained at all times and when he does not get this he makes his own entertainment, often getting himself into all kinds of mischief.

Wrapped in this personality also, he is fearless and alert, making you know that a stranger is around with his endless barking. A part of this dog’s make up is his willfulness, and this usually lands him into trouble. Even with training the dog will break the rules to have his own way. Early socialization and training from puppy stage will help you curb his often wild spirit. Exposure to a variety of environments and sights and sounds is recommended for him. You should establish yourself as the leader of the pack or the dog will believe that he is in charge.

Health and Potential Problems
  • Ataxia: This is a neurological disease originating in the brain caused by the death of certain brain cells. The disease affects the cells that control balance. A dog troubled with ataxia walks with an unsteady gait often walking into objects. He has problems coordinating his leg movements. The condition is progressive but the course of the disease may not be the same in all dogs.
  • Legg-Calves-Perthes: This is a disease affecting the head of the thigh bone in the hip joint. Although it may sound similar to hip dysplasia that often affects other dog breeds, Legg-Calves-Perthes is more of a degenerative disease that causes weakness and wasting of the joint. It is a painful condition, accompanied by stiffness and reduced movement. The dog will tend to walk with the leg held high. You will notice the problem in the dog at about six months old. The condition, however, is considered curable with surgery for hip replacement. This is hereditary and good dog breeders will not seek to pass on the disease.
  • Lens Luxation: Older dogs tend to develop lens luxation. In this disease, the lens of one or both eye dislocates, causing pain and eyes that look red or opaque. Unfortunately, some owners fail to detect that there is a problem from early when the lens is partially separated. Early treatment can prevent blindness.
  • Patella Luxation: This is a condition in which the kneecap moves out of place. Also called floating patella, trick knee, or floating kneecap, this is a common problem among small dog breeds including Jack Russells. This causes lameness in the dog. Constant rubbing in the joint leads to arthritis and severe cases of luxation will need to be surgically repaired. Luxation of the patella usually starts at birth but is not obvious until later in life.
  • Von Willebrand’s Disease: A Jack Russell that is observed to have excessive bleeding if he gets a cut should be checked for von Willebrand’s disease. This is a bleeding problem caused from an abnormality in the function of platelets in the blood. The dog affected may bleed from the gums and nose, and blood could also appear in the urine. No cure has been found for von Willebrand’s disease. However, you can help your dog by preventing him from getting into rough fights and other unsafe conditions where he may receive injuries that cause bleeding.
Care Features

The care of the Jack Russell is not difficult and centers mainly on mental and physical stimulation. Although he is an indoor dog and likes to be near the family, he needs a space to be able to run at leisure, and the chance to explore on his own. Because of his natural instinct to chase and hunt, efforts should be made to make his environment safe since he will go off and get himself into trouble. An extensive enough yard surrounded by a strong, high fence will keep him from getting into confrontation with other dogs.

He is a very active dog and should be given very vigorous exercises. He will love a high paced walk twice a day. Walk him on a leash to prevent him from going after other animals, challenging bigger dogs, and getting in the way of cars. Also, engage him in active games that will help him burn off some of the energies that he has. Jack Russells love a good game of fetch, or you chasing him for a toy. In this latter activity, do not make it a habit unless you are incorporating the command for him to “drop it”.

Feeding Schedule

Recommended daily amount: 1 to 1.5 cups of high-quality dry food a day, divided into two meals.

The Jack Russell is a high energy dog and of such his diet should include food that will supply enough fuel to support him. While you probably would have liked to prepare him your own meat and vegetables, this may not be possible. If you choose to use commercial food for his nutrition, ensure he gets a high quality kibble.

Coat, Color and Grooming

You will find three coat types in the Jack Russell breed – rough, smooth and broken. The rough coat has a double coat, a short undercoat and a wiry outer coat. Dogs with this type of coat generally have longer than normal hair over the eyes and on the muzzle to form just a hint of a beard. Those with smooth coats come with short, flat hair lying close to the skin. Broken coated Russells have a texture that is between rough and smooth, the outer coat lying closer to the body than the rough coat. Broken coats may or may not have hair over the eyes or a beard.

Jack Russells are predominantly white in color with black or tan markings. You will also find dogs with tricolor. The dog was specially bred in white in their early development so that the hunters could see them in the field.

The grooming needs of the Jack Russell are not burdensome. As a house pet, your dog will need occasional baths, possibly once per week. The frequency of baths will depend on how active your dog is and whether he is one to dig and get himself messy.

Get him used to bathing from puppy stage and try to make it a fun activity for him. Although Jack Russells do not shed a lot, they need a bit of coat grooming. Brush their coat frequently to get rid of hair that would normally fall out during shedding. Dogs with rough or broken coats will need you to be gentle when brushing. Tangled coats can be painful when combed.

Toe nails will need to be trimmed especially in those Russells that do not work that hard. Be careful not to trim too close to the quick. This will expose the dog to infection.

Children And Other Pets Compatibility

The Jack Russell has a personality that is infectious and that draws people to him. He is a very friendly and playful dog, suitable for families with older and active children. Young children would not be able to match his rambunctious nature. It is also the nature of the Jack Russell to be aggressive towards smaller animals. He will chase guinea pigs, cats and snakes. He is also aggressive to other dogs especially those of his sex.


Jack Russell terriers are extremely active, energetic, and enthusiastic dogs that will demand the same energies from its owner. An inactive terrier is going to be unhappy and he will definitely show this by destroying items around the house.

This terrier is, however, a breed that anyone will love. He is friendly, intelligent, playful, and even amusing. Unlike many other breeds, he is not affected by any major health issues and he makes a good house pet.

Border Collie – Dog Breed History, Health & More

Border Collie - Dog Breed

The Border collie is the hardest of dogs that you can ever find. Raised to herd sheep and cattle, this dog is the ultimate in fitness, agility, and stamina. On top of this, he is super intelligent, often doing what he sees to be done. The Border collie is not your usual homely, house-oriented dog.

This is a breed that loves the outdoors and excels in chasing, catching, and jumping. This is one of the reasons that the breed is an excellent choice for sporting activities. The collie is a dog that is always looking for work to do and will look to you to fulfill his exercise demands.

Dog Breed Group: Working Dogs
Height: 1 foot, 9 inches to 2 feet tall at the shoulders
Weight: Generally 30 – 40 pounds
Life Span: 12 to 15 years


With the powerful and determined stare that is distinct in a border collie, and amazing skill at maneuvering sheep to move in the direction he wants them to go, the dog is the consummate companion of the sheep farmer in managing and securing his herd. At every command of the shepherd, he knows what to do and does it well. If there is ever a dog that you would want as an arduous worker and obedient one too, you will find it in a Border collie.

Border Collie Dog

The Border collie is quite a unique dog, a stand out for its super ability to keep working. It has an energy and stamina that is unmatched in any other dog because such is the collie’s makeup. This is a working dog whose trait was developed to run the hills of the Scottish border country helping sheep farmers in herding their sheep. The collie has turned out not only to be the most agile of breeds but also one with the greatest strength and endurance, covering an average of 50 miles per day.

The Border collie is not a large dog, carrying 30 – 40 pounds of body weight, a pretty normal size you would consider for a dog for the family. However, you will find that the collie is not one of those regular companion dogs that make a household pet easily.

It is not part of its nature to be a cuddly pet. You will discover his natural working dog instinct if you should bring him into your home. In fact, if you are not able to keep up in providing the amount of exercise that he requires, both you and dog will be deeply unhappy. The collie will want work to do and if he does not get it from you, he will find jobs which you may not be pleased with.

His natural instinct is to herd and he will find some task where he can prove his skills. So if not sheep, the Border collie will try to herd children, strangers, other animals, or any moving object. It is normal for this dog to shove, nip and bark at anything, something that he cannot resist because that’s just the way he is.

He is best involved in sporting games and competitions where he is always on the move. Games of sport such as fly ball, Frisbees, are up his street. It is not enough therefore to play a game of fetch or to take him on a brisk walk; the collie needs much more. You will need to engage the working dog instinct in him.

Aside from this, the Border collie is a highly intelligent dog making him one of the best to train for sporting activities. You cannot hold back his competitiveness when it comes to games such as sheepdog trials, agility, flyball, flying discs, advanced obedience, freestyle obedience or tracking. He will obey your every asking and will happily do so because he loves being given tasks to do. The collie will make you a great companion if you have the same energy and interest as he does.

Main Highlights
  • The Border collie is perhaps the smartest dog in the world, and is sensitive to the slightest of commands. He anticipates your actions and responds even without you telling him what to do.
  • The dog was originally bred to herd sheep and a Border collie in the home will demonstrate the same working characteristics. He will want something to do at all times and if not given, he may exhibit unhealthy behaviors such as barking, running around and chewing on items.
  • Although the collie demands a great deal of exercise and time, they do make great household companions if you can engage him in activities at all times.
  • Because of its agility and long endurance, the collie excels in sporting activities more than any other dog breed.
  • The Border collie is the best working dog and sheep farmers use them to herd their cattle and protect them from preys. Because the collie was developed for this purpose, the dog will naturally try to herd children, strangers, other animals and even cars and bikes.
  • The double coat of the collie makes them resistant to extreme climatic conditions. You will however need to brush the coat more frequently to prevent matting because the dog’s hair tends to grow a lot more during these times.
  • To get a healthy dog, never buy a puppy from an irresponsible breeder, puppy mill, or pet store. Look for a reputable breeder who tests her breeding dogs to make sure they’re free of genetic diseases that they might pass onto the puppies, and that they have sound temperaments.
Breed History

The Border collie dates back to the 1800s as a breed of dogs that was used in the herding and protection of sheep stocks. Owning sheep and other livestock was associated with wealth and so animal owners had to find a dog that would protect their property. The sheepdog of the day ran tirelessly the hilly terrains of the border regions between Scotland and England gathering and moving sheep wherever their shepherds want them to go. These sheepdogs were the hardiest of dogs, difficult to control and aggressive with the stocks, and at the same time highly intelligent.

The dogs were quite useful to the farmers as their great sense of control and obedience were assets that they could keep. Adam Telfer, a Northumbrian farmer looked for a milder-natured form of the dog and developed the “Hemp” from that sheepdog.

It was an impressive breed, a quiet, strong and agile dog yet quite intelligent in its outlook. The Hemp was first called Border collie by the Secretary of the International Sheepdog Society, James Reid when he was registering the breed. He needed to distinguish the working collie from the show collie that would demonstrate their showmanship at various sheepdog trials held in different areas. The name Border collie was fitting since it reflected a breed from the border regions of Scotland and England. The word “collie” also came from the Scottish dialect that means sheepdog.


The Border collie is not a large dog, but rather medium in size. Generally the male stands at a height of 19 inches to 2 feet and the female 18 to 21 inches at the shoulder. In addition, male dogs generally weigh 30 – 45 pounds (14 – 20 kg) and females 27 – 42 pounds (12 – 19kg).

Personality and Character

High endurance — The Border collie is characteristically a working dog. This is his general disposition and will demonstrate to you that this is the only way he knows to behave. The dog has boundless energies and is able to keep running all day. So he will be chasing after and herding everything moving, from animals to children to cars. This dog is not your usual pet in the lap or couch animal that will have a quiet time when you need one.

It is in him to be active and so having something to do at all time. His very playful nature will have you engaged at all times also and if you are up to it, you will find a great friend in him. His enduring characteristics make him suitable for canine sports.

Highly intelligent – This dog is considered the most intelligent of dogs. He is highly trainable as he learns very quickly, and there can be a problem to keep him challenged all the time. His sensitive nature keeps him alert and responsive to every signal that is given. Therefore, at the sound of a whistle, a signal of the hand or the raising of the brow, the dog is all yours in obedience.

Anticipating — Because of his highly intelligent nature, the collie is always one step ahead of you in anticipation of what next you will ask him to do. Therefore they easily learn cues such as dinner time, strangers coming over or going out for exercise. When working in the capacity as sheepdog, they always think ahead and anticipate what the sheep will do and how to manage them effectively. This makes them the excellent workers they are as they have the capacity to work independently.

Obsessively demanding – The collie’s high intelligence coupled with a strong drive to work cause him to be demanding especially when he is not getting his way. You will observe that if he is not engaged he will constantly be running around in circles as if he is herding, or he may be chasing after an object, or aggressively chewing or tearing at something. This he does in frustration of not having work to do. When he wants to work, he often does not take no for an answer and therefore can be aggravatingly annoying.

A hoarder – The Border collie is known for his propensity to hoard. He may have a favorite toy that he plays with and when he invites you to share playing with it you should consider it an honor. He may collect other toys also and stash them away in his bed or in other concealed area. You know you have work to do to teach him to share when this problem develops.

At the same time he can be shy especially around strangers and other dogs and so must be socialized for better interaction. He is also a dog that likes to be in company and therefore tends to have separation anxiety when left alone.

Health and Potential Problems

Border collies generally experience good health. For such active lifestyle, it is difficult to see a collie with health issues. However, like most other dog breeds they are prone to certain health problems that are handed down through generations. For this cause, a dog owner who intends to acquire a Border collie should check reputable dog breeding agencies to get health clearances for their dog.

Hip dysplasia: This is a common genetic disease for the Border collie, the problem occurring in the hip joint and in lesser incidences, the elbow joint. The problem occurs because the head of the thigh bone does not fit properly in the socket of the hip joint.

A dog can have hip dysplasia and you may not notice it. However, because of the constant wear on the bones in that area, degeneration of the bone tissues (degenerative joint disease) occurs and inflammation sets in to produce pain. In this instance the dog may begin to walk with a limp. Hip dysplasia becomes noticeable by the dog is two years old. It is recommended that dogs with hip dysplasia should not be bred. As such you should check with the breeder to ensure that the dog’s parents are cleared of the problem.

Epilepsy: Here is another common health issue that is found among collies. This disease is also thought to be genetically caused. Luckily, it is not a problem that will interfere significantly with quality of life and can be managed effectively by medication. The disease manifests itself by seizures, unconsciousness and disorientation. The dog can also display behaviors that can be frightening – running around in circles as if being chased, staggering, falling down, and limbs becoming rigid.

Collie eye anomaly: This is the third most common disease affecting the Border collie. Collie eye anomaly is a group of eye disorders that appear in the dog by he is two years old. The problem can be detected in dogs from 5 – 6 weeks. The eye condition is inherited and features abnormal developments of different areas of the eye – the choroid, the optical disc, the sclera and the retina.

You will understand that the collie’s eyes are one of his greatest assets, using them in an almost hypnotic manner to control his subjects when herding. It is recommended that dogs with collie eye anomaly should not be bred and would-be dog owners should seek clearance from the Canine Eye Registry Foundation (CERF) before they acquire a dog from that breed. The breed also suffers other eye conditions such as glaucoma and cataract but these are not very common in the dog.

Loss of hearing: The Border collie also has a genetic defect that causes it to lose its hearing early in life or during adulthood. Early life deafness is usually associated with dogs that carry a gene associated with coat color pigmentation. Adult dog hearing loss is progressive and this can start occurring from as early as one year up to eight years.

Other conditions: The Border collie is also affected by several other disorders that are genetically responsible and some of which are specific to the breed. Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis for example is a neurological impairment found specifically in show collies and not in the working breed. Affected dogs do not usually live beyond two years. Fortunately, DNA tests can be done to track the disease carrying gene and prevent any breeding of these dogs.

Trapped neutrophil syndrome is also hereditary and a condition where white blood cells from the marrow of the bone is prevented from entering the blood stream. This causes the dog’s immune system to weaken, making him more prone to other infections. Undoubtedly this is a fatal condition but DNA testing can stop the furthering of this disease.

Some collies carry a genetic makeup that produces what resembles freckles in the dogs and also one eye having an odd color usually blue. The merle gene in Collies is not a serious condition but when bred together can lead to potential vision problems.

Care Features

If you have an intention to adopt a Border collie, you need to be mindful that he is not the regular dog that is suited for indoor environments such as living in an apartment. When a dog like the Border collie has so much energy, you have to plan his care along that line.

He has too much energy to be pent up in enclosed living spaces. Similarly, he is too intelligent to be lying around without his mind being engaged. This breed needs an environment that gives him room to exercise and roam free. He should therefore be given enough access to the outdoors. As the owner, if you are not up to the task of exercising him at the energy level with which he goes by, he may not be a good companion for you. This is a recipe for his frustration.

The collie carries a coat that grows a lot during the winter period and will need occasional brushing to prevent undercoat entanglement. You would also want to keep it free from tangle under the summer heat. Because the dog is highly active and is naturally on the move a great deal, he can suffer from heat exhaustion which as you know can be fatal for him. Border collies often take position in the shade and cool themselves off in water after carrying out some hard work.

The herding instinct of the collie will always play out and he needs to be protected from himself sometimes. Therefore in his quest to herd moving objects like cars, he needs to be trained against this behavior as it can lead to his demise. You should seek to stop him from inappropriate herding. Where you will keep the dog as a part of your family, it is recommended that the dog be spayed or neutered to temper his working dog behavior and give you a bit of peace of mind.

It would be useful to keep your dog’s mind and body active because he will demand it. If you do not provide this, he can be at his worse behavior and collies are known to chew their way out. Enrol for relevant dog sporting competitions and activities being held that will help to engage him. His care can never be left without his occasional visits and examination at the vet.

Feeding Schedule

Recommended daily amount: Generally, 2 – 3 cups of dry food fed twice per day is sufficient for a dog at 40 pounds.

Feeding the Border collie should be done keeping in mind that it is a dog that expends a huge amount of energy in their daily activities. Nutrition is an important aspect of their health and well-being. If at ant any time you feel unsure about how much to feed your collie, one of the best ways to know is from your vet who will weigh the dog, feel his body make up and advise on his diet.

Commercial dog food is being developed and sold with the complete dog nutrition in mind and the Border collie will get all the right nutrients if you follow the manufacturer’s instructions on the labels. Puppies at two months can be fed ½ to 1 cup per day. Again, observe your dog to see if he may be gaining too much weight with the amount you are feeding and cut back if this is happening. Their muscles, joints and bones are important to their agility and speed and can be seriously affected from being overweight.

Coat, Color and Grooming

The Border collie carries two varieties of coats – rough and smooth. Both varieties have a double coat, a coarse outer coat and a smoother, softer undercoat. The rougher coated collie variety is of medium length hair with feathering under the belly, legs and chest; while the smoother coat is shorter and rougher to the touch. There is little feather in this variety.

The Border collie comes in a variety of canine colors. A collie can be solid, bicolor, tri-color, or merle. This dog breed however most often appears in black with a white blaze on the neck, face and tail tip. You will not find a white border collie.

Grooming needs are not extravagant for the collie because as you know he is a working dog. The collie sheds lightly but will need weekly brushing to reduce the amount of shed hair around the house. Brushing also prevents rougher coats from matting and generally spreads coat oil evenly.

Coats will matt mostly at the change of the seasons and may require more frequent brushing. Unless a collie loves to play in mud, he does not need a bath until every few months. Ensure however that teeth get weekly cleaning to remove tarter that builds up. Also dogs are prone to ear infection and therefore their ears are to be cleaned with a vet approved swab to prevent bacterial infection.

Children And Other Pets Compatibility

Although the Border collie is fiercely demanding of activities to do, it makes a great family dog. This you will have however if he is trained properly from the puppy stage. He gets along well with other pets and children although his natural herding instincts will arise and he will nip, chase, and bark at kids as they play about the house.

For more harmonious relationships, it is recommended that dog owners teach their kids certain responsible behaviors when dealing with any dog breed. Children should refrain from pulling at the tail of the dog. Importantly you should teach your child how to approach and touch a dog, ensuring that they know that they should never go near when the dog is sleeping, or try to take his food when he is eating. The guiding principle is that children should never be left unsupervised in the company of a dog.


The Border collie is not the usual pet that lazes around the house. He loves the outdoors and requires space where he can be himself. This dog has the working dog instincts in him and even in a home environment will seek to demonstrate this characteristic.

If you are able to engage the dog in sporting activities and provide him with the amount of exercise that he needs, he will be a loyal companion for you. Although the collie is the most agile and long enduring dog you will ever find, he still requires the attention and care that all dogs require.

Alaskan Malamute – Dog Breed Characteristics

Alaskan Malamute

The Alaskan Malamute is an extremely powerful dog with a sturdy body that was meant for stamina and strength. It is considered one of the oldest dog breeds whose looks haven’t changed much since they’re original incarnation. They’re highly intelligent and need a job to keep them happy. Providing them with consistent leadership prevents them from taking over and becoming a challenge.

Dog Breed Group: Working dogs
Height: Twenty-three to twenty-five inches at the shoulder
Weight: 75 to 100 pounds
Life Span: 12 to 15 years


Seeing an Alaskan Malamute for the first time is quite impressive, especially for his large size and wolf-like facial markings. It is often believed that they are part wolves and are hired to play them on television and movies, but they’re nothing more than a domesticated dog. They possess tremendous amounts of strength, energy, intelligence, and endurance.

They were originally bred to pull heavy sleds over extremely long distances and to hunt seals and polar bears. However, they’re now chosen for companionship. They do exceedingly well at obedience competitions, backpacking, recreational sledding, and weight pulling.

Be wary, however; when the Alaskan Malamute isn’t paying you attention, he’s probably getting into mischief. They aren’t against raiding your trash bin, surfing your counters for food, or digging in your backyard when left unsupervised. They need to get something done often requires their owners to take more active roles in providing them with entertainment.

On the upside of that note, the Malamute will regard everyone that they meet as their friend. This does not make him very suitable as a watchdog. His size and imposing wolf-like face may scare away intruders, but that’s the only kind of protection he’ll provide for your home.

Alaskan Malamute Breeds

When it comes to exercise, the Alaskan Malamute does well with plenty of room and many opportunities to get in as much exercise as possible. Without it, they become quite bored and restless. Due to their independence, they can sometimes be regarded as stubborn or stupid, but their intelligence shines through with the right kind of training.


When it comes to the Alaskan Malamute, you’ll have a loving dog who can be a bit of a trickster if you’re not careful. He’s likely to jump at any opportunity to steal a snack or a treat around the house, whether it’s from your counters or your garbage cans. Take care to make these dogs proof, or spend time training him to leave these tempting treats alone.

Don’t succumb to that happy doggy smile; that’s what he wants you to do, so that he feels he has free reign of the home. But by providing with plenty of exercise and mental stimulation, he’ll accept his place within the home and will do nothing more than to see you happy.

Rhodesian Ridgeback – Dog Breed Facts, Pets Compatibility & Care

Rhodesian Ridgebacks Traits

Bred in South Africa at the start of the 20th century, this hound is probably one of the most daring hounds that you will encounter. The initial idea was to obtain a lean, strong, muscular dog with enough grace to win a pageant but enough strength and willpower to keep a fully grown adult lion at bay until the master delivers the killing blow. This was exactly what they got, and more.

Nicknamed “the lion dog”, the Rhodesian Ridgeback has been, and still is, building an impressive and outstanding heritage both in South Africa and in other parts of the world.

Breed Characteristics

Rhodesian Ridgeback
Dog Breed Group: Hounds
Height: 2feet
Weight: 70-85 lbs.
Life Span: 10-12 years


The main way of recognizing a Rhodesian Ridgeback is by its muscular body and its iconic short golden coat. It is an appealing and attractive dog breed; however it is so in a subtle way, allowing you to appreciate its beauty without getting distracted by it.

Moving on from its aesthetics, we need to keep in mind that this dog does not go by on its looks alone. This dog is smart and adaptable, and even though the breed itself was developed at the start of the 20th century for hunting reasons, this dog has seen a lot of action outside the hunting grounds as well.

Rhodesian Ridgeback

Rhodesian Ridgebacks have played a significant role in the huge civil war that shook South Africa down to its core, they helped carry correspondence through the zones that were at war with each other, their loyalty and their courage served them well as they were both willing and able to stand up to groups of heavily armed guerilla fighters in order to defend their families, and they managed to do so successfully.

It’s safe to say that this is not your average hunting dog, but rather looks, courage, loyalty and focus wrapped into a nice four legged canine package.

It’s not all fun and roses with this dog breed though. The Rhodesian ridgeback is not exactly easy to train because of its pure stubbornness and the fact that he or she will simply downright not listen to anything or anyone that is not the master.

Australian Ridgeback Breed

It should also be said that this is not exactly the perfect dog for life in an apartment.

Just by looking at its muscles and the shape of the body that this dog is rocking, you will see that individuals from this dog breed require quite a bit of daily exercise and quite some attention in the physical department.


The Rhodesian Ridgeback is probably one of the best dogs out there. It has a history stretching right through some of the bloodiest and harshest conflicts in the world, in which this dog has made a difference several times.

Mother nature was more than generous with this breed, giving it a solid frame, incredible stamina, a metric ton of endurance, a trainload of bravery, and the speed and agility which allow the dog to not only cover an unfathomable amount of ground, but also outrun wild horses and stand toe to toe with the kings of the jungle, the lions, and hold them back while their masters take the shot.

It was nicknamed “The African Lion Dog”, it was and it is still being referred to as “The Navy Seals of dog breeds”, and make no mistake about it, this dog will go to hell and back, then back again for you because of the loyalty, faithfulness and outstanding level of devotion that it possesses for its master.

German Shorthaired Pointer – Dog Breed Care, Shedding, Feeding & More

German Shorthaired Pointer

The German Shorthaired Pointer (GSP) is a dog breed of medium to large size that originated in the 19th century, in Germany. This breed is known for having strong and powerful built together with great legs that make them run really fast. The ears are floppy while the muzzle is strong, broad, and long which enables any German Shorthaired Pointer to retrieve game of almost any weight.

When it comes to this dog’s eyes, they are usually brown.

Breed Characteristics

German Shorthaired Pointer

Dog Breed Group: Sporting Dogs
Height: 1 foot, 9 inches to 2 feet, 1 inch tall at the shoulder
Weight: Generally 45 to 70 pounds
Life Span: 12 to 15 years


Having in mind that this breed has a very short coat you’ll understand why they are very vulnerable to low temperatures and cold climate in general. They also have almost no undercoat at all therefore they should not spend too much time outside during winter.

When it comes to their adaptability with novice owners, it is not very high – this breed is intelligent, but also stubborn and requires much training. An owner who is a novice would not be able to handle all this pressure.

The German Shorthaired Pointer does not adapt well to apartment living, simply because he loves nature, hunting, running and spending a lot of time outdoors. If you cannot give this to your pet, you should not consider taking this breed at all. This is also related to them not liking to be alone, which means that you should never leave them confined for a long period of time. They like to be with their owner and they are even happier when they can be with him/her outdoors.

German Shorthaired Pointer

When it comes to barking and howling, the German Shorthaired Pointers do not do this very often, but they still make various noises when hunting down game. Another very important and also most known trait in this breed is their wanderlust potential. If they are not trained properly, they will simply wander off, which can turn into a disastrous situation. To avoid this, you need to train obedience from an early age so your dog does not take off whenever he hears an interesting noise or sees something that takes his interest.

The GSP is known as a very intelligent, aloof, active and playful dog. He is a great hunter and loves catching the game for his owner. Their specialty is going after water fowl in the water and going after all kinds of birds in the wild.


At the end of the day, the German Shorthaired Pointer is a dog that needs lots of exercising and playing. He loves being around his owner and he prefers a house over an apartment.

This breed has an inborn instinct for hunting and killing smaller animals, and he also can be easily distracted by interesting noises in the wild and movements. Additionally, he has a tendency for mouthiness, which means that he might nip at you or other family members, which is a way of showing affection and playfulness. However, as you already know, that is not comfortable for people, so he should be trained to nip at toys instead of your arms and legs.

An early socialization with other people, children and small pets is a must. Otherwise, your parrot, cats or hamsters might be in danger.

Before getting a specific dog breed, you should get informed beforehand about its specific characteristic, so you can be sure whether you can or not give the dog the best life he deserves. Hopefully this article has been proven helpful in that regard. The German Shorthaired Pointer is definitely a beautiful and intelligent dog that will love you as much as possible, and he also deserves the same.

Weimaraner – Dog Breed Coat Care, Health & Feeding

Originally, the Weimaraner was bred to be a gun dog and was mostly used by hunters in handling big games such as bears and deer due to their exceptional speed and endurance. In Germany and most parts of Europe, the Weimaraner became one of the most sought-after dog breeds.

Apart from having exceptional speeds and endurance, the Weimaraner is also very bold and high-spirited, which many at times can be too much for small kids. The Weimaraner dog breed loves to run and be free, but when penned up, they tend to be frustrated and destructive.

All in all, if well trained, these dog breeds can be great family dogs as well as good hunting dogs. The Weimaraner will function very well with dog owners who are very active and love outdoor activities.

Breed Characteristics

Breed Characteristics - Weimaraner

Dog Breed Group: Sporting Dogs
Height: Generally 1 foot, 11 inches to 2 feet, 3 inches tall at the shoulder
Weight: Generally 55 to 85 pounds
Life Span: 11 to 13 years


The Weimaraner’s first and earliest job was to be an all-around hunting dog who was to handle huge game such as deer and bears. It is important to note that this highly skilled dog breed was given its name after the place where he was trained: the Court of Weimar. The nobleman of this court was keen on having a dog that was not only intelligent but also highly courageous and had exceptional scenting abilities. It is still unknown as to how they succeeded in coming up with such a remarkable dog breed.

However, most researchers and breeders believe that there were several breeds that were used to create the Weimaraner. These breeds include the English pointer, the Blue Great Dane, Silver-Grey Huehnerhund, Chicken Dog, and the Blood Hound. During this period, the Weimaraner was widely known as the Weimar Pointer but today the Weimaraner is commonly referred to as the Silver Ghost, Weims, Shadow, and Grey Ghost. Some of their appeals lie in this breed’s sleek mouse gray, light amber, gray, or blue-gray eyes.

Apart from the Weimaraner’s distinctive appearance, they are also extremely devoted and loving to their owners. The Weimaraner dog breed’s first desire is to be with his or her owner at all times and many at times within touching range. This is why the Weimaraners are sometimes referred to as the Shadows.

Many times this dog breed will not only lie at your feet but also follow you everywhere in the house. With that being said, it is important to note that Weimaraners were not bred for everyone, especially first-time dog owners. Apart from having a great deal of energy, this dog also has a lot of stamina and hence will require both physical and mental exercises from time to time.

Without exercise, the Weims tend to become high-strung and extremely nervous. Also, they can be quite a handful with lots of energy and calories to burn. Apart from being hyperactive, they also possess the intelligence of determining how and when to get out of trouble.

As hunting dogs, the Weimaraner dog breed has an exceedingly high prey drive. Without proper training or the correct owner, the Weimaraner will end up chasing and killing anything that may resemble a victim i.e. cats, mice, small dogs, frogs, and many others. After killing their prey, they tend to present their trophies to the dog owner. From time to time, they might end up chasing after bicyclists and other joggers.

Weimaraner - Dog Breed

Despite this dog breed’s exceptional hunting skills and instincts, the Weimaraner dog breed is also an excellent house dog. They are not suited to live in Kennels or kept away especially in the backyard without any human interaction. It is also important to note that Weimaraners are independent thinkers hence they will test your boundaries from time to time. If you haven’t owned one before, you might then consider taking puppy classes as the first step then obedience classes.

When conducting training sessions, you should be gentle but also firm because if you employ the use of harsh treatment, he or she may end up being resentful. All in all, with the Correct type of training, the Weimaraner will become a highly versatile, up close hunting dog that is not only complete in agility but also an exceedingly beautiful family friend.

Main Highlights
  • Despite the fact that the Weimaraner is a hunting dog breed, they do not like spending a lot of time outdoors. They will always require extra attention and most of the time they are always going to be close to you.
  • They have lots of energy and stamina. As a dog owner, you must be prepared to offer them a lot of physical and mental exercises.
  • Weims are exceedingly intelligent and have the ability to think for themselves. Training must be firm, gentle, and consistent and must be conducted throughout their lives.
  • Unlike Golden Retrievers, Weimaraner is not soft-mouthed, and most of them will have low tolerance levels for small animals such as rabbits and also dogs, and cats.
  • When left alone for extended periods of time, Weims may suffer from separation anxiety. Hence they will bark, injure themselves or become highly destructive.
  • Many times, this dog breed can be extremely difficult to housetrain. Hence crate training is highly recommended.
  • When it comes to obtaining a quality Weimaraner, you must never get one from an irresponsible dog breeder, pet store or puppy mill.
Breed History

The Weimaraner dog breeds date back to the 19th century, in the Weimar courts, what is now known as Germany. The noblemen of the Weimar courts loved hunting and they were constantly looking for a breed that is not only intelligent but also very courageous, has stamina and finally good scenting abilities. In the year 1897, an elite club was established in Germany with the main purpose of maintaining the breed and ensuring that every responsible owner is going to oversees its development.

As time went by, it became extremely difficult for the Germans to retain the dogs in Germany and during World War 2 many Weimaraner dog breeds were transported to the United States. Towards the end of World War 2, more and more American soldiers returned home with the Weimaraner. The popularity of this unique dog breed continued to rise, especially when the American president at that time Dwight D. Eisenhower decided to bring back his Weimaraner, Heidi back to the United States.

Towards 1950’s the Weimaraner breed were ranked as the 12th most popular dog breeds to be registered by the American Kennel Club. However, this in turn resulted in lots of careless breeding that in turn led to a drop in quality.


Male Weimaraner’s are usually 25-27 inches tall and weigh between 70-80 pounds and female Weimaraner’s are 23-27 inches tall and will weigh between 55-70 pounds

Personality and Character

According to the earliest anecdotes about the Weimaraner dog breed, the Weims were perfect in all aspects. All in all, the Weimaraner is not only fearless but also highly obedient, alert and all other traits that in turn makes him one of the best companions. However, many times, the Weims can be very assertive, restless, willful and smart. When the Weims is not being watched, he or she can decide to take over the house.

Apart from chewing, the Weimaraner will also bark from time to time and, in some cases, even chase after the cat. He or she may also decide to steal meat from your kitchen counter when given the opportunity. With the right amount of training and socialization, all these negative behaviors can be a thing of the past.

Other unwanted traits such as shyness and aggression are usually quite common. However, they can be controlled when the dog is young if the dog owner will require the assistance of an extremely experienced trainer. As a major issue that is common among the Weems, temperament is usually influenced by several factors such as training, socialization, and heredity.

When selecting a puppy, you should consider choosing one that is somehow in between, not too shy nor very aggressive. Also, before picking a puppy, you should also consider meeting at least on the puppy’s’ parents, especially the mother. From the mother, you can be able to determine as to whether you will be able to handle the temperament or not. Apart from meeting the mother, you can also ask to meet the siblings and any other relative that may be available.

All in all, like all dogs, Weimaraner’s will require early socialization so that they can be exposed to lots of people, sounds, experiences and sights. But unlike other dog breeds whose socialization may stop, the Weimaraner’s socialization must be continued throughout his or her lifetime. Through socialization, all puppies will be able to grow into well-rounded, friendly and outgoing dogs.

Health and Potential Problems

Weimaraner’s are usually very healthy but like most breeds, they are also predisposed to several health conditions. If you are planning to purchase a puppy, you must look out for a good breeder who is going to show you, all of the dog’s health clearance certificates. For this particular dog breed, you should see a clearance certificate from OFA (Orthopedic Foundation for Animals for Elbow Dysplasia, Hip Dysplasia, hypothyroidism and the Von Willebrand’s disease. The von Willebrand’s clearance certification must be from the Auburn University. Another certificate must be from the CERF, the Canine Eye Registry Foundation that will certify that the dog’s eyes are healthy.

  • Hip Dysplasia – an aberration of the hip joint and may affect either one or both sides of the hips. Dogs with this condition may show some signs and symptoms while others may not show any signs. All in all, despite the fact that this condition is usually inherited, other conditions such as environment, diet are rapid growth will also contribute to the development of this condition.
  • Von Willebrand’s disease – a congenital blood condition and is usually caused by a deficiency in the clotting factor VII, which is sometimes referred to as the Von Willebrand factor. For this condition, the primary signs are excessive bleeding after surgery or an injury. Apart from excessive bleeding, there are also other signs such as bleeding gums, nosebleeds or intestinal bleeding. Many dogs with the Von Willebrand’s disease will lead an ordinary life, however if this disease is a concern to you, you might ask your veterinarian to conduct some tests.
  • Gastric Dilation Volvulus – also known as Torsion or bloat, the Gastric Dilation Volvulus is a fatal condition that many at times will affect dogs that are very broad and deep-chested. Also, this condition can occur especially if these dogs are usually fed one meal each day, drink huge pints of water after feeding or they tend to eat very quickly. Apart from the torsions, the dog will experience difficulties in vomiting and Hence the movement of the blood to the circulatory system is stopped. Once the blood pressure stops, the dog will fall into a shock. If immediate medical attention is not given to the dog, he or she may die.
  • Hypothyroidism – mostly caused by the deficiency of thyroid hormones. Once a dog experience hypothyroidism, he or she may experience mental dullness, infertility, obesity and general lack of energy. Apart from that, the dog’s fur tends to become very coarse and brittle and may start to fall out in the long run while the skin will begin to turn dark. Treatment of hypothyroidism can be done by issuing thyroid pills each day throughout the dog’s life.
  • Progressive Retinal Atrophy – a progressive eye condition that may result in blindness since it affects the photoreceptors of the eye. This condition can be detected while the early stages even before the dog starts to show any signs of the condition. Also, if a dog becomes blind due to the disease, all the other senses will compensate for the loss of sight. It is important to note that all reputable breeders always have their dogs checked each year by a highly experienced ophthalmologist.
Care Features

The first thing that every dog owner must know about the Weimaraner is that he is a house dog hence he or she should not be placed in the backyard or kennel. A large backyard that is fenced for running and exercises is perfect for them. All Weims require several hours of activities if you are keen on getting rid of unwanted barking, digging and chewing. During the exercises, you can choose to play fetch or any other running game that you can think. Also, you can elect to involve him or her in a dog sport like a fly ball or agility. From time to time, you can also take him hunting.

As a dog owner, you should always ensure that the backyard does not have any loophole the dog might use to escape. When inside the house, you should expect the Weims to follow you every place, from the kitchen to the bathroom. Unlike a mature dog, the puppies are usually a challenge so they will require constant supervision. Apart from being difficult to housetrain, the puppies are also exceedingly destructive. Hence, for puppies, Crate training is highly recommended. Irrespective of the age, most Weimaraner’s tend to suffer from separation anxiety. If not addressed, separation anxiety will result in destructive behaviors.

Besides being extremely intelligent, the Weimaraner is also an independent thinker. This combination is what tends to make this dog a challenge during training. You should be very gentle but also very firm.

Feeding Schedule

When it comes to feeding, the recommended amount is between 2.5 to 3.5 cups of top notch dried dog food that must be distributed into two meals. It is still imperative to note that the amount of food required will depend on several factors such as size, build, age, activity level and metabolism. For dogs that are exceedingly active, they are going to require more food than those who are dormant. Hence, you must look at all those factors when determining the amount of food required by your pet. Apart from that, you can also seek extra assistance from a reputable nutritionist or veterinarian for assistance.

The type of food that you will give to your Weim will also have an enormous impact. As a dog owner, you should make a point in ensuring that the type of dog food that you give your dog is of high quality. In addition, you can also ensure that your dog retains its proper physical appearance. If you suspect that the dog is overweight, you can then conduct the eye test to determine if it’s true or not.

Coat, Color and Grooming

The coat of the Weimaraner is usually very smooth, sleek, short and robust, with colors ranging from silver-grey to mouse gray and will include lighter shades on the ears and head. In America, Weims with long coats are not recognized by the AMC however, in Europe and many other countries, the long-haired Weimaraner is accepted. All in all, the nose is usually dark gray in color during the insides of the lips and flaps often contain gaunt coats or no coats at all, and the skin in this area is pink. With that being said, Weims are one of the easiest dogs to groom. This fact can be noted when the dog runs through mud, and the dirt comes off very quickly without any brushing.

Weekly brushing is highly recommended as it will not only keep the skin and coat healthy. When brushing, you should ensure that you use a bristle brush instead of any other brush. Like other dogs, this breed tends to shade from time to time. However brushing will ensure that any loose hair is kept on the furniture or your clothes. So, as to ensure that his or her silvery coat remains shining, you should wipe it with a chamois. Since this breed tends to roll in anything that is stinky, you should expect to wash him or her from time to time. Also it is critical to note that many dogs with falling years tend to be predisposed to ear infections. As a dog owner, you must check the dog’s ears on a weekly basis and then you should wipe them with moistened cotton swabs.

When it comes to brushing, you must brush the Weims teeth around two to three times every week so that you can remove any bacteria or tarter that might have built up. If you are looking for an ideal way to keep off bad breath and gum diseases, then daily brushing is highly recommended. Apart from brushing, you must also trim the dog’s nail at least once or twice each month. An excellent way to know when to cut a Weims nail is if you hear them clicking on your home’s floor as the dog walks. By cutting your dog’s nails, you will not only be keeping it in a great condition but also you are going to prevent him or her from scratching your legs.

Children And Other Pets Compatibility

Weims are exceptional companions but any interaction between the dog and children must be conducted under supervision. Also, you should teach your children not to approach the dog during feeding time or while the dog is sleeping. Regardless as to whether a dog is friendly or not, he or she must not be left with a child without any supervision.

Also, if you are a family with cats, birds, gerbils, hamsters or small dogs, then this dog breed is not the right fit. This is because of the high prey drive that this breed has so they can attack and kill anything that is small and furry around them.


Despite the fact that they are widely known for their extremely high prey drive, Weims also do love sleeping. Apart from that they are sprinters and not long distance runners. Hence they are going to be satisfied with daily walks though you might also take him or her along for jogging.

Also, Weims tend to do well in homes or apartments that may have a smaller backyard however they will require a rather substantial fence to keep them in and from chasing after other dogs or passersby. All in all, Weimaraners will appreciate a belly rub from time to time.