Bloat in Dogs – What, Why and How to Prevent

Bloat in Dogs

Bloating is a way of the body reacting to signal the mistake that has occurred during the long process of digestion of the food consumed immediately past! This is a well-known medical reaction observed in humans too and generally referred to as ‘gas’ or gastro-intestinal trouble as well. The wrongful digestion of food can occur in many ways in a dog.

One must understand the primary reason why dogs bloat up in order to resolve it steadfast. This is mainly the effect of collecting too much gas due to improper digestion of certain foods or food elements. This can cut off the contact and circulation with the heart, back and forth due to the uneven stretching.

The primary result of lack of blood can be terribly painful when the stomach actually begins to convulse in the event of bloating in dogs. During the stomach (or volvulus) bloating, the pain can be terrible and spasms can appear as the main effect of trapped gas.

The same, when happening in your dog is, called bloating up, which requires care as the dog can end up in one position without movement or in confusion, which can make things worse as well.

Dog bloat up

This is also, known to induce the dog into cardiac arrest at the end of a heavy shock when the stomach starts to actually feel filled and growing. The golden rule of bloating up observation is ‘RUN TO THE VET NOW’!!!

Why Do Dogs Bloat Up?

The primary cause of bloat is quite unknown to the medical experts and researchers but is debated to be indigestion problems like:


One of the most significant problems of bloating up, overeating is caused by either because of a sickness or normal hunger pangs. One must take care to never, feed the dog according to its demands, but in the right measure. Dogs are generally, known to be one of the hungriest pets to have around.

Getting fed by their master or by strangers is almost like an acknowledgment or reward to the dog’s cognitive head and one must take care not to lose the sense in feeding or rewarding the dog too much with tasty treats! If you notice your dog eating too much, check out this article on figuring out how much to feed your dog to avoid giving him too much.

Intake of Allergic Food Items

A clear problem of dietary or individual problems of sensitive stomach and allergy towards specific food items can induce reactions of skin or hair loss as well as bloating up of the stomach. Allergies can cause a reaction of extreme discomfort for dogs with sensitive stomachs such that it bloats up steadfast.

One must beware of the dog’s allergies and sensitivity problems at all times of feeding or caring for the dog so that you know how to prevent bloating in your dog. To figure out if your dog is indeed allergic to any ingredients, be sure to check out this article on getting your dog tested for allergies.

Uneven Feeding Schedule or Quantity

A significant problem of improper diet and nourishment, the dog can suffer from starvation and uneven production of acids as well as digestion rates. All of this together can induce a sense of chaos in the guts of the digestive system.

If you feed your dog unevenly or if your dog is having an unhealthy feeding habit or quantity of nutrients in the food, he will end up having stomach ailments, which can lead up to bloating to the serious conditions.

Lack of Exercise or Overdoing Exercise

Another easily noticeable problem, which results in your dog’s stomach bloating, is an uneven schedule of exercises. A regular dose of exercise that is not too less or too much is necessary and indispensable for the hygiene of your dog.

Lack of this exercise shuts up his portals to vent out the hyperactivity accumulated in him while overdoing the exercise tires him to a point of complete collapse, overeating, or cramped muscles.

Consistent Diet

A common problem for all digestive disorders in dogs is the consistency in diet with none a change. This tends to create opposing and rebelling physical attitudes toward the food.

One must always take care to give the dog food that is never too predictable, alongside sufficient treats and tasty surprise snacks as well as bones. A consistent diet tires out your dog’s enthusiasm and curiosity for food as well as triggers other awful appetites or tastes.


If you notice bloating in your stomach, this can also be a significant signal of your dog’s ill health in the deeper domains. You must immediately, take the dog to a veterinarian to conclude the problem in order to treat it immediately and as soon as you notice signs of bloat in your dog.

Genetic Reasons

Another prominent cause of bloating up is genetic or hereditary reasons, history, or being a breed vulnerable to certain events. Aggressive dogs or the ones with other psychological disorders can also bloat up and be caged or trapped in a cramp. Older dogs are also hence, noticed to be the major victims of getting bloated up.

How to Help Your Dog From Bloating Up

Although bloating is clear and steadfast or sudden in a healthy and fit dog, one must know the signs to cite immediately that the discomfort in the dog is due to bloating in order to consult a veterinarian.

  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Moaning or groaning
  • Restlessness or pacing
  • Retching and salivation
  • Gagging
  • Pale tongue and gums
  • Rapid breaths
  • Loss of breath
  • Increased heart rates
  • Collapse or fainting

Now, coming to helping your dog from bloating up or the first aid of bloating up is, elaborated through the following steps:

Slow down your dog’s rate of consumption

One of the main reasons for bloating up in dogs is overeating and subsequent indigestion. Commonly, this is not severe, and to get rid of it, you should cut down the rate of how many gulps your dog takes from the food bowl.

Dogs have a tendency of eating a lot of air while eating, which is also a reason for bloating up. Start with giving him smaller food portions, several times a day.

Spread the food around or divide it into many portions

This is the next step to tactfully minimizing the air intake along with the food while dividing the food in smaller portions in the bowl.

This makes your dog lose its enthusiasm to have a lot of food and is done with feeding fast. There are many bowls specifically made for adult dogs with 8-12 different slots for food to be spread-out. Utilize these!

Train your dog to healthy eating manners

This is a different mode of making your dog learn on its own how much to eat and be aware of his own dietary and energy needs.

Once you teach your dog to recognize his own rate of hunger and thirst pangs such that he does not overeat, you also need to teach him to clean himself after eating.

Wash your dog’s mouth after eating

This point is the exemplification of the aforementioned about healthy feeding manners in your dog. You must try to clean your dog’s mouth after feeding him to keep a fresh taste and airflow that is clean, in your dog.

This makes him have a healthy appetite as to recognize the real hunger pangs rather than binge eating so that you know how to prevent bloat in dogs.

Observe flatulence and burping

This is the phase of starting to observe the long-term digestive health of your dog through observing his rate of burping as well as flatulence and its discomforts.

The more your dog burps, the more he has a healthy intake and balance of air in his body. Be helpful to position and help your dog to burp, if at all, in comfort and convenience.

Be alert for suffocation or choking signals

Always look out if the problem is getting sever in your dog, when he burps and heaves for signals of choking or suffocation of something in the airflow. One must be always observant of the dog’s behavior during its feeding time as well as the potty hours.

This gives you an idea of your dog’s sense of comfort and relaxed reaction during the most vulnerable situations. Be on the lookout for loss of breath or any obstruction to the airflow, these can be severe and need immediate medical help.

Traditional Ways of Relieving Bloating

Dog with bloat stomach

This brings us to the traditional methods of aiding dogs with bloating up. Provide pulps and juices of the following fruits or products to relieve your dog of the pain of bloating up.

  • Pineapple
  • Papaya
  • Asparagus
  • Celery
  • Pepper
  • Yogurt

Modern Ways of Relieving Bloating

Dog with bloated stomach

Here are a few modern ways of treating a bloated before it turns fatal:

Decompression of the tummy

This is by applying pressure n the blood vessels that transport the blood back to the heart. This induces a halt in the normalcy of blood circulation in the body in order to send the dog into shock. The tight tissues around the area are incapable of letting the blood flow due to tightening and twisting until the gas is released. A tube can be, inserted into the stomach to aid it, in technical terms.

Reversing the shock through rapid IV consumption

The blood that is, blocked from reaching the heart is immediate, helped by supplying fluids of life-giving-medicinal value using catheters intravenously. Heart failure is often a common citing during this phase as the intense or high heart rate reaches collapse soon.

Medications are necessary to induce the rate to go down at this time. The stability depends on the antibiotics and initial-shock medicines provided.

Stabilizing the rhythm of heart after assessment

PVC or premature ventricular contraction is one of the most serious disorders that can cause serious damage until ruled out completely. Intravenous medications are necessary to stabilize the specific rhythm that your dog’s heart shows.

Apparently, this is noticeable not before 24 hours and EKG should be consistently monitored until and after. This chaotic distribution of heart rate in the dog is, known to have a 38% mortality rate as well.


In such extreme conditions, the necessary option is surgery or medical intervention. All dogs with bloating eventually need to have mandatory surgery, which repairs and helps heal the damages done by bloating up.

The surgery must be done in the immediate few hours of bloating up to make sure your dog stays alive and healthy. Tissues that are dying or already dead are removed during this surgery as well as the removal of the spleen after.


Without proper care, your dog can deliberately kick-start a bloating event even after the surgery. You must make sure that there is enough care and concern in keeping your dog and his tummy healthy at all times.

Consider your dog as a family member and be particularly careful about a new little doggy baby who never grows up!

Technical help

Whenever you are in doubt, always make sure that you don’t delay too much time on your confusion.

Call your veterinarian as soon as you notice any of the signs (described earlier). Also, carry your dog’s medical history whenever you go to the veterinarian in an emergency or in general!

Guidelines to Prevent Your Dog From Bloating Up

There are many ways to help a bloated-up dog if the situation is not serious, otherwise, follow the same. One must always make sure that proper awareness and necessary medical help is accessible for the pet at all times so that you know how to prevent bloat in dogs.

Ice water for bloated dog

Apart from that, the pet needs care, attention, concern, and hygiene to be part of his growth. Remember that it is your own baby growing up with you, so treat neither too big nor too small, but never forget to respect him!

Here are a few guidelines to go over these troubles:

  • The medical name for bloating up is Volvulus or gastric dilatation
  • The stomach gets complete cuts off under stretching of the muscles around and blocking through gas any flow
  • Do not take your dog roll over while he is experiencing this discomfort
  • Do not start keeping the bowl of food at a raised height to induce stretching of your dog’s muscles
  • Divide the meal into many portions rather than a big meal once a day
  • Do not allow your dog to consume excess water before the meal
  • If you observe your dog retching convulsively, it’s time to go to the VET!
  • The x-ray of your dog’s abdomen is taken and then decompressed to relieve the gas and perform surgery to heal the innards
  • Some breeds of dogs are more prone to bloating like German Shepherds, St. Bernard,
  • Akitas, Boxers, Irish Setters, Great Danes, and Basset Hounds.
  • Include more canned food
  • Change your dog’s diet
  • Have a tasty and nutritious treat in your dog’s diet
  • Do not exercise with tour dog soon after a meal
  • Do not feed your dog a big meal soon after exercise
  • Reward your dog with treats and not meals
  • Encourage your dog to during necessary and not an excessive amount of water.
  • Look out for pale gums in your dog
  • Without proper medical care, there is a clear chance of your dog dying out of an abdominal infection
  • Dogs with narrow and deeper chests tend to bloat up much more than the other breed of dogs
  • Minimize the number of gulps your dog eats
  • Minimize stress and attention to your dog
  • Always be alert and observant about the limit of the vaccines you provide your dog with
  • Always be aware of the number f supplements you administer to your dog
  • Always beware of the kind of processed food that you feed your dog
  • Make sure your dog is always on a healthy diet
  • Eliminate adulterants, emulsifiers, and acids from your dog’s diet

When your consistent and strong actions stop working, run to the VET whenever you think you cannot manage anymore!

Bloat in dogs

Apart from all the mumbo jumbo of the technical doings of what bloating up really does to a dog, one must understand that the clarity lies in distinguishing the benign or malignant ailment in your dog during a bloating up.

Only through awareness and knowledge can one battle new obstacles to battle a good life for your pet so that you know how to prevent bloat in dogs. If your dog needs excess care and attention, you should do it effectively.

Be consistent, religious, and strict on your dog’s diet, exercise ad rest. This keeps a proper check on the health of your dog. A healthy dog is a fit and active dog. With stomach sensitivities, dogs tend to become introverted and retched. Create effective and durable communication with your dog to know when he is feeling well, happy, sad, or cranky!