How to deal with Neighbors Aggressive Dog


Are you suffering from your neighbor’s aggressive dog? Here are some steps for you to know how to deal with a neighbor’s aggressive dog:

Investigate the cause of aggressiveness

At first, you have to consider your possible role over the problem. Then, investigate the cause of the aggressiveness of your neighbor’s dog. There may any number of reasons behind the aggressive behavior of a dog. So, before complaining to your neighbor about his aggressive dog, you should try to find the actual cause.

It may possible that your own kids or other neighborhood children can tease the dog as they walk by. Moreover, your other pets or neighborhood pets can also the cause of disturbance. These may some possible causes of the aggressive behavior of your neighbor’s dog. There may other problems including any health issue or as a usual bad temper.

Diplomatic Talking to Your Neighbor

Now, you can talk to your neighbor after finishing your investigation. Do not leave any mean notes on the doorsteps rather talk to your neighbor directly. In this case, try to be diplomatic with your neighbor. Never try to complain very soon.

Try to let your neighbor realize gradually that you want to talk with him about a problem. Try to know either your neighbor’s concerns about the problem or not. If he is unaware about the issue, you should let him know softly.

Request him to take immediate steps. If your neighbor show roughness and an indifferent attitude towards solving the problem, you should follow the next step.

Observe the Behavior of the Dog

You should let your neighbor sufficient time to solve the aggressiveness of his dog. Wait some days with patience to document the behavior of your neighbor’s dog. If you see any improvement in your neighbor’s aggressive dog then you can finish your step here. But if you do not notice any improvement, then go to the next step.

Defend your property line

There is a common problem with an aggressive dog. He tries to establish his territory on the land which does not include his own owner. So, you can defend your property line with planting trees or providing a fence.

Take pictures or videos

You can take pictures or videos as evidence when your neighbor’s dog bother you aggressively. Later, you can use this pictures and video footage to prove the truth to the authorities.

Gather More Evidence Through Neighborhood Meeting

Find out if other neighbors face the same problem as you because of the neighbor’s aggressive dog. Then, everybody can call a neighborhood meeting. Now discuss with each other about solving the problem and gather much evidence to complain properly.

Contact the Proper Authorities

Before taking any legal steps, you can contact the local authorities with evidences. If they become unable to solve the problem, contact animal control.

Self-Defend and Legal Action if Needed

Avoid the crazy dog as much as possible. You can defend yourself through taking action if needed. For this, keep pepper spray with you just in case of any violence by the neighbor’s aggressive dog. In this case, file a complaint if you feel acute threat from your neighbor’s nuisance dog. If you are injured by the aggressive dog, contact a lawyer for safety. There are nuisance lawsuits for such violence.

Thus, through taking the above steps you can easily know how to deal with a neighbor’s aggressive dog.