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Depression in Dogs – Signs, Causes, Treatment Options and More

Depression in Dogs

Many dog owners have to face depression in their dogs at one point or another. It is more common a problem than many people realize. Depression can lead to loss of appetite and refusal to drink water which is detrimental to your pet’s health.

There are many signs of depression in dogs, however, it should never be your first diagnosis. Many of the symptoms of depression in dogs are also symptoms of mild to severe health problems. Only when you rule out possible illness or injury can you diagnose your dog to be depressed. The good news is that while dogs can become considerably depressed, with the right kind of attention and care they can pull themselves out of the funk without the need for prescription drugs.

If your dog has been acting off lately, sleeping a lot, not eating or drinking as much, and has lost interest in things like going for walks and car rides, have you ever wondered, “Is my dog depressed?” That thought was surely followed up by, “Can dogs get depressed?”

The simple answer is yes. Your dog can become depressed. The best course of action is to rule out any possible external illness or injury causing the symptoms – if none is present then you should consider what the root cause of your dog’s depression may be. Only then can you make a decision on the best way to try and lift your dog’s spirits and return to its usual happy self.

What Are the Signs of Depression in Dogs?

Depressed dog

There are many possible causes of depression in dogs. It could be something as small as a change in daily routine to a major life change such as losing a sibling, companion pet, or owner.

If you are concerned that your dog is depressed then these are a few of the signs to look out for:

  • Loss of appetite: When dogs become depressed, much of the time they lose interest in their meals. If your dog is going longer periods without eating, only nibbling at their food, or flat out refusing to eat you should take them to the vet immediately.
  • Overeating: In some cases, dogs who are suffering from depression will actually overeat rather than refuse to eat. This can be harmful to your pet as their bodies are not meant to carry extra weight. If your dog is overeating you should limit their access to food and talk to your vet.
  • Lack of energy: Did your dog used to be a bowling ball of chaos with a tail running across your house and suddenly become very sedentary? This can be both a sign of illness and/or a sign of depression. Sudden behavioral changes like not wanting to go on walks or not running around the house or not greeting you at the door as normal should be cause for some major concern.
  • Excessive sleeping: While it is normal for dogs to sleep more than us overall, it is not normal for them to sleep all day and night like cats seem to do. Dogs are usually full of energy after a full night of sleep – and probably a nap or two while you are at work. If your dog is sleeping all the time it could be caused either by illness or depression and should be diagnosed by a vet. To find out why your dog sleeps a lot, see our article on this condition.
  • Relieving indoors: If your dog has suddenly started to relieve his bladder or bowels inside the house this should be a serious cause for concern. Dogs do not like to sleep or lay in, near, or around their own waste so if they are eliminated indoors there is definitely a problem. If your vet finds no physical cause for the sudden change then depression may be the answer.

These are only the most common of all the symptoms of depression. Other signs to watch out for include restlessness, a limp tail (not happy and wagging, but rather slung low) as well as becoming withdrawn.

If you have noticed any of these changes in your dog lately then there is a chance he is suffering from depression. At the same time, however, many illnesses and injuries will present themselves through the same symptoms.

The only way to 100% determines whether or not depression is the culprit is to have a veterinarian do a full examination and rule out all other possibilities.

What Can Cause Depression in Dogs?

What Can Cause Depression in Dogs
Source: petplace.com

Just like there are many possible causes of depression in humans, the same holds true for dogs. The reason may be a minor change and the depression may fade after a day or two – on the other hand it could have been a major change or trauma and your dog could be depressed for weeks or even months.

The good news is that, unlike humans, most of the time, dog depression is rather temporary and can be treated with the right kind of attention rather than medications. We will cover more about this later on.

For now, these are a few of the major causes of depression in dogs.

  • Loss of a companion or owner: This is probably the number one cause of depression in dogs. Dogs create strong emotional bonds with both their fellow dogs (and in some cases cats and other small animals) whom they see regularly as well as those who care for them. The loss of a friend or loved one is difficult for everyone and this is no different for your dog.
  • Abuse: Abuse is probably the next most common cause of depression and dogs and that’s just depressing! (Excuse my pun, I had to…) Truly though, it is a sad thing that so many people neglect or physically abuse their dogs. Living in this sort of situation can cause long-term problems for the dog, even once removed from the harmful environment.
  • Change in the environment: Another common cause of depression in dogs is a major change in their living environment. This could be anything from bringing in a new pet, new spouse, or new baby who takes attention away from the dog. It could also be moving to a new home or an older child moving out or going away to college.
    In the end, it could even be as simple as a few small changes in routine such as the time you feed them or being walked at different times than expected. Dogs become quickly familiar with the routine and don’t do well with sudden changes.
  • Owner depression: If a dog’s owner is depressed then there is a chance the dog will become depressed as well. This could be for a number of reasons from the fact that dogs are empathetic creatures who react to our emotions to the possibility that they aren’t getting the attention they need due to their owner’s depression. When a person is fighting depression it can be hard enough to take care of themselves, therefore may not be giving their dog the care they desperately need.
  • Maybe he’s lonely: If your dog is left alone for most of the day and there are no other pets – preferably dogs – in your home then they may be depressed due to loneliness. It can be hard to be on your own most of every day, all day. This can also be the case if you were previously working from home or a stay-at-home parent who took a job outside the house. Read our article on how to treat dog separation anxiety to help you with this concern.
  • Changes in weather and seasons: Many dogs are afraid of thunderstorms and they are much more sensitive to weather changes than we are. They likely know a storm is coming long before it arrives – if you’ve been having significantly bad weather lately then this could be a cause of depression. It could also be changed in seasons since dogs and their owners alike tend to spend more time cooped up indoors during the winter months.

These are the majority (and the most common) causes of depression in dogs. There are still other possibilities including arthritic pain, old age (some dogs become depressed if they can tell their time is coming soon) and there is even a small chance of clinical depression in dogs.

The only time clinical depression is ever really diagnosed is if the dog has been showing signs of depression for a considerably long amount of time with no other causes that can be determined. However, clinical depression is often the last diagnosis a vet wants to find so all other potential causes need to be ruled out.

What Can I Do for My Depressed Dog?

What Can I Do for My Depressed Dog
Source: danaparkvethospital.com

The very first thing you should do if you think your dog is suffering from depression is to take them to the vet. You should make sure they get a full physical examination considering many of the symptoms and signs are the same as those for severe illnesses (or injuries).

If your vet has ruled out physical illness or injury as the cause of the symptoms then it is time to consider treating your dog for depression. This is a tricky subject since many people want a Band-Aid type fix that will work quickly – but these efforts do not always work in the long run.

Prescription medications such as prosaic can be given to a dog when prescribed by a veterinarian. This is not a preferred course of action and is one of those “Band-Aid” fixes. Unless your dog is clinically depressed it would be advised to keep your dog off this type of medication. Drugs like prosaic also run a risk of your dog becoming dependent on the medication.

Some of the best ways to help your depressed dog feel happy again include:

  • Some extra attention: Just a little extra attention can go a long way with a depressed dog. Sit with them often, showing you support and care for them as much as you always have. This can be especially helpful if you think the root cause of your dog’s depression is due to being lonely throughout the day while you are at work. You can also try some interactive dog toys to engage your dogs as we’ve written down in our previous article on the topic.
  • Try going outside more often: Sometimes we forget that dogs were originally wild animals who love nature and the outdoors. This is still rooted in our dog’s instincts so his depression could be linked to a lack of outdoor activity. Try getting your dog to go on more walks or to play fetch with you in the yard. If this seems to cheer him up a bit, then do this periodically throughout the day and you are sure to see long-term improvement. You can even go backpacking with your dog, as we’ve outlined in our article on the topic.
  • Socialize: Whether this is with a friend’s dog or a trip to the dog park having a companion or two can often boost your dog’s mood. If you have recently lost an older dog, then this could be a great way to help get your dog out of a funk. If you can bring a new dog into your home, with a proper introduction and a little time to adjust, a new friend might be the best way to help your dog through a tough time.
  • Encourage activities your dog enjoys: If your dog has recently lost interest in most everything, but you know a car ride or going to see a specific person or place still gets a little excitement out of them, do these things often. Be sure to pet your dog and encourage him when he is acting happy and more like his old self. Pretty soon, he will start to act himself all of the time again! Our piece on how to create your own toys that can help stimulate your dog is a must-read so check it out.
  • Give a few extra treats: Unless your dog has been overindulging on his food due to depression, then giving a couple of extra treats to see a moment of happiness in your dog’s eyes is perfectly acceptable. Actually, if your dog is refusing to eat his normal food, but will still eat treats, then give more treats – but leave free-feeding an option until his appetite returns to normal. The treats may start to stimulate your dog’s appetite once more and in the meantime, even if it’s not the healthiest, they are still calories your dog needs.
  • Patience and time: Sometimes – especially if the issue was a loss of a companion or master – the only thing that will heal a dog’s heart is time. It may be as few as a couple of days or as much as a few months, but most dogs will be able to pull themselves out of depression with a little time and understanding. Do your best to be there for your dog for the time being and always encourage happy moments, but remember that this is not going to be an overnight change.
Antidepressants for dogs
Source: figopetinsurance.com

Antidepressants for dogs were not suggested here since as we mentioned earlier, they are really the last resort. There are all sorts of side effects of prescription drugs like these which can be harmful to your dog. The last thing you want is to be trying to help them, but end up causing them more problems down the road.

Try little things, one step at a time. If at first, only a walk gets a good vibe from your dog, but playing, eating, or socializing still isn’t happening that’s okay. Take your time, ease your dog into long walks, and then work your way up to visits to the dog park or car rides. Anything that makes your dog happy is generally worth giving a try!

The most important thing is that you stay supportive of your dog and keep your spirits up. If you are becoming depressed because you feel bad for your dog, they are going to know it and it might just keep them depressed as well! This is the very last thing you want, which is why it is so important that you keep a positive attitude around your dog when he is depressed.

Remember, there are four key parts to making sure that your dog can come out of his depression and be himself again:

  1. Rule out physical injury/illness.
  2. Determine the cause of the depression.
  3. Begin working on a plan to help your dog through this time.
  4. Be consistent and persistent and your dog will be himself again in no time.

Keep in touch with your vet throughout the process – even once your dog has been diagnosed with depression rather than another illness. Your vet may be able to advise you on tricks for getting your dog to eat when he loses his appetite – or ways to get them outside and active again.

As long as you stay consistent with routine and your attempts at helping your dog through their depression it should only be a matter of time before your furry friend is jumping all over to greet you at the door once again!

Dalmatian – Active & Friendly Dog Breed


Widely recognized for its strong and masculine physique, the Dalmatian bears strong affinity to horses, marking it as the original coaching dog. While its origin is still debatable, evidence strongly suggests that it served as a guard dog in Croatia during the earlier times.

In the like manner, it has also played a vital role in fighting wars and aiding in fire-related disasters in the US in the 1900’s. But aside from its capability to guard and protect, the Dalmatian also has an undeniable charm that blends very well to any household.

If you have enough room for a dog that loves to actively play a part in day-to-day activities, you would be able to find a loyal, active and charming companion in a Dalmatian.

Dog Breed Group: Companion Dogs
Height: 1 foot, 7 inches to 2 feet tall at the shoulder (Males: 22-24 inches; Females: 20-22 inches)
Weight: About 48 to 55 pounds
Life Span: 12 to 14 years on an average


Also known as the English Coach Dog or the Carriage Dog, the Dalmatian’s distinct black and brown spots make it highly recognizable. In the earlier centuries, it worked closely with horsemen as it was trained to run alongside horse-drawn carriages, clearing the way for aristocrat passengers. Additionally, the Dalmatian also has a long-standing relationship with firefighters as it is still being employed to guard stations and to project as firehouse mascots in schools.

While the Dalmatian is the only breed that has unique black or brown markings all over the body, its popularity rose even more when it was featured in Walt Disney Studios’ 101 Dalmatians. The movie highlighted some of the remarkable characteristics of the breed such as its high intelligence and energy levels.

If you are considering welcoming a Dalmatian into your household, bear in mind that it needs early training as owners need to establish early rules for proper behavior. The Dalmatian is also popular for being dodged and resolute, so strong, consistent and firm guidance is required to rectify any negative behavior at an early stage.

Furthermore, the Dalmatian is an extremely sensitive breed, making harsh training methods inefficient. In fact, it is said that the Dalmatian doesn’t forget harsh and unruly punishments. Therefore, when training this breed, owners must focus on providing positive rewards to encourage proper behavior.

Lastly, the Dalmatian was genetically wired to run a couple of miles and endlessly engage in physical activities. Hence, homeowners who are not physically active may find it challenging to keep the dog’s energy levels within their control since this breed has the tendency to be easily bored. Likewise, interaction between a Dalmatian and children who are younger than 6 years old should be supervised as the strong, muscular physique of the Dalmatian can pose unwanted and unintentional harm to small children.

To sum up, if you love jogging, exercising or playing sports, the Dalmatian is the perfect match for you as it can absolutely keep up with your active lifestyle. Plus, it is a loyal indoor companion who can guard you and the rest of your family.

Main Highlights

Dalmatian - Main Highlights
Source: unsplash.com
  • The Dalmatian is a highly active dog that necessitates physical activity. Failure to release this energy can lead to the dog’s negative and destructive behavior.
  • The Dalmatian needs firm and strong guidance at an early phase for homeowners to be able to set concrete rules on proper behavior.
  • The dog loves interacting with their human companions, so letting the dog settle inside the house is ideal.
  • Early interaction with children, adults and other household pets is necessary to help the Dalmatian develop its socialization skills even more.

1. Breed History

Highly recognizable due to its black or brown mappings, the origins of the Dalmatian is still a big mystery. While early paintings and engravings of dogs resembling the breed greatly suggest that it originated from Africa, Asia and Europe, some studies reveal that this breed was first sighted as companions of nomadic gypsies. The breed name, “Dalmatian”, was coined in the year 1791 in Dalmatia, a region in the Adriatic Sea, which is now popularly known as Croatia.

Dalmatian - Breed History
Source: unsplash.com

The Dalmatian assumed a variety of roles for their human companions in the earlier years. From acting as sentinels in Croatia to being shepherds, hunters and firehouse mascots, the breed also engaged into performances in circuses since it was extremely capable of retaining information and following instructions. But among all the roles it successfully assumed, the Dalmatian was popular for being a coach dog as it worked alongside horses to ensure the protection of travelers and their baggage.

Additionally, this breed worked with horses and humans to salvage properties and even save casualties in fire-related disasters.

2. Size

Dalmatian - Size
Source: unsplash.com

Male Dalmatians, just like in most breeds, are larger than their female counterparts, with the former reaching 22 to 24 inches and the latter standing at about 20 to 22 inches.

The typical weight, on the other hand, ranges from 55 to 70 pounds for male breeds, while female breeds can weigh as heavy as 40 to 55 pounds.

3. Personality and Character

Dalmatian - Personality and Character
Source: unsplash.com

The Dalmatian is active and intelligent in nature, making it perfect for performing a wide array of tasks. From guarding properties and aristocrat travelers to flawlessly executing circus performances, the Dalmatian’s flexibility makes it a top choice for homeowners.

In addition to that, this dog breed can be easily trained since it loves attention and is eager to please its human companions. However, it can also be resolute especially without proper training, so early guidance is a must. With proper training, the Dalmatian can distinguish parameters and understand the difference between good and inappropriate behavior.

Also, the Dalmatian loves playing and interacting with their human companions, so it is important for owners to include their dog in physical activities. The Dalmatian is a great companion for children aged 6 years old and above, but its highly active persona makes supervision a must if there is a toddler in the home.

4. Health and Potential Problems

Dalmatian - Health and Potential Problems
Source: unsplash.com

Like other breeds, the Dalmatian is also vulnerable to a number of health disorders. While not all Dalmatians may have to deal with these conditions, it is always vital for owners to be more cautious in dealing with their dog companions to eliminate any chance of making them more prone to suffering from these diseases later in life.

If you are considering a Dalmatian, find a breeder that can offer documents that serve as proof that the puppy, along with the parents, is cleared from certain disabilities.

To help you become a better steward of the Dalmatian, below are some of the health conditions common to their bloodline:

  • Deafness: Around 8% of Dalmatians are born with genetically-induced deafness, while approximately 22% can only hear with one ear, and this is mainly because this breed is prone to the deterioration of the nerve group responsible for the detection of sounds. Breeders have the responsibility to test the Dalmatian for deafness before looking for a new home for the puppy. At birth, the Dalmatian is born with closed ears which only fully open after 12 to 16 days.

While home tests like banging metal pans together or stomping the foot on the floor can be used to detect whether the puppy is suffering from deafness or not, this isn’t reliable since the Dalmatian can adapt very well. The dog breed can easily sense vibration, making it extremely responsive. The only confirmative test, the Brainstem Auditory Evoked Response, is available in most large specialty hospitals, and the puppy can be tested at as early as 5 weeks.

  • Hip Dysplasia: Another hereditary disorder common amongst Dalmatians, hip dysplasia is a condition usually manifested as the dog ages. It is a health disorder wherein the femur does not fit into the socket, and it can occur even without clinical manifestations. It is prohibited to breed Dalmatians with this condition. Hence, it is vital to look for a clearance from the breeder if you wish to include a Dalmatian in your family.
  • Urinary Tract Stones: Clinically known as urolithiasis, unwanted blockage in the urinary tract system due to the formation of large stones can lead to fatality once immediate care is not provided. This condition occurs because the Dalmatian has a distinctive urinary tract system.

Instead of producing urea, the dog breed produces uric acid, which leaves salt as a by-product, facilitating the formation of stones. Ensuring that the Dalmatian is always hydrated, along with eliminating purine in the diet, can be an effective precautionary measure.

  • Skin Allergy: A lot of Dalmatians suffer from skin allergies that can be caused by three factors—food, contact allergens and airborne allergens. Allergies triggered by the first and second factors can easily be remedied by eliminating the source of the allergic reaction.

Meanwhile, allergies from pollen, dust and other airborne particles often necessitate medication, depending on the severity of the allergic reaction. Owners of the Dalmatian should provide early remedies especially since airborne-induced allergies are associated with ear infection.

5. Care Features

Dalmatian - Care Features
Source: unsplash.com

The Dalmatian is a very active dog breed that demands regular physical exercise. Since the breed has high energy levels, owners should schedule regular walks and exercises; otherwise, the dog would be bored, causing it to act in a disruptive manner.

Moreover, the Dalmatian loves playing an active role in the family, so it is not ideal for owners to keep the dog in the backyard and exclude it from family events and matters. A loving companion that is always thirsty for attention, the Dalmatian is best kept indoors where it can interact with its human companions.

Lastly, it is crucial for owners to monitor the urinary activity of the Dalmatian to ensure that the dog is not suffering from urolithiasis. Also, always keep drinking water accessible to eliminate chances of the formation of stones.

6. Feeding Schedule

Dalmatian - Feeding Schedule
Source: unsplash.com

Just like humans, the Dalmatian also has nutritional requirements which can vary depending on the dog’s size, metabolism and amount of physical activity. The more active the Dalmatian is, the more food it will require to sustain its body’s needs.

While the ideal intake is at around 1.5 or 2 cups of dry food a day which is divided into two feedings, the quality of food also greatly impacts the amount required. The more high-grade the food is, the lesser the dog needs to consume to maintain its holistic health.

7. Coat, Color, and Grooming

Dalmatian - Coat, Color and Grooming
Source: unsplash.com

Aside from its large, masculine build, what makes the Dalmatian more distinctive is its black or dark brown spots or patches. While most of these rounded mappings appear as the pure white Dalmatian puppy ages, a minority of Dalmatians are born with dense patches without any visible white hair.

Patches differ greatly from spots as the former can be visually defined by its sharp edges. Also, the patches are larger than the average Dalmatian spots. Unlike the Dalmatian with rounded black spots, breeds that have patches all over the body are not usually featured in dog shows just like their tri-colored counterparts. Tri-colored Dalmatians can be easily spotted by their tan marking on the leg, chest, head, tail or neck.

Typically, the rounded spots in the majority of Dalmatians are equally distributed into the body, while the leg and the head coating are characterized by fewer spots. Owners can also see visible rounded spots on their ears.

The Dalmatian coating is characterized by its satiny or velvety feel. The hair is short and smooth to touch, making the dog breed perfect for cuddling. Likewise, the Dalmatian is unique because its coating can effortlessly deter dirt, making it easier to maintain and groom.

In terms of brushing, it is important to note that Dalmatian shreds hair daily, so it is vital for owners to comb their dog companion using a semi-soft brush to ensure that the dog’s shredded hair won’t get into their rags and furniture. With regular brushes, the Dalmatian can look perfectly posh with only 3 to 4 bathing sessions throughout the year, thanks to its dirt-repelling coating.

Additionally, owners who would like to prevent gum disease and bad breath can brush their dog’s teeth every day. Tartar build-up, on the other hand, can be inhibited by brushing the dog’s teeth at least 3 times a week.

Also, avoiding painful tears and other problems can be done by cutting the dog’s nails regularly. Owners who are inexperienced in cutting their dog’s nails must ask for guidance from professional groomers.

Lastly, looking for signs of impending health conditions is crucial as owners groom. For instance, bad odor in the Dalmatian’s ears can be a sign of infection. By being knowledgeable about some of the most common danger signs, owners would be able to ensure the overall wellness of their dog as it ages.

8. Children And Other Pets Compatibility

Dalmatian - Children And Other Pets Compatibility
Source: unsplash.com

The Dalmatian is friendly and warm in nature, making it a perfect household companion. However, since this dog breed is highly active, interaction with toddlers and children aged less than 6 years old can lead to accidents. So if you are considering a Dalmatian, closely supervise its contact with younger children.

Nevertheless, if you have a child aged 6 years or over, the Dalmatian is a very ideal companion since this dog breed can keep up with the child’s desire to play. As a responsible owner, just bear in mind that educating the child on the proper ways to socialize and play with the dog is crucial.

By teaching your child the appropriate way to approach and interact with dogs, you would be able to ensure a long and fruitful relationship between your dog and your child. Just remember, no matter what breed or no matter how friendly your pet is, you should always closely supervise child-pet interaction.

In terms of pet compatibility, Dalmatians can socialize well with other household pets as long as they were introduced at an early age. So if you have cats or other pets at home, don’t be afraid to let your puppy mingle and interact with them so you won’t have problems later on.


Loving, warm, and athletic in nature, the Dalmatian is the perfect companion for people who are embracing an active lifestyle. But more than the regular walks and physical exercises, it is essential for your dog to feel included in your family. By giving your dog warmth, love and attention, you can find yourself a loyal companion for life.

Most Aggressive Dog Breeds – Top 10 Breeds With Aggressive Traits

Most Aggressive Dog Breeds

One of the main concerns you may have when it comes to interacting with a man’s best friend is the level of risk that might be involved with a particular breed. You may have received conflicting information, or you may not trust the validity of media reports because so many owners have told you about a wide range of experiences.

Well, the truth is that dogs of all types can and will show hostility to strangers, small children, familiar people, and even their owners. This unacceptable behavior stems from a number of factors including poor breeding, training, and treatment, but one of the most influential factors in behavior is its original purpose.

This article contains information about the most aggressive dog breeds. You will find some familiar names on this list, such as the American Pit Bull and Rottweiler, and you may find a few that surprise you, like the Beagle and Dachshund. Remember, there is a difference between being dangerous and displaying aggression.

Large dogs often get a bad rap because when they attack or otherwise act out they tend to do more damage than the smaller ones. Many small ones, especially terriers, were bred to hunt, and in many instances kill, animals larger than themselves. It appears that no matter how far removed from its ancestors, most retain the instinct and urge to do the work for which they were originally intended.

1. Chow Chow

Chow Chow dog

One of the oldest known breeds, the Chow Chow is also considered to be one of the most aggressive. They stand approximately 17 to 20 inches tall and weigh 45 to 70 pounds. Their large size and thick coat made them perfectly suited as guard dogs. Some historians claim that they were originally bred to defend temples in China, Mongolia, and Tibet.

They were also used for hunting, herding, and pulling carts. There are accounts of Chows fighting alongside the Mongolians as they invaded China and Eastern Europe during the Middle Ages. With such a background, it is only natural that the breed still has an aggressive nature.

While not a typically active breed, Chows tend to focus their energy on giving affection to and protecting their owners. They are often referred to as “one-person” dogs who favor one member over others within a multi-person family, and are known to show little tolerance for the rest of the family. They may even perceive play between their owner and another person as a threatening to their owner and attack.

They have little tolerance for those of the same sex, and have been known to attack small dogs, cats and even children. When strangers come near, Chows will go on the defensive, bite with little warning, and sometimes have pressed the fight until the point of death.

Even experienced trainers have reported difficulties when training Chows. Their instinct to dominate clashes against even the most skilled trainers, whose attempts to correct has sometimes resulted in the animal lashing out. While Chows can be trained to become loving and loyal members of the family, they must be handled carefully and with plenty of patience. Learn more about the basic characteristic of the Chows in our article on the breed.

2. German Shepherd

Relative newcomers to the long tradition of breeding herding dogs, German Shepherds first appeared in the early 1900s to herd sheep and since then have taken a variety of roles all around the world. They have served in the military, on police forces, and as key members of search-and-rescue operation teams.

They are also highly regarded as service and therapy dogs, guardians of the home, and a few have even stared on the silver screen. They have been able to fill these important roles in society due to their loyalty and trainability, but at the same time, they also possess a fierceness that must be reckoned with.

The German Shephered dog

Male German Shepherds stand approximately 25 inches tall and weigh around 80 pounds; females are slightly smaller. They are sleek, quick, and have an intimidating appearance. This appearance negatively influences their reputation as an animal that likes to show its dominance, which they will if they are allowed to. This attitude makes it difficult to trust them when other pets or children are around.

They do form strong bonds with their owners, and sometimes the bond is so deep that the dog will develop the inability to tell the difference between threatening and non-threating people or situations. They are known to give plenty of warning, but if the threat is not immediately removed, they will strike.

3. American Pit Bull Terrier

Perhaps the most notorious of all breeds, the American Pit Bull Terrier was bred to bait much larger animals, such as bears and bulls. Butchers would use them to control bulls in the slaughterhouse yards, but once this practice was ruled inhumane, inhumane humans began to use them to fight to the death in illegal matches.

While they have been used for more practical purposes, such as herders and feral pack hunters, they were more often than not bred as for illegal fighting in underground “pits.”

American Pit Bull Terrier
Source: empow-her.com

They are often used as attack dogs, there have even been man accounts of drug dealers training them to be used as a weapon against police during drug raids.

Pit Bulls stand between 18 to 24 inches tall and weigh between 30 to 60 pounds. They are compact animals, with a muscular physique and a very active temperament. If they don’t get enough exercise, they will attempt to burn off their energy by destroying furniture and just about anything else they can get their paws on. They are loyal, great companions, and strive to take part in all family activities; however, no matter how stable they may seem to be within a home, their history of being a fighter will always be lurking beneath. Check out our piece on how to train and raise a Pit Bull to help you manage this dauntless dog.

They typically do not get along with strangers or with strange dogs, and will often see either one as a challenge. They will also rebel against abuse, even if it is the unintentional sort delivered by children. Pit Bulls were bred to be fighters, and because of this, they will not back down from a fight. It’s this fact alone that has given them the reputation of being so vicious. This ill fame has led them to be banned in many areas across the United States and even entire countries.

4. Rottweiler

The Rottweiler has an extensive history as a herding dog, especially large livestock, such as cattle and were also used protect pens and stables from thieves and predators. They were used extensively for protection for merchants throughout the Middle Ages, and were even known to pull carts to market.

In later years, they were repurposed as police and military service dogs, and ultimately as guardians and family companions. But as much distance that has been put between history and the present, Rotties will always have the instinct to protect the territory of their masters. Our piece on the Rottweiler will help you decide if this is the dog for you.

Aggressive Rottweiler

Rottweilers can grow to 27 inches and weigh up to 115 pounds. They are a strong, powerful breed that is well suited to taking on the challenges they were always meant for. They display an air of confidence, and they are patient, usually waiting to see how a particular situation develops before taking action. They are loyal to their owners and seek to please them through guarding perceived territory and warding off intruders.

Rotties have dominance issues that even experienced trainers have difficulty controlling, and they have been known to rebel in response to anger. While there are often reports of them turning on their owners or going after other dogs, they focus most of their aggression toward strangers. If they perceive someone as a threat to owner, territory, or their own dominance, they will not hesitate to attack.

5. Doberman Pinscher

Originally bred by Karl Friedrich Louis Dobermann in the late 1800s to protect him while collecting taxes in dangerous neighborhoods, Dobies come from a line of mixed-breed shepherds and a number of others. Herr Dobermann’s idea was to create an intelligent, agile, and alert comapnion that would intimidate people out of robbing him, and his efforts became such a success that by the end of the century, Doberman Pinschers were filling roles as guard and police dogs all around the world.

They were even named as the United States Marine Corps official war dog during World War II. Their reputation for being ferocious is certainly warranted, because that is what they were designed to be.

Doberman Pinscher police dog

Doberman Pinschers reach up to 28 and weigh between 70 and 75 pounds. Their size makes them perfect for the role for which they were bred, and they have been known to use this size to their advantage by charging fearlessly at threats they sense, often bowling over their targets, or pinning them against objects. If their target fights back, then the potential for it to attack violently greatly increases.

They are loyal to their owners, and make for great companions in that regard, but are known to have trouble discerning the level of a threat from strangers unless they undergo strict training. They are also more likely than most other breeds to attack other dogs. Know more of this dog when you read our article on the Doberman.

6. Beagle

Then modern strain of Beagle dates back to the early 1800s, but centuries before then, its ancestors had been prized scent hounds. The modern ones were primarily trained to run in packs to flush out and track down small game, and are still used for that purpose, although singularly or in pairs.

In some parts of the world, they act as service dogs to sniff out drugs and food items hidden in luggage. Due to their ingrained desire to hunt, they have a tendency to be easily excitable, which can lead to a display of aggression.

Source: zooplus.ie

Beagles are small to medium sized, standing approximately 15 inches and weighing between 18 and 35 pounds. They don’t appear to be hostile, and it may be hard not to think of Snoopy when you hear the name, but Beagles are rated one of the more aggressive breeds. One of the reasons could be that they are difficult to train. They tend to focus on scents, so any number of smells in the area can distract them.

Untrained or poorly trained dogs are usually more possessive than others, and will lash out at anyone who attempts to take something away from them, including game. Many owners have claimed to have possession issues with their Beagles, which is its way of displaying dominance. If this behavior is not corrected swiftly, it will begin to become an even bigger problem. Check out our article on the Beagle to help you understand this breed better.

7. Dachshund

Although there is much debate on the origins of the “sausage dog,” there is strong evidence to suggest that the Dachshund was bred to crawl into badger holes to root out badgers. They were also used to hunt all sorts of game, including fox, boar, and wolverine. To do this, they needed traits such as fearlessness and tenacity, and it appears that they got them in spades.

They can crawl into an animal’s burrow and will not leave until they have pulled it out by their sharp little teeth. Doxies are no longer used for hunting, but on the whole, they still retain much of the aggressiveness required to take on the likes of a badger.

Weiner dogs average about 8 inches tall and weigh about 14 pounds. Their size often gives them a pass for their behavior, but according to recent studies, they show more aggression than any other dog, regardless of size. They are extremely territorial, which not only translates to their homes, but their possessions as well.

They will not hesitate to bite small children if they believe that the child is attempting to take their toys. They are also extremely stubborn, and therefore, difficult to train and even more difficult to control once they have set their mind on something. All in all, Doxies have the ultimate “small dog complex;” they want to dominate as if they are trying to prove a point.

Dachshund dog

Dachshunds are apt to display aggression toward strangers and other dogs at higher rate than most canines, but they outrank all others when it comes to turning on their owners. There have been numerous accounts of them biting or snapping at their owners, especially when not getting their way. One owner even reported that she had to put down her Doxie because it gnawed off her toe when she was asleep.

8. Chihuahua

There is not much in the way of history behind the Chihuahua to indicate why it is considered one of the most aggressive types of dogs. In fact, it seems that the only real purpose they served was to be raised as food for the Aztecs (though that is debatable). They weigh only 4 pounds, but don’t like to be pushed around.

They can be stubborn and difficult to train, but they are staunchly loyal to their owners and accepting to the presence of other Chihuahuas. As far as strangers are concerned, these tiny powerhouses are quick to bare their teeth, growl, and bark incessantly. They are known to bite strangers, small children, and other dogs that they believe are encroaching on their territory.

Chihuahua aggressive

Much of the source of aggression may be explained by the fact that people tend to discipline Chihuahuas somewhat differently than they would a larger pet. Owners often allow their dogs to act out aggressively because the behavior is considered “adorable” in such a tiny thing. If it is allowed to act this way, it becomes learned behavior, therefore, it is apt to act out with aggression more often.

9. Jack Russell Terrier

The Jack Russell Terrier traces its roots back over 200 years to a time when dogs of all sizes were bred for specific tasks. This breed size was perfect for hunting small game, especially foxes, and their ability to dig, bark, and act aggressively toward the quarry played a huge role in their popularity.

After World War II, fewer people hunted so Jack Russells became family companions instead. While they are now primarily in homes, they retain the high energy level and assertiveness they’ve always had.

Jack Russell

Jack Russell Terriers stand a mere 14 inches tall and rarely weigh more than 18 pounds, but their personalities are twice as big. They can be great family companions, even to small children, and will play for as long as they are allowed.

They are easily trained to do tricks and tasks that require a lot of energy, but this is only because it is in their nature to extremely active at all times. They are hunters, and if left alone with nothing to do, they will attempt to hunt. Jack Russells are famous barkers, and often show their teeth to and even bite strangers.

Jack Russells have the distinction of despising the company of other breeds. They view other dogs as invaders into their territory, so when confronted with one they will often go immediately on the attack. They particularly act hostile toward those animals who they know to be aggressive, irrespective of size. Also, they rarely tolerate dogs of the same sex, so it is never wise to leave two males or two females unsupervised.

10. Yorkshire Terrier

Another diminutive member of the terrier group, the Yorkshire Terrier was developed in the mid-1800s to hunt vermin in clothing mills and mines. They were also brought along on hunts to root out the small and medium-sized games from their dens. Yorkies had to be extremely bold to take on such a task, as well as defend themselves against the claws and teeth of badgers and the like.

In the mid to late 1900s, their ability to grow long, silky hair attracted the attention of the upper classes, and soon became a popular lapdogs. Unfortunately, no matter how innocent the brushed hair and bows make them appear they are not as far removed from breaking the necks of rats and battling foxes as many of their owners would like to believe.

Yorkshire Terrier

Standing approximately 7 inches tall and weighing little more than 7 pounds, full-grown Yorkies may not appear much of a threat to anyone, but they do have an aggressive streak. As terriers, they remain hunters, who will attempt to seek out prey if given the opportunity, and depending on the dog, the size of the target may not matter. They also have a reputation for not getting along with members of their own breed, especially when confronted with those of the same sex.

Owners with multiple Yorkies have reported that their pets developed a pack mentality, one in which the weakest would be singled out for attack and denial of food. They are a territorial lot who will challenge strangers and small children alike with barking and nipping, and sometimes even biting. Owners who do not assert themselves as masters will have a particular challenge attempting to control a Yorkie’s temperament because he will believe that he is the boss.

Don’t Hurry to Judge

Any dog faced with a confusing or threatening situation has the potential to become violently aggressive, but some breeds are more predisposed to carrying out that threat. Training and treatment are key factors in an animal’s temperament, but it is always a good idea to know the history behind a type of dog and what it was bred for before choosing one as a family pet. Another point to consider is the environment in which it will live.

Finally, anyone who interacts with dogs must also remember that they shouldn’t base their judgments about the dangerous animal may pose on its size. Small ones are just as liable to turn on their owners as the large ones, and in cases like the Dachshund, are even more apt to do so.

Dog Sleeping Bag – Rover Camping Equipment

Dog Sleeping Bag

A dog sleeping bag might sound funny to some but dogs love them! They’re very similar to the sleeping bags made for people and are created from the same materials but they’re scaled down to a comfortable size for dogs.

They provide the perfect nest and are especially great for dogs who enjoy burrowing down under the covers. They also provide a place for a dog to call its own, which is highly recommended to all dog owners.

Dogs should have a bed of some kind for many reasons, not the least of which is because it keeps them from going to sleep in random spots throughout the house like in the middle of a pathway or on the furniture that they know they’re not allowed on.

Why Buy a Sleeping Bag?

Why Buy a Sleeping Bag
Source: k9ofmine.com

Sleeping bags are great for all kinds of dogs. Large or small, furry or hairless, young or old. You should buy a sleeping bag for your dog if you’re in the market for a new bed, you’re going on a camping trip with your dog, or you just want to try something different. For camping tips that you can use, see our article on the do’s and dont’s of backpacking with your canine friend.

Sleeping bags for dogs are certainly different; they’re a unique type of bed with features that you can’t find in anything else. In addition, a bed introduces a routine to your dog’s life and helps him to feel secure, much the same as a crate can be a dog’s safe haven and a beneficial training tool for owners.

It’s useful to know exactly where your dog is at night so you can keep a general eye on him and make sure he’s not up to no good. Many people also have their dog lay on his bed when he’s getting excitable or is in the way when they have guests over.

If you’re looking for a sleeping bag for that purpose you might like the Noblecamper sleeping bag as it’s like a normal dog bed and a sleeping bag in one.

1. Versatility:

One of the best parts about them is that you can use them for many different things, which can’t be said about most other kinds of dog beds. For instance, no need to buy a new one when you want to go camping – simply use the one you already have.

2. Convenience:

Convenience of Dog Sleeping Bag
Source: rover.com

Most dog beds aren’t easily transportable due to being big, bulky, and heavy. However, sleeping bags can be rolled up to be made smaller, they aren’t awkward to carry and their material is designed to be lightweight so that it dries quickly and can be carried comfortably in a backpack.

A sleeping bag like the Pet sleeping bag – large ticks all the boxes and is big enough for a large-sized dog which can sometimes be difficult to find in sleeping bags.

3. One time purchase:

They’re durable and made to last a long time. Like sleeping bags for humans, they last for years so they’re not something you really have to re-purchase unless you need a warmer one.

You can avoid that by buying one that’s warm enough from the start. Consider a cave-type sleeping bag like the L.A.Y. Pet Lifestyle sleeping bag that will allow the dog’s body heat to become trapped inside.

4. Doesn’t fall off:

Doesn’t fall off Dog Sleeping Bag
Source: insider.com

Many dogs are restless sleepers and their movement ends up knocking off the blanket that you’ve draped over your dog. You don’t have to deal with that with a sleeping bag.

Depending on the type of sleeping bag, the dog can crawl in by himself or curl up on top of it.

5. Price tag:

They’re sold at a wide range of prices. They’re very inexpensive on the lower end of the spectrum but on the higher end, there are sleeping bags that are better quality. You have to weigh the pros and cons.

Spend more and have it last longer, or spend less and possibly be unsatisfied with it. However, even the ones on the higher end are still very affordable; sleeping bags are generally no more than $50 to $100.

6. Warmth:

Warmth Dog Sleeping Bag
Source: keepdoggiesafe.com

Some dogs can’t produce enough body heat to keep themselves warm, especially breeds which have a low percentage of body fat and very little fur to insulate them such as greyhounds, chihuahuas, and hairless breeds.

These dogs need something to snuggle up in and sleeping bags fit the bill perfectly.

Do You Go Camping?

camping with a dog
Source: be.chewy.com

Even if you let your dog sleep in your tent with you he’s going to get a bit chilly sleeping on the bare bottom of the tent so unless you want him trying to steal your sleeping bag, you’re going to have to give him something to lay on. A sleeping bag is simply the most convenient bedding to use for camping trips. If it works well for people, why not use the same thing for dogs? It just makes sense.

There’s a reason why people use sleeping bags themselves when going camping. They’re easy to roll out, they often come with a carry case to prevent the sleeping bag from getting wet when hiking and to make it easy to carry, and they keep you much warmer than blankets do.

Some of them, like the Chuckit Fetch Games travel bed, also repel moisture. One satisfied customer said that despite the inside of the tent and the bottom of the sleeping bag being wet with condensation, the top portion of the sleeping bag stayed dry, and therefore, so did their dog.

They’re not even just good for camping; sleeping bags can also be used for vacations, road trips, hunting trips and overnight stays at the vets. They can be used in virtually any space, from a car to a crate. Wherever your dog fits the sleeping bag will fit too. You can read more about this topic in our complete guide to backpacking with Fido.

How Old Is Your Dog?

How Old Is Your Dog
Source: firelightcamps.com

Dogs that are older can get cold easily, especially if they’ve lost some weight. Rather than having to provide additional heat you can simply provide a sleeping bag and your dog will be kept warm and toasty with his own body heat. Senior dogs have different needs, so read on caring for your old dog to be better equipped.

It will also give him a nice soft place to rest his aging joints, which is another advantage to a sleeping bag for dogs: they’re great for all kinds of health problems such as dogs that have arthritis, have lost weight due to illness, or are incontinent. You can chose a sleeping bag that specifically meets their needs.

This could be a sleeping bag with extra padding for an arthritic dog, one that has polyfill insulation for an underweight dog or a wipeable and machine washable sleeping bag for dogs that are prone to urinating in their sleep.

If you’re searching for a machine washable sleeping bag that’s also fairly warm and comfortable then you can look at the Chuckit Fetch Games Travel Bed. Many people have reported how easy it is to wash and how much their dog loves it.

Does Your Dog Have Anxiety?

Does Your Dog Have Anxiety
Source: petkeen.com

Beds are important to all dogs but particularly a dog with anxiety. Dogs that are anxious naturally crave a safe, quiet place to rest. The sleeping bag can be placed in a quiet corner of the house and when he’s anxious he can be trained to go to his bed. A sleeping bag for dogs like the Snoozer Luxury Cozy Cave can be a great place for him to go when, for example, there’s a thunderstorm.

Many dogs are terrified of thunderstorms and try to find a place to hide during them. The cave shape of this sleeping bag not only allows him to hide but also keeps him warm at the same time.

Find out how your dog can deal with another kind of worry in our guide on how your dog can cope with separation anxiety.

What Should You Look for?

It’s difficult to know what to look for in a sleeping bag without first considering how your dog likes to sleep, if he gets destructive with beds, and whether he tends to get cold or hot at night. Observe his behavior and base your decisions off those observations so that you know the sleeping bag will be well suited to his particular needs.

If your dog tends to chew on everything, read our tips on how to put an end to destructive chewing before buying a sleeping bag. You also need to know what exactly you’ll be using the sleeping bag for.

This is important as what you should look for largely depends on what you will be using it for. Is it for camping, simply a warm bed for indoor use, or a mixture of both? If you think you’re going to be using it outdoors at all than definitely go with a water-resistant sleeping bag.

Also consider what kind of material it’s made from. It needs to be warm enough to produce enough heat in cold conditions if you’re going to be using it outdoors. If it’s purely for indoor use than you might want to make sure that it’s not going to be too warm.

Although, some owners have found that their dogs like to snuggle back further in the sleeping bag when they’re cold and lay closer to the outside of the sleeping bag when they’re warm so you don’t necessarily have to worry about it being too warm.

dog sleeping bag tips
Source: thedogclinic.com

It’s just something to keep in mind:

  • There’s no one size fits all with sleeping bags. It’s best to match the correct size bag to your dog so that it’s just snug enough. Sleeping bags are always labeled as large, medium or small according to which size dog they can accommodate.
  • Look at the list of materials that it’s made from. You want to make sure it will feel comfortable to your dog and won’t feel too stiff or coarse. The outside layer is generally nylon due to its waterproof qualities, while the inside may be polyfill, cotton or other types of fluffy materials.
  • Pay particular attention to the base of the sleeping bag. Many people report that the base part of some sleeping bags are too flimsy, thin, overstuffed and otherwise inadequate. According to many reviewers, this is the case with the Trademark Global Plush cave, unfortunately.
  • A lot of people overestimate how big the cover is. If your dog enjoys burrowing underneath blankets you may want to make sure that the cover will be big enough for him to burrow under completely. That’s the one main criticism with the Sofantex Plush cave sleeping bag.

It gets a lot of praise on Amazon and most dogs seem to love it, but some people feel that the cover looks larger in the picture than it actually is in real life and so they were disappointed when it turned out that their dog couldn’t fit all the way under the covers as they had hoped.

To give you an idea of several real products and how well they are rated you can view the models below.

These are just a small selection of some of the best sleeping bags on the market.

  • Pet sleeping bag from Mac Sports: This sleeping bag is very flexible; not only is it perfect for camping but it’s also great for using at home for any sized dog. It’s big enough for large dogs but many people use it for their small and medium-sized dogs as well and they haven’t run into any problems doing so. Also, as several reviews point out, it’s both cheaper and of better quality than most other sleeping bags.
  • Alcott Explorer sleeping bag: All around an excellent sleeping bag and very convenient to use. It’s easy to take care of as it can be rolled up, unzipped, washed and put into its travel bag easily. Convenience ends up being a big factor when it comes time to wash it or when you’re hiking and have to unroll it and roll it back up each day. And as an added bonus, the customer service is said by one customer to be outstanding.
  • Chuckit Fetch Games travel bed: The Chuckit is extremely soft and comfortable and a lot of reviews focus on both the fact that their dogs love it and on the fact that it’s made of the strongest fabrics. It holds up to a lot of washing and traveling.
  • Sofantex Plush cave: This is a great product, especially for the fairly low price. It receives numerous 5-star reviews though, so it’s not one of those cheap sleeping bags that’s too small or misshapen for almost any dog to use. One of its best features is that you can unzip it and remove the fabric from the inside so that you can wash it. You can also add more fabric that way if you were so inclined.
  • Noblecamper 2-in-1 dog bed and sleeping bag: One of the more expensive sleeping bags, but it’s worth it. It’s ideal for extremely cold weather and it’s available in different sizes, so it would probably be your first choice if you were camping at a high elevation or similar. Due to it being specially made for camping, it has all the associated perks such as coming with a carrying case, being lightweight, and having the ability to attach it to a dog’s backpack.
  • L.A.Y. Pet Lifestyle: This is one of the few sleeping bags that dogs can really properly burrow down into. The large majority of sleeping bags marketed towards small to medium dogs that are barely big enough for a chihuahua are rampant but this sleeping bag offers a refreshing change from that.

What Are the Different Types?

What Are the Different Types of Dog Sleeping Bags
Source: nonstopdogwear.com

There are a lot of makes and models therefore research is necessary to ensure that you’re purchasing the best sleeping bag for your dog. Some dogs have different tastes so you have to be selective when shopping for a sleeping bag for dogs.

For example, maybe he doesn’t like the ‘cave’ type sleeping bags but would appreciate a more traditional kind. Think about how your dog likes to sleep and that should help you make your decision.

Does he like to get under the covers? Perhaps a cave sleeping bag would be ideal then. Or maybe he prefers to stretch out and he gets hot quite easily, do you think a traditional sleeping bag would be better.

  • Traditional: These look like the typical sleeping bag that you would use yourself for a camping trip but they’re smaller and made with dogs in mind. For example, they might be made to withstand a bit of abuse from dogs that like to scratch at their bed.
  • Cave: Cave sleeping bags are the ultimate bed for a dog that likes to snuggle. They’re very cozy looking and insulate well.
  • Dog bed: Dog bed sleeping bags have what looks similar to a dog bed as the base and the sleeping bag part comes over the top of the bed, making a cave-like structure. However, these are different from the cave types of bags because they’re all-in-one, while the dog bed types are two separate pieces. Some dogs don’t like to crawl in them on their own so this kind would be better suited for such dogs.

Overall, choosing a sleeping bag for your dog is fairly straightforward even though it does require a small amount of research to properly choose the right one for your individual dog. It’s always a good idea to know a little bit about what you’re buying for your dog so that you can first ensure that it’s worth the money, and most importantly, that it’s a safe, reputable product.

Literary Dog Names – Roundup for Every Bookworm Pet Owner

Bringing a new pup to your home is always a touching experience. Once the pup has become a part of your family, next comes the difficult task of having to pick a catchy term of endearment for them.

You can pick their name from any field of life that you are passionate about, but you’ll want to make sure that the name is recognizable without being too common. Is there really such a name? Plenty—if you decide to go for literary dog names, that is.

The world of literature is enriched with countless terms and characters; pick any name, and chances are people who heard you calling out to your dog will instantly understand where you got the name from.

But because there are so many options, no two dogs in the neighborhood would end up having the same name. Literary dog names also usually sound sophisticated and unique. It could also help you meet new people—those who heard you calling your dog and realized they had the same taste in literature as you.

Are you interested in giving a literary name to your dog? Don’t worry; you would not need to go through a thick bundle of books to narrow down your options to a list of literature-inspired names. Just sit back and relax; we have rounded up a passel of the catchiest and the most practical literary names (both characters and authors) for your bestie.

Literary Dog Names for Females

Literary Dog Names for Females
Source: freepik.com

Straining a vast domain like literature, finding a suitable name for a girl dog is tougher than finding a name for a boy dog. After all, it wasn’t until recently that equal rights for women started to become a highly supported cause.

Back then, it was very, very difficult for women to pick up the pen and become an established author. But that just goes to show how relentless and inspirational these women were. Even when all odds were against them, they did not give up and managed to produce some of the most influential works in the history of humanity.

Here we have compiled a comprehensive list of literary dog names female. Some of these names are inspired by characters in famous literature while others are derived from the authors themselves.

  • Adela: A character from a novel penned by Dornford
  • Adelina: From ‘the Young Elites’ by Marie Lu
  • Agatha: As in Agatha Christie
  • Aibileen: A name taken from ‘The Help’ by Kathryn Stockett
  • Alcina: A name used by an Italian poet
  • Ann: Inspired by a canine known as ‘Little Ann’ from ‘Where the Red Fern Grows’
  • Anna: ‘Anna Karenina’ by Leo Tolstoy
  • Aurora: A name inspired by a fairytale
  • Beatrice: As in ‘Much Ado About Nothing’
  • Belle: Inspired by Mirabelle (‘The Shopgirl’ by Steve Martin)
  • Bianca: From ‘The Taming of the Shrew’ by Shakespeare
  • Bronte: Inspired by Charlotte Bronte, the author of ‘Jane Eyre’
  • Carrie: A name taken from Stephen King’s novel
  • Celie: ‘The Color Purple’ by Alice Walker
  • Cleo/Cleopatra: A beautiful and controversial queen whose name has echoed down the corridors of history and literature countless times
  • Daisy: Inspired by ‘The Great Gatsby’ by F. Scott Fitzgerald
  • Dalloway: From ‘Mrs. Dalloway’
  • Damsel: A poetic term
  • Desdemona: Othello’s wife in Shakespeare’s play
  • Dinah: Do you remember the pampered cat from ‘Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland’ by Lewis Carrol? It’s the name of a cat, yes, but it’s not too farfetched to name your canine after her
  • Eleanor: From ‘Eleanor and Park’
  • Elinor: Taken from ‘Sense and Sensibility’
  • Emma: A character in a novel by Jane Austin
  • Estella: ‘Great Expectations’ by Charles Dickens
  • Evangeline: A poem by ‘Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’
  • Francie: Name your cute pup after the lovable Francie Nolan
  • Galadriel: An elven queen from Tolkien’s ‘Lord of the Rings’
  • Gretel: Inspired by ‘Hansel and Gretel’
  • Gwendolyn: A character from one of Oscar Wilde’s plays
  • Hazel: Inspired by ‘The Fault in Our Stars’
  • Hermione: A leading character in the ‘Harry Potter Series’
  • Laika: The first ever animal to orbit our planet. Her journey was depicted in a children’s book called ‘Laika’
  • Laila: Inspired by ‘A Thousand Splendid Suns’ by Khaled Hosseini
  • Lassie: One of the most lovable and well-known dog characters—depicted in the novel ‘Lassie Come Home’ written by Eric Knight
  • Lisbeth: A name taken from ‘The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo’ by Stieg Larsson
  • Maya: Inspired by the great author ‘Maya Angelou’
  • Mina: Inspired by Mina Harker of ‘Dracula’
  • Moxie: From ‘The Subtle Knife’ by Philip Pullman
  • Nana: Wendy’s dog in ‘Peter Pan’
  • Ophelia: From ‘Hamlet’
  • Peggy: From Enid Blyton’s ‘The Secret Island’
  • Penny: inspired by Enid Blyton’s ‘Cherry Tree Farm’
  • Perdita: A dog character from ‘101 Dalmatians’
  • Phoebe: A name taken from JD Salinger’s ‘The Catcher in The Rye’
  • Pippi: From Astrid Lindgren’s ‘Pippi Longstocking’
  • Polly: Inspired by Eleanor H. Porter’s ‘Pollyanna’
  • Posy: From Noel Streatfeild’s ‘Ballet Shoes’
  • Rosalind: Inspired by ‘As You Like it’
  • Rowling: The author of the legendary ‘Harry Potter’ series. Give this name to a pup that never gives up until she reaches her goal (and she always does. With a bang)
  • Scarlett: A female character from ‘Gone with the Wind’
  • Sheena: Queen of the Jungle
  • Tess: Thomas Hardy’s ‘Tess of the d’Urbervilles’
  • Tiggy: Inspired by Sophocles’s ‘Antigone’
  • Titania: The name of a fairy queen featured in ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ by Shakespeare
  • Verona: A city mentioned in ‘Romeo and Juliet’
  • Winnie: Inspired by Natalie Babbitt’s ‘Tuck Everlasting’
  • Winona: Inspired by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s ‘The Song of Hiawatha’
  • Zooey: Inspired by JD Salinger’s ‘Franny and Zooey’
  • Zora: Call her Zora after the author of ‘Their Eyes Were Watching God’

Literary Dog Names for Male

Literary Dog Names for Male
Source: cosmodoggyland.com

The world of literature is brimming with names suitable for a male dog. We have handpicked the best literary dog names male for you.

Some of these names are inspired by literary characters while others by real-life authors. Without further ado, let’s take a look at our collection.

  • Achilles: Trojan War Hero from Homer’s ‘The Iliad’
  • Aesop: The name of a famous fable writer
  • Ahab: Inspired by Captain Ahab from ‘Moby Dick’
  • Amory: From ‘This Side of Paradise’
  • Anton: The inspiration for this name is ‘No Country for Old Men’ by Cormac McCarthy
  • Aragorn: Try this name for a brave pup, or one that’s good at tracking and hunting
  • Argos: The faithful dog of Odysseus from Homer’s ‘The Odyssey’
  • Arya: Inspired by Arya Bark
  • Aslan: A name taken from ‘The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe’ by C.S. Lewis
  • Atticus: From ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’
  • Atwood: ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’
  • Augustus: From ‘The Fault in Our Stars’
  • Balrog: From ‘Lord of the Rings’
  • Bandit: Derived from ‘Smokey and the Bandit’
  • Banga: From ‘Master and Margarita’
  • Bingley: The inspiration is ‘Mr. Bingley’ from ‘Pride and Prejudice’
  • Blanche: From ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’
  • Bobby: A dog character that starred in a heart-wrenching story of a canine’s faithfulness for his deceased owner; depicted in ‘The Tale of Greyfriars Bobby’ penned by a Scottish author in 1912
  • Bodger: A canine character from Sheila Burnford’s novel ‘The Incredible Journey’
  • Bozo: Inspired by ‘Know-Nothing Bozo’ from The Non-Wonder Dog
  • Bram: Inspired by ‘Dracula’
  • Browning: How about using this name for a pup with a brown coat?
  • Buck: The touching story of a dog who got stolen in the ‘Call of the Wild’
  • Bull’s Eye: A feared canine character from Charles Dicken’s ‘Oliver Twist’
  • Butts: As in ‘Doctor Butts’
  • Byron: Lord Byron
  • Caddie: Pick this name if you believe your pup to be as brave as Caddie Compson
  • Carl: This name is inspired by a picture book known as ‘Good Dog, Carl’
  • Cash: From ‘As I Lay Dying’ by William Faulkner
  • Clifford: Try this name for a large dog breed with red hair
  • Cujo: A dreadful canine from Stephen King’s 1981 novel ‘Cujo’
  • Dallas: From ‘The Outsiders’
  • Dan: A short name inspired by ‘Old Dan’ from ‘Where the Red Fern Grows’
  • Dante: ‘Divine Comedy’
  • Darcy: Every pet parent believes their doggy to be as handsome as Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice’
  • Diogenes: A dog in Dicken’s ‘Dombey and Son’
  • Dodger: ‘Oliver Twist’
  • Dorian: The name is derived from ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’ by Oscar Wilde
  • Edmond: A name derived from ‘The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe’
  • Elf: A good name for a small dog
  • Fang: A suitable name for a heavyset dog. The name comes from the ‘Harry Potter’ series
  • Findus: A name taken from a children’s book
  • Fluffy: Hagrid’s three-headed dog
  • Flyte: A name inspired by ‘Sebastian Flyte’
  • Gale: From ‘The Hunger Games’ by Suzanne Collins
  • Gamgee: Samwise Gamgee from ‘Lord of the Rings’
  • Gaspode: Taken from ‘Discworld’
  • Gatsby: Of course, the name is inspired by ‘The Great Gatsby’
  • George: An Irish Playwright
  • Gimli: How about trying this name for a small dog?
  • Gladstone: This name is taken from ‘Sherlock Holmes’
  • Godot: Inspired by the literary piece ‘Waiting for the Godot’
  • Hank: A crime fighter pup from John Erickson’s book
  • Holden: A name inspired by ‘The Catcher in the Rye’ by J.D. Salinger
  • Homer: A Greek writer
  • Howl: A name derived from ‘Wizard Howl’ in ‘Howl’s Moving Castle’
  • Huck: Tom Sawyer
  • Huckleberry: Finn
  • Ishmael: From Moby Dick
  • Jasper: Name him Jasper after the author Jasper Fforde
  • Jip: A lovable, loyal, yet irritating pooch from Charles Dicken’s ‘David Copperfield’
  • Kazak: Check this name out. It’s taken from ‘The Sirens of Titan’ by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.’
  • Lestat: A character from Anne Rice
  • Louis: A character from Anne Rice
  • Lumos: The name of a light spell in Harry Potter
  • Lysander: A catchy name inspired by a Shakespearean character
  • Maurice: A name inspired by ‘The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents’ by Terry Pratchett
  • Micah: Inspired by ‘Liar’ by Justine Larbalestier
  • Mouse: A funny name from ‘The Dresden Files’ by Jim Butcher
  • Mutt: A cuddly companion from the literary piece, ‘The Dog Who Wouldn’t Be’
  • Nop: A faithful border collie from ‘Nop’s Hope’
  • Oliver: Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens
  • Oscar: Oscar Wilde
  • Pandora: Is your dog full of surprises?
  • Pilot: As in ‘Jane Eyre’
  • Poe: Who doesn’t know Edgar Allan Poe?
  • Polonius: A Shakespearean name
  • Pongo: A fictional dog from the children’s book, ‘101 Dalmatians.’ Try this name for your Dalmatian
  • Quixote: A name inspired by ‘Don Quixote’
  • Rin Tin Tin: A dog from ‘Rin Tin Tin: The Life and the Legend,’ by Susan Orlean
  • Romeo: A name suitable for a romantic pup
  • Rowan: A character from Anne Rice’s novel
  • Rumi: The name of a poet
  • Sam: An Irish playwright
  • Santiago: A suitable name for a heavyset dog; the inspiration behind the name is ‘The Alchemist’ by Paulo Coelho
  • Sebastian: Inspired by ‘Sebastian Flyte’
  • Sherlock: What could be a better name for your smart dog?
  • Sirius: A dog from ‘Harry Potter’ who is actually his godfather
  • Snowy: A cute name for a dog with white hair; the inspiration behind the name is the famous doggy companion of Tintin in ‘The Adventures of Tintin’
  • Tennyson: The poet
  • Terrain: Prince Terrain from ‘Bridge to Terabithia’ by Katherine Peterson
  • Thoreau: Henry David Thoreau
  • Tock: Inspired by ‘The Phantom Tollbooth’
  • Tolkien: The author of the ‘Lord of the Rings’ trilogy; one of the most revered male authors of all time
  • Took: Try this hobbit’s name for your inquisitive small pup
  • Toto: What could be a more suitable name for a cute, tiny black dog? Just as in ‘The Wonderful Wizard of Oz’
  • Tybalt: Go Shakespearean with this name!
  • Winfield: A name from ‘The Grapes of Wrath’
  • Wishbone: The wonder dog

Wrap Up

Picking a dog moniker from a domain as vast as literature seems quite easy. Literature provides countless naming options; these names are all pretty recognizable, but not all of them are commonly used. It’s your choice whether to pick the name of a very popular character that everyone is naming their pet after or a less common but no less recognizable name that makes calling out to your dog at a crowded dog park a simple task.

Most of the literary names (especially the old ones) are heavy and impractical (e.g., Rosencrantz, Guildenstern, and many others in the same vein). Before settling for a name, make sure it is epigrammatic and allows your tongue to roll it easily.

A dog lying on the floor with three books in front of him
Remember, you’re going to utter your dog’s name many, many times. So make sure it is easy to say. Hopefully, this article has made the task of finding a distinctive literary name for your new furry friend a tad easier.

Dog Training: Frequently Asked Questions

Source: pexels.com

Training your dog is essential. It’s one of the most basic ways to show just how much you love and care. You can choose to work with one or you can choose to train your dog on your own. It will all depend on the kind of lifestyle you have, your energy, and your schedule. To help you determine if training on your own is best for you, we’d share answers to the most frequently asked dog training questions.

Understanding them will help you see the importance and particulars of training. Some owners even hire expert trainers like DogBehaviouristLondon, who can dedicate time, effort, and energy to solely training their beloved dogs.

What are the main benefits of dog training?

Source: pexels.com

The following are the main benefits that you and your dog will enjoy during and after dog training:

  1. Stronger bond between you and your dog – training will allow you to spend more time with your dog. This in turn will allow you to know more about your dog. You will also allow your dog to get to know you more. You will be able to share positive experiences that will improve your overall wellness. It will also improve yours.
  2. Your dog will be more confident – your pet will have a good sense of self as your training will make them understand that they can do good things. This will be the case if you will use positive reinforcement.
  3. Your dog will be more sociable – training will teach boundaries. Knowing about boundaries is the key to making any pet become sociable. A well-trained dog is a prerequisite for making the most of doggy day-care and dog boarding services which make life more convenient for dog owners.
  4. You and your dog will effectively have additional safety precautions – training will allow you to make your dog be extra sensitive to cues. It will also improve your listening skills. It will be easier for you to get your attention when in public.
  5. It will be easier for experts to train your pet- this will be the case if you’d choose to train your dog on your own initially. As they will already be familiar with your training methods, they will find it easier to work with experts.

How do I teach my dog to sit, stay, and come?

Source: pexels.com

Sit: Start by having your dog sit before offering a treat. Once your dog is sitting, give them a treat and praise them. If your dog does not sit when commanded to do so, begin again by having them sit before offering a treat. Repeat these steps until your dog reliably sits when asked.

Stay: To teach your dog to stay, start by providing them with a toy or bone that they can play with while you are training. When commanded to stay, have your dog put the toy or bone away in an approved spot and give them a treat. If your dog fails to obey the command, start over again by giving them a toy or bone before issuing the stay command. Repeat these steps until your dog reliably stays in one spot when asked.

Come: To teach your dog to come when called, have them sit near you with their leash in hand. Instruct them to “come” by pulling on the leash gently enough so that they walk towards you but do not let go of the leash. Once they are close enough, give them a reward (such as a treat or pet). Continue training this way until your dog comes whenever called.

Will training improve my dog’s behaviour?

Pet’s don’t naturally know how to behave “well” when around humans. What you call ‘bad behaviour’ is more or less natural behavior that dogs are not fully aware of. This is where dog training can greatly help. For starters, your pet is not behaving badly, they are just behaving like dogs. training will not make them behave better, but it will make them assimilate better with your lifestyle. In training, they will learn to use their noses, mouths, and paws in such a way that is not chaotic. Their training will teach them things that are okay to do and things that are not okay to do. This, in turn, will result in having a kind of behavior that suits your lifestyle.

What is the most recommended method of training?

Source: pexels.com

There are numerous kinds of methods that you can use when training your pet. The following are the most popular ones:

  1. Scientific training
  2. Positive reinforcement
  3. Electronic training
  4. Clicker training
  5. Relationship-Based Training
  6. Mirror Training or Model-Rival Training
  7. Dominance or Alpha Training

Experts highly recommend the use of positive reinforcement. It is highly recommended because it does not require extensive professional training. Any owner can do it without the help of experts. It simply involves that act of consistent giving of rewards every time a dog will do something “right” or “correct.” This in turn will lead to training to always do the right thing and exhibit the preferred behavior.

When can I start training a new puppy?

It is never too early to start training a puppy. You can start training your puppy as soon as you bring them home. For best results, it’s best to start training once your puppy is fully vaccinated. But such can be too late for some as it is best when a puppy is trained when 6 – 16 weeks old as this is its period of significant brain development. Such can be utilized to easily assimilate a puppy to all aspects of your lifestyle. During this stage, it’s best if your puppy could begin doing the following already:

  1. Meet new dogs
  2. Meet new people
  3. Meet new cats
  4. Go to different locations

You can make it easier for you and your puppy if you’d enroll your puppy in a socialization class. Young dogs enter their adolescent phase when they are 8 – 18 months old. This period requires a different kind of training as this is considered their “teenage years.”

Can I still train an old dog?

Source: pexels.com

Yes! No dog is too old to undergo training. The saying that you can’t teach any new tricks is totally untrue! People who adopt rescue dogs know this for a fact. Even old rescues can very well be trained to allow for easy household assimilation. You can teach any age just about any kind of trick or command. You just have to be realistic though and know that it will take time, patience, and solid dedication. You should never lose hope as it is very possible! Old ones can easily undergo the following training:

  1. Agility training
  2. Nose work
  3. Therapy training
  4. Tricks
  5. Commands
  6. Dock diving

If you’re considering dog training, it’s important to know the answers to some frequently asked questions. We’ve addressed a few of the most common queries about dog training and provided you with tips on how to get started. Armed with this information, you’ll be well on your way to becoming an effective dog trainer!

Top 10 Dog Foods 2022 – Identifying the Best Food Options on the Market

Top 10 Dog Foods

Any dog owner wants to have a healthy pup that is full of energy, has a good muscle tone, vibrant and thick fur and that will live a long, happy life. In order to achieve that, the food ingested by dogs plays one of the main roles.

The chosen food should provide enough nutrients and the necessary energy needed for the pet’s body to function properly. In dogs, the energy requirements differ depending on breed, lifestyle, and activity level, so making a list of top dog foods that apply to every dog is almost impossible.

Therefore, a pup’s diet must be in harmony with its development stage, physiological or pathological condition, and so on.

In general, you can feed your dog with homemade food, dry food, semi-moist food, or canned food. The supermarkets and the pet shops are crammed with many types of dog food that can be both good and bad.

Their labels are confusing since they use all kinds of terms such as holistic, organic, or super-premium when describing their products. This situation makes it difficult for a regular person who does not research for hours to pick the best food for his/her puppy to eat.

It could even be overwhelming for certain people to read all the labels and finally take a decision. There is also special food for small and large dogs, for dogs that need to lose weight, for active dogs or for lazy dogs. There are a few guidelines that can be followed by new owners when they are trying to buy the right food for their dogs.

Must-Have Ingredients & Top 10 Dog Food Brands

Must-Have Ingredients & Top 10 Dog Food Brands
Source: thedailymeal.com

What does healthy food mean when it comes to feeding your puppy? It means that it should contain all the ingredients that ensure the most basic nutritional needs of a dog, a good source of protein, adequate fats, fibers, and moisture.

The ingredients from dog food are different depending on the manufacturer and the brand, but regardless of their provenience, they should meet certain standards.

Still, any dog food should contain proteins, amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients important for the proper development of a dog. Depending on the producer, dog food may contain animal and vegetal proteins, grains, and other carbohydrates as well.

The top 10 dog foods by the brand are as follows:

  Dry foods Canned foods
1 Acana Animonda
2 Bosch Happy Dog
3 Eukanuba Herrmanns Bio
4 Hill’s Hill’s
5 Hill’s Prescription Diet Canine Lukullus
6 Purina Pro Plan Rinti
7 Royal Canin Breed Rocco
8 Royal Canin Size Royal Canin
9 Royal Canin Veterinary Diet Schesir
10 Taste of the Wild Terra Canis


The aforementioned classification is made based on data merging from different lists that include opinions from veterinarians and pet owners.

  • Acana – is produced with fresh ingredients that come from a Canadian region named Alberta. This is a family business that has especially conceived recipes, which meet the food requirements of any type of dog, based on the canine carnivorous nature. It has received several international awards for its excellent quality.
  • Bosch – produces healthy dog food that also offers complete and balanced nutrition of the highest quality. It is especially mixed in order to meet the needs of different dog breeds.
  • Eukanuba – is a premium dog food that contains all the needed nutrients for a canine. Their food does not contain flavors, artificial colors, or artificial preservatives.
  • Hill’s Science Plan – is qualitative dog food. In case your doggy gets sick, Hill’s offers a large variety of products with therapeutic roles from their Prescription Diet range. It includes a wide range of very tasty dry food that has an adjutant role in a variety of health problems such as urinary infections, skin problems, obesity, or kidney problems.
  • Purina – the dog food from Purina contains turkey, lamb, and chicken and beef meat too. Meat is basically the most important ingredient in their recipes. It is highly nutritional, tasty and healthy as well.
  • Royal Canin – provides food for every dog size and breed. Their recipes differ according to the needs of young, small, old or huge dogs. They also have a therapeutic range of products.
  • Taste of the Wild – is made in the United States of America. It is a tasty dry food for dogs that does not contain cereal and it was conceived for all dogs, regardless of their breed or age.
  • Animonda – is a quality food based on the nutritional needs of dogs. It stands for quality, suitable recipes and natural ingredients.
  • Happy Dog – this brand offers healthy dog foods that meet every individual need that dog is known to have. It contains no artificial preservatives or chemical additives and it is prepared without soy.
  • Herrmanns Bio – this dog food is exceptionally made out of organic ingredients. This applies to both meat and vegetables, as well as to rice. It is a gastronomic delight for all dogs, especially for the sensitive ones.
  • Lukullus – this brand of dog food is based on carefully chosen ingredients mixed in perfect proportions. It offers an authentic taste and ensures all the nutritional requirements of a dog.
  • Rinti – the canned food from Rinti is fitted to your pup’s needs. It is made out of pieces of pure meat and it is delicious. It is based on a natural recipe.
  • Rocco – is a type of canned food that promises to provide everything that your dog needs in terms of nutrition. It has no chemical additives and contains whole pieces of meat.
  • Schesir – a combination of tuna and poultry, Schesir is a great choice when it comes to canned food for doggies.
  • Terra Canis – this food is prepared in Bavaria. It is based on a simple recipe, but it is quite appreciated and was also rewarded with prizes throughout the years.

Deciphering Dog Food Labels

On average, a dog should have a diet containing 50% vegetables, 40% meat and 10% grain. Adult dogs require a minimum of 18% proteins in case of dry food and the little ones require at least 22%.

Also, every dog needs to eat a certain quantity of fat, depending on their activity level. Approximately 4% of a pup’s diet must be constituted of fibers. In order to compare different dog food, you should read their labels.

Deciphering dog food labels is not the easiest thing out there, but it is a great and effective way to determine whether or not the product is worthy of purchase and to be fed to your dog. With a little practice, you can find a highly digestible product that does not contain unwanted ingredients. The ingredients are listed in order of weight.

How to read a dog food label

The following indicators should be included on dog food labels: minimum amount of protein, minimum amount of fat, maximum amount of fibers and maximum humidity level. One trick that the producers use, is to divide one ingredient in its components, making it look like it is actually found in a lesser quantity than it really is.

Dog food made in America should also meet certain federal regulations to ensure that the ingredients aren’t dangerous to your dog. You can read what those are in our article about what makes good dog food.

You can find chicken listed first, followed by corn flour, corn gluten, and corn bran. This might make you believe that chicken is the main ingredient, but the corn ingredients might exceed the chicken weight.

Look for natural and organic ingredients. A package of dog food that has the word “natural” written on it is not necessarily 100% natural. Avoid products that have corn, cornmeal, soy, and wheat in their composition. These are hard to digest for dogs and they can cause allergies. Instead, choose products that contain barley, oats, millet, and brown rice.

Depending on your doggy’s ability to digest, check the protein’s digestibility. This means that you should choose fish because it can be digested easily. For example, muscles and organs are hard to digest. You can do the same with carbohydrates. In addition, avoid anything with preservatives, additives, or any other parts of an animal that is not raw meat.

Choosing Between Canned or Dry Dog Food

Canned food is really appreciated by most dogs because it is very tasty. However, a huge disadvantage of canned food is that it alters quickly after it is opened. It can be kept in a cool place, but no owner would want to feed his/her dog with something that is not fresh.

This type of food is highly beneficial for dogs that suffer from urinary tract problems. Also, it is ideal for obese or fat dogs because it has a larger volume, therefore the dog will consume less. However, it is quite rich in fats and low in carbohydrates.

Semi-moist food contains humectants such as sugar, so read the label carefully if your dog has weight problems before you feed it with something totally inappropriate. On another train of thought, canned food contains less amount of starch than dry food does.

Starch is known to contribute to weight gain to both human and puppies, so that is a positive aspect. Last but not least, canned food for dogs is easier to eat for puppies that have dental problems and that cannot chew properly.

If you’d like to find out which brands are the best for your pup, please read our article on the best brands of canned dog food available.

Canned dog food

Dry dog food is a commercial product that can satisfy the nutritional needs of dogs. It is presented in an easily digestible form. The final composition of this food is the result of intensive research lead by numerous nutritionists and vets.

This is why this type of food can ensure your pup’s nutritional needs with minimal effort from your side. It can be kept for a long time without having alteration issues and, also, it is the only type of dog food that can be consumed at discretion because the danger of alteration does not exist.

This way of feeding is chosen by newly dog owners because it is useful for their growth and in case of absence from home. However, next to every bowl of dry food there has to be another bowl with plenty of fresh water to avoid dehydration.

Another advantage of dry food for dogs is that it helps maintain dental health thanks to the abrasive action and slows down the formation of dental plaque and tartar on the puppy’s teeth.

Dry dog food

Although there are considerable differences between canned and dry dog food, you don’t always have to choose between them. Experts believe that the most balanced diet for a puppy can be achieved by combining these two types of food. A mixed diet is considered to be the healthiest one. Also, you can add supplements to your doggy’s meals.

These should not be given randomly though. Only a vet can recommend the right ones depending on your pet’s individual characteristics, which should also be established by a specialist. There are bones with calcium at any pet shop that you can buy safely for your dog to chew on.

Different Types of Food for Young and Adults Dogs

Your dog’s type is an essential selection criterion and it is always correlated with the age of the animal. Along the way, while your puppy grows and develops, its type of food changes as well. Not only the type of food must be different, but the amount ingested must be changed too.

According to this type of categorization, there are four main sorts of food, as it follows: starter, junior, adult and senior.

The starter food type is a variant designed for younger pups that have up to two months. The nutritional needs of a very young specimen are different from those of an adult. This is because a young body needs a higher amount of vitamins and proteins in order to develop.

In most cases, the starter food type is recommended for pregnant females to provide the necessary nutrients during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Such food is characterized by a soft texture, easily digestible and which contains a double or a triple amount of protein compared with any conventional food for adult dogs. It has the advantage that it can be later used as complementary food.

Dog in a shopping cart

The food for junior dogs is recommended to weaned puppies, aged up to 1 year, and for pregnant females too. Also, newly mothers can rebuild their body weight after a prolonged breastfeeding period by eating this type of food.

When it comes to the intake of nutrients, this product is similar with the starter one. This is because the doggy still needs extra vitamins and proteins to develop in a harmonious manner. It comes in the form of canned food and dry food, which can be used complementary, as recommended by the veterinarian.

The food especially conceived for adult dogs is recommended to be consumed by doggies with ages between 1 and 7 years. This sort is not as rich in proteins as the other ones, but it retains the necessary input in order to keep any dog healthy and to provide enough energy throughout the day. Both canned and dry adult food can be used according to the dog’s preferences and requirements.

Senior dogs have special food at their disposal too. After 7 years of life, a dog’s metabolism tends to change, so it needs another sort of food. Basically, its body begins the aging process and requires the correct dose of nutrients that keep it balanced. This type of food is found canned and dry. A sedentary and a very active senior dog must be fed differently.

A healthy puppy is a happy puppy that looks gorgeous. The way a dog’s fur looks and a dog’s level of energy is closely related to what that dog eats. You can make your doggy jump of joy if you give it the best food there is and if you do not forget that it needs change, so its food must be changed as well.

The best brands and the best combinations are not easy to identify, but as long as you keep in mind all the guidelines listed above, you will be able to always make the right choices for your lovely companion to be healthy, look beautiful, and to feel the best way possible as well.

Puppy eating

Try not to get tricked by labels that are meant to deceive you or to look for dog food that is cheap. In the long run, you will spend more with a dog that has not been eating healthy than with a dog that has. Always choose to pay more when it comes to dog food. You can save money in other domains of your life that do not regard the health of your gentle, friendly, and loyal animal.

As a last resort solution, you can cook for your puppy, but how to cook for it might require too much energy from your side and more money too. Also, the risk of not doing it right is higher than you might think. However, we do have a handful of great recipes you could consider trying out, so take a look at our article on recipes for homemade dog food.

Your animal’s health is the most important aspect, so whatever you do for your doggy should be done in order to achieve a 100% health certificate.

The Benefits of Salmon in Grain-Free Dry Food for White Dogs

The Benefits of Salmon in Grain-Free Dry Food for White Dogs

Salmon is a fantastic alternative to animal sources of protein, such as chicken or beef. This fish provides an adequate protein intake but contains much less saturated fat, making it a perfect source of protein for maintaining your dog’s optimal body weight.

White dog food with salmon is packed with vitamins A, PP, B7 (H), C, D, E, B12, as well as valuable omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, and contains a number of trace minerals, such as zinc, selenium, magnesium, and phosphorus. The protein is easily digestible and provides a longer feeling of fullness.

Grain-Free Diet for Digestive Health

Grain-Free Diet for Digestive Health

Grain-free dry food is recommended for dogs for several reasons.

First, because of the development of food intolerances or the presence of allergic reactions to the components of the food containing grains. Some dogs have intolerances or allergic reactions to wheat, corn, or soy. Grain-free dog nutrition eliminates these ingredients, which can help reduce the risk of food allergies or intolerances. These types of foods are also recommended for animals with the following characteristics:

  • Grain sensitivity – The digestive system of some pets is characterized by sensitivity to cereal crops. This characteristic manifests itself in the form of eating disorders, digestive problems, skin problems, and other symptoms. Grain-free foods are a kind of alternative that allows you to eliminate grain components from your pet’s diet.
  • Improved digestive health – Some dogs’ digestive systems can better digest and assimilate grain-free ingredients, such as meat, fish, fruits, and vegetables. Grain-free foods can promote better digestion and nutrient absorption, improving overall well-being.
  • Weight control and health – Grain-free foods, especially those that are high in protein and low in carbs, can help control your pet’s weight and maintain better health. This is especially important for dogs that are prone to being overweight or have trouble breaking down carbs.

The health of pets depends a lot on dog nutrition — foods that meet the needs of pets and give them the strength and energy to live an active life.

Choosing the Right Grain-Free Salmon Formula

Choosing the Right Grain-Free Salmon Formula

High-quality animal protein is a key component for perfect coat maintenance and physical health. This is the building material for any tissues in the dog’s body. Veterinarians say that salmon meat is the best in terms of health benefits. Food with such ingredients is a good choice for pet owners who notice that their pet suffers from skin issues.

Salmon is an excellent source of omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids which are good for the skin and coat. It also doesn’t accumulate mercury and other heavy metals from the environment.

Salmon is rich in vitamins and minerals. Due to salmon oil, the coat discoloration is eliminated, and your pet’s coat will become healthy, silky, and shiny. The result will be even more noticeable with quality dog food as it contains RCE ‘(Red Coat Enhancer Balanced Amino Acid Complex) that helps protect and enhance the natural pigmentation of the brown and red coats.

Additionally, your dog will benefit from other advantages of this food, including:

  • Optimal digestion – It contains easily digestible proteins and prebiotics.
  • High-quality product – This food is prepared based on fresh ingredients.
  • Healthy and safe nutrition – Low cereal content to avoid allergic reactions.
  • Functional nutrition – It satisfies the individual dietary needs of your dog.


What’s more, this food contains a number of vitamins, including:

  • Zinc for a better metabolism;
  • Calcium and magnesium for the health of bones, teeth, and muscles;
  • Iron for respiratory and musculoskeletal system stabilization.


Dry food gets high quality due to modern technologies in product manufacturing. Each product is subjected to mandatory analysis at all stages, according to the requirements of production control.

The balance of natural ingredients, proteins, fats, and nutrients is the concept of all the brand’s foods and the key to the health and longevity of your pet.

However, the grain-free concept is still new, and some pet owners believe that if a food is grain-free, it doesn’t have enough carbs. But that’s not true. These brands prove that by offering grain-free alternatives for a healthy pet diet, and you can find out more about it by visiting the page.

Understanding the Role of Carbohydrates in Grain-Free Diets

Understanding the Role of Carbohydrates in Grain-Free Diets

While grain-free dog food eliminates grains, it does not mean a lack of carbohydrates. Instead, these diets often incorporate alternative carbohydrate sources like sweet potatoes, peas, and lentils. These alternatives provide essential energy, dietary fiber, and various nutrients. They also have a lower glycemic index compared to traditional grains, which can be beneficial for dogs with specific health needs, such as diabetes or weight management.

Salmon: A Sustainable and Safe Protein Source

Salmon, as used in dog food, is not only beneficial for your dog’s health but also a sustainable choice. Responsibly sourced salmon ensures minimal environmental impact and maintains biodiversity. Moreover, unlike some other fish, salmon is less prone to accumulating harmful substances like mercury, making it a safer protein source for your pet.

Addressing Common Myths About Grain-Free Diets

There are misconceptions about grain-free diets that need clarification. One common myth is that grain-free diets are inherently unbalanced. However, brands like these ensure a balanced nutritional profile by carefully selecting and combining various ingredients.

Another myth is that grain-free diets are only for dogs with allergies. While they are beneficial for such dogs, these diets can also offer general health benefits for all dogs, especially in terms of digestive health and energy levels.

The Importance of Transitioning to Grain-Free Diets Properly

Switching your dog to a grain-free diet should be a gradual process. Abrupt changes in diet can cause digestive upset. Start by mixing the grain-free food with your dog’s current food, gradually increasing the proportion over a week or two. This allows your dog’s digestive system to adjust to the new food composition.

Personalized Nutrition: Tailoring Diet to Your Dog’s Needs

Personalized Nutrition: Tailoring Diet to Your Dog’s Needs

Every dog is unique, and their dietary needs can vary based on age, breed, activity level, and health conditions. While grain-free salmon-based food is generally beneficial, it’s important to consider your dog’s specific needs. Consultation with a veterinarian can help determine the most appropriate diet plan for your dog, ensuring they receive the right balance of nutrients for their individual health requirements.

Long-Term Health Benefits of Grain-Free Salmon Diets

Adopting a grain-free salmon diet for your dog can have long-term health benefits. Apart from maintaining a healthy weight and improved coat condition, such diets can contribute to better heart health, reduced inflammation, and enhanced immune response. The combination of high-quality proteins, essential fatty acids, and carefully selected carbohydrates can support overall health and potentially extend your pet’s lifespan.

Conclusion: A Holistic Approach to Dog Nutrition

In conclusion, choosing a grain-free salmon-based diet offerings can provide a multitude of benefits for your dog. It’s not just about avoiding grains; it’s about offering a balanced, nutrient-rich diet that caters to your pet’s overall well-being.

Remember, a healthy diet is just one aspect of your pet’s care. Regular exercise, routine veterinary check-ups, and lots of love are equally important in ensuring a happy, healthy life for your furry friend.

How to Give a Dog the Heimlich Maneuver – Helping Choking Dogs

How to Give a Dog the Heimlich Maneuver

The curious and inquisitive nature of a dog is what gives them adventurer-like qualities. But sometimes, their love to explore things may land them in great trouble. There are many cases where dogs somehow end up with foreign objects lodged in their throat or windpipe.

Choking and unable to breathe, this could be a life-threatening situation that requires immediate aiding techniques like CPR and the Heimlich maneuver. Unfortunately, most pet owners don’t know how to give a dog the Heimlich maneuver.

Why do you need to learn it? When faced with such an undesirable situation, you can’t just sit and wait for veterinary assistance. It is your time to act immediately. Knowing how to perform the Heimlich maneuver will allow you to save your dog’s life where it would have been lost otherwise.

Image showing a brown dog laying down

If you don’t know how to perform it, no need to worry since we are here to guide you. Once you’re done with this article, you will have mastered different ways to perform it effectively—theoretically, of course (you’ll still need to apply these theories into actual practice to truly master them). Scroll through our step-by-step guide to release your furry friend from a choking nightmare.

How Do You Know Whether Your Dog Needs Help?

How Do You Know Whether Your Dog Needs Help
Source: unsplash.com

Dogs are always up to eating weird things. And it is very common for them to get some stuff caught in their mouth or windpipe. Pieces of sticks, toys, balls, rawhide, cloths, and bones are the most common culprits in such cases. So how would you accurately determine whether he needs your intervention or not?

As long as your dog is coughing, it can be categorized as safe and he should be given a chance to dislodge the object himself (best case scenario). Wait for a bit — if your dog succeeds, that is great.

After that, you should give him a reassuring pat on his head. But if he fails to dislodge the object on his own and the trouble continues, he needs your help. The situations when you must intervene include:

  • When your pooch is choking but not coughing
  • When your furry friend is facing difficulty in inhaling and exhaling
  • When your dog seems panicked
  • When your dog is pawing at his face continuously

If your pooch only coughs occasionally—especially with gaps during which you find him doing OK—that means he is not choking. This could be a normal cough or throat infection. You can still check on him for your satisfaction or if you’re worried about some other health issues.

Steps to Relieve Your Dog From Choking

Once you have set your mind to helping your choking friend, the following are the basic steps that you must attempt:

  • Step 1: Confirm it!
  • Step 2: Back Blow Method
  • Step 3: Gravity Method
  • Step 4: Different Heimlich Maneuver Methods According to the Dog’s Size

Step One: Confirm It!

Obviously, the pooch can’t say what he is going through. It is necessary to confirm whether the dog is really choking or not yourself. As mentioned above, the most common signs that a dog shows in such cases include—retching, hacking, pawing at his mouth, gasping, and producing a severe cough with bulging eyes.

To check the problem, the first and the most challenging thing to do is to open your pup’s mouth and look for the obstruction. We know that this dog is your most trustworthy companion, but in a situation like this, dogs may act frantically and you can get bitten. Following are some tips to help you get out of this predicament with your dog and yourself intact:

  • Don’t do it alone! You must have another fellow assisting you.
  • Arrange a flashlight to check dog’s mouth and throat.
  • Use both of your hands to open the pooch’s mouth while your fellow holds the flashlight and take a look inside.
  • Accurate hands positioning is crucial to avoid a dog’s bite. Hold the top canine teeth with a strong grip with one hand. Then use the other hand to open the mouth. This is the most recommended method for saving yourself from getting bitten.
  • Pull down your pet’s tongue to get a clearer view in the throat.
  • In case you spot the foreign object inside, try to get it out manually (with your fingers). If you can’t reach it, you can use the flat side of the spoon to bring it closer.
  • Removing the foreign object involves the risk of pushing the obstruction deep inside the trachea, which might cause severe damage to the internal tissues in dog’s throat.
  • Remove the object only if it feels like it is coming off easily. If it feels stuck, do not use force.

Step Two: Back Blow Method

Before you apply the Heimlich maneuver, try the back blowing method first. Sometimes, simply following this method helps in excreting the object.

Image of a dog walking on the grass

Give your furry pet about five solid blows between his shoulder blades. If your dog coughs out the foreign object, then problem solved. If your dog does not, then it’s time to attempt some other measures.

Step Three: Gravity Method

Yet another effective method you may try is the gravity method. Simply raise your canine’s hind legs in the air. The legs should be higher than his head. This is usually an effective method. Gravity force will usually kick in and help the object gets expelled conveniently. However, if this method isn’t enough either, then it’s time to attempt the Heimlich maneuver.

Step Four: Heimlich Maneuver Methods According to the Dog’s Size

Heimlich Maneuver Methods According to the Dog’s Size
Source: akc.org

Heimlich maneuver techniques vary with the dog’s size as there is one technique for small dogs and another for medium to large-sized breeds.

1. The technique for Medium-sized Dogs

This technique involves the use of force against the ribs. Pressure should be generated around the lower ribs area to dislodge the stuck object from the trachea. Hands are placed below the last rib and you should squeeze in an inward to upward movement.

One thing you need to be aware of: pet owners with less or no prior experience might cause injury to their dog’s ribs by pressing excessively. Unlike human ribs, a dog’s ribs are softer and more flexible. So, you have to be extra careful while performing this technique.

2. The technique for Larger Breeds

For dogs that are bigger in size, the Heimlich maneuver can be tried in different ways. If you don’t get the desired results from one, try the other. Check out the most common positions used for de-choking medium to large sized dogs:

  • Kneel down behind your pet (if he is heavy to lift) and wrap your arms around the dog’s waist in a standing position. Use some force to press below the ribcage.
  • Secondly, kneel down in the same position and use your fist to thrust forward and upwards on the lower abdominal area. Hopefully, a few quick and forced thrusts would help in dislodging the obstruction. Remove the object with your finger instantly when expelled.
  • Get your dog in a laid down position (preferably with a pillow under his hindquarters) on his right side. Put some pressure on his abdomen area with your hands giving upward thrusts. Doing this would force the air into the lungs to move into the esophagus. Once you’re done, you are quite likely to see the object expelled.
  • Get your dog laid flat on his stomach. Use your palms to press on the area around the shoulder blades. Keep on repeating the same action for about 5 times.
  • You can try an upside-down position as well. The dog’s back should be against your chest. Wrap your arms below the ribcage and clasp your hands strongly. Use your arms to give some quick and sharp pushes to remove the debris.

3. The technique for Small Breeds

If your dog is small, the above methods may be a bit too extreme. Small sized dogs are actually easier to handle in such situations.

Simply follow these steps:

  • Get the small dog in your lap and hold its back against your chest with one hand.
  • Use the other hand’s fist to perform quick thrusting movements (four to five times) in an upward and inward direction right below its abdomen or at the end of its sternum.
  • Once you are done with that, sweep your fingers across his mouth and look for the object in the airway. If the object is dislodged, remove it using your hand.
  • In case the obstruction is still not dislodged, lift your small-sized dog with his hind legs. Suspend him in the air and sway him for a few times and then check again for the foreign object.

Things to Remember!

Heimlich Maneuver Methods
Source: bowwowlabs.com
  • We have mentioned a number of methods to dislodge the obstruction. If you do not get success with one technique, try the other. Keep on repeating them till the problem is solved.
  • In some extreme choking cases, the dog might lay unconscious. How would you give the Heimlich maneuver to an unconscious dog? Lay him down on his right side and opt for CPR (blowing air in the dog’s nose about 5 times, with his mouth closed) till the breathing is restored. To remove the obstruction, CPR and the thrusting of the abdomen go side by side. Keep on recovering his breath (with CPR or artificial respiration) and thrusting his abdomen till the foreign object comes out.
  • Remember, CPR is recommended only when your dog does not have a pulse.
  • You must know how to check a dog’s pulse. While you would typically check a human’s pulse by pressing your fingers onto the skin of their neck or wrist, for a dog the easiest way to check it is by going for the inner thigh—on the hind leg and almost at the spot where the leg meets the body.
  • If you find it hard to detect the pulse in an aforementioned way, check his heartbeat
  • In case you have found the pulse but your dog is not breathing, avoid CPR and go for the artificial respiration method instead.
  • A dog’s throat consists of small and delicate bones that function to support the dog’s tongue. Make sure you are not mistaking these bones as the obstruction. Accidental pulling on any of these bones may cause severe oral injury.
  • It is really important for pet parents to keep calm while facing it all.
  • Keep your dog calm as well. If the dog gets agitated and out of control, cool him down by pouring cold water on his belly, feet, and ears.

Is It Necessary to Visit a Veterinarian?

Whether you are successful or not at dislodging the foreign object, you can’t deny the role of a veterinarian. You must visit the expert in both cases. If the Heimlich maneuver technique does not work for your pet, call the vet’s office to arrange immediate medical assistance.

Even if you have dislodged the obstruction successfully, you must still visit your vet for additional guidance. A vet would look for some injury or damage to the dog’s throat and guide you accordingly.

Tips to Prevent Such Situations

Prevention is the best solution for such cases. There are a lot of practices that can save your pet from such a painful experience, like:

  • Make sure you are not offering fish or poultry with the bones still mixed into your dog.
  • Not every object is suitable for your pup. It is recommended that you give him toys that are designed specifically for dogs.
  • Chews, large food chunks (gristle), and dog T-bones are some of the items that must be avoided for dogs.
  • Last but surely not least, always keep an eye on your dog. Supervise your pooch to see what he is chewing on.

Wrap Up

Dealing with a choking pet is a heart-breaking and tough situation. But the sooner you act, the better it will be for your dog (and for you obviously).

We hope the aforementioned tips, techniques, and suggestions would be helpful for you in getting your pet out of trouble. One last thing that we would like to suggest is to look for some pet first-aid courses in your city. As a vet may not always be present to help you, a properly trained pet owner can sometimes be the only one who can save their pet from any kind of tragedy.

DIY Dog Toys – Handmade Toys for Your Four-Legged Friend

DIY Dog Toys

Toys help a dog avoid boredom while exercising its mind. However, it is not necessary for you to spend a lot of money on toys for your dog because you can make several ones in very simple ways and with minimum expenses. Most DIY dog toys are easy to create, cheap, and do not require too much time either.

Luckily, by using a little imagination and a few objects that you have lying around the house you will keep your dog entertained. Your dog does not care if you buy a designer toy or if you make one yourself. In addition, you could create such toys for your friends’ dogs, not just for yours.

The most important thing for a dog is to play and interact, not the price of its toys or their colors. The main criterion you should have in mind when creating toys is to be safe for your four-legged friend. Depending on how destructive your dog is, you should avoid stuffing the toys with materials that it could swallow. You could save around $9 just by investing 5 minutes of your time in order to make a toy based on a tied rope.

As for materials, try to select the softest things, made from a mixture of cotton and hemp, as they are less likely to contain indigestible fibers. For example, strips of fleece are ideal in order to manufacture certain dog toys.

14 Ideas for Dog Toys You Can Make at Home

1. Dog Toy With a Tennis Ball and a Sock

Dog Toy With a Tennis Ball and a Sock

A sock and a tennis ball are enough in order to create a toy for your dog, which it can bite and chase around the house. An old tennis ball and an old sock that you have around the house are the main materials that you need.

You must insert the ball inside the sock and then make a knot to prevent the ball from sliding out. It is really important for both the ball and the sock to be clean because your dog might associate them with other people if that’s the smell they’re carrying.

You can use this toy to play fetch, or you can pick a long sock for it and tease your dog while you hold one end and it is chasing the other.

2. Dog Toy With a Tennis Ball and Rope

Dog Toy With a Tennis Ball and Rope

An alternative to the previous toy is one with a tennis ball and rope, which requires a process that is a little more elaborate, but not hard to achieve.

The idea is to incorporate a thick rope that cannot be destroyed easily by your dog inside the tennis ball. The procedure is as follows: you should cut the tennis ball at 2 opposite ends using a cutter. The incision should be as wide as the rope is.

Then, you should insert the rope through one hole and push it out through the other hole. So, the rope should go through the 2 openings. Next, you should tie knots on both sides of the ball, leaving the string of rope longer at one of the ends. This is because you can grab that end and play with your dog, moving the ball wherever you want without being too close to your dog.

3. Dog Toy With a Tennis Ball and Treats

Dog Toy With a Tennis Ball and Treats
Source: dog-eh.com

Another use of a tennis ball to make a dog toy is simpler than the one mentioned previously. You still need a cutter to make an incision into the ball, horizontally, in the middle. This incision should be approximately 2 inches long.

It should provide enough room for you to put dog treats inside it. Your dog will struggle to get the treats out and eat them, so this toy will keep any dog occupied for as long as there is food inside it.

When it is finished, you can always add more. If the tennis ball deteriorates in time, then you can repeat the steps. It is unlikely for a dog to get bored trying to obtain food from it. This is also an inexpensive toy.

4. Dog Toy With a Plastic Bottle

Dog Toy With a Plastic Bottle

This is a dog toy designed to keep it occupied. The main quest for your dog would be to get treats out of the bottle. Therefore, you can take a regular water bottle and start cutting holes inside it, which are big enough for the treats to come out, but tight enough for the dog to put in a little effort in order to take them out. You can simply take the cap off and introduce the treats, but then you must put it back on and let your dog do everything else.

Remember to take off the label from the bottle. Your dog might choke on it. This toy is also great for mind training. Your dog will try to get the food out using multiple methods. It might end up even crushing the food into smaller pieces in order to get it out easily. It really depends on its skills.

5. Dog Toy With a Plastic Bottle and Rope

Dog Toy With a Plastic Bottle and Rope
Source: k9ofmine.com

This toy is just a variation of the one above. Since the example above is not an interactive dog toy, you can make it interactive by adding rope to it, which allows you to take control of the bottle and make your dog’s quest even harder to complete.

Your dog’s mission would still be to take the food out of the bottle and eat it, but not before being able to grab it and hold it long enough in order to achieve its purpose. You should tease your dog for a while, but occasionally you should let it take a treat to keep it interested.

6. Dog Toy With a Plastic Bottle and a Sock

Dog Toy With a Plastic Bottle and a Sock

This dog toy has no connection with the other 2 bottle examples. Besides the fact that you can hide treats inside a bottle and that is appealing to your dog, you should also know that the sound a plastic bottle makes is also appealing to it.

Therefore, you need a plastic bottle and a longer sock, preferably a knee-high sock. Take of the air out of the bottle, flatten it, put the cap back, and then insert it inside the sock. Tie a knot at the end of the bottle and voila! This dog toy is ready in a couple of minutes, entertaining and completely free of charge if you think about it.

7. Dog Toy With Kitchen Glove and Socks

Dog Toy With Kitchen Glove and Socks
Source: toozey.com

Dogs love to chew things, especially if they are teething. Plush toys for dogs may be cute, but their filling can get out and your dog might choke on them or swallow them. So, these toys are not safe enough. A much better option is to make an organic toy that your dog can chew without having to worry about chemical ingredients or choking hazards.

Take a kitchen glove that is made of environmentally friendly materials, such as organic cotton, and fill it with old socks. Another idea for the fill could be pieces of an old cotton or hemp shirt. Next, you can sew the open end and introduce your dog to its new enjoyable toy.

8. Dog Toy With a Stick and Treats

Dog Toy With a Stick and Treats
Source: sales.sp.gov.br

What dog does not like to play fetch and receive treats? Based on that, a few people came up with a toy for dogs that allows them to eat as many treats as they want if they work for them.

If your dog is used to you throwing a stick and it getting it back for you, but you want it to be more enthusiastic and run more, then you can tie a few treats on that stick in order to motivate it. This is a great toy to capture the attention of your dog in a productive way.

For example, when a dog is doing something naughty and it does not come to you when you ask it to, then you can lure it with the stick that has treats hanging from it. Your dog will definitely run towards you in this case.

9. Dog Toy With a Cardboard Box and Treats

Dog Toy With a Cardboard Box and Treats
Source: akc.org

You surely have a cardboard box at home that you do not use. What you need to do, is to put some treats on the floor and cover them with a cardboard box. It should draw the attention of your dog and it should stimulate its mind, its smell, its creativity, and its instincts before it figures out what needs to be done.

If you have more than one box, the game becomes more fun. You can let your dog shred the cardboard box, but if you see it chewing on the box, then you should take it away. If your dog does not seem interested at first, then you should show it and move it in order to draw its attention.

10. Dog Toy With a Scarf and 3 Tennis Balls

Dog Toy With a Scarf and 3 Tennis Balls
Source: mymodernmet.com

Go through your old wardrobe and find a scarf that you no longer use, but which is made out of a resistant material, such as cotton. If you have more options, choose the longer one. Make a knot at one end and then place one of the tennis balls inside the material.

Wrap the tennis ball nicely and then tie another knot. Repeat these steps with all 3 tennis balls. It is this simple to make an entertaining toy for your dog. You do not even have to sew anything if the scarf you chose is large enough to comprise all 3 tennis balls.

11. Dog Toy With Fleece Material

Dog Toy With Fleece Material
Source: dalmatiandiy.com

This dog toy is ideally made out of fleece material. You might have some old sweatpants or pajamas made out of this type of material. The variations of braiding and making toys with fleece are numerous.

For example, you can cut 3 even pieces of fleece, tie a knot at one end and then braid them until you reach the other end, where you should tie another knot. This is the simple version of the rope toy made out of fleece. The size of this toy should be according to the size of your dog. In addition, you can combine multiple such fleece ropes into different shapes and offer variety to your pooch.

12. Dog Toy With Textiles Shaped Like a Bone

Dog Toy With Textiles Shaped Like a Bone
Source: bhg.com

In order to make this toy, you need the following materials: denim pieces or other resistant fabric, rice or pieces of cloth for the filling, scissors, needle,s and thread. First, you should draw and cut a pattern shaped like a bone on a sheet of paper.

Next, you should use that piece of paper directly on the fabric and cut around it. You should cut 2 pieces for one bone or many more if you plan on making more. Sew the 2 pieces together and leave an opening for the stuffing. Once you stuff it good, you can sew that end as well. For this toy, you should either sew it very well or use big pieces of material for the stuffing.

13. Dog Toy With Cardboard Tube, Yarn, and Metal Bell

Dog Toy With Cardboard Tube, Yarn, and Metal Bell
Source: dogingtonpost.com

This dog toy is suited for crafty ones. What you need for it are 1 cardboard tube (you can use the one from toilet paper), yarn, a knitting hook, and 1 metal bell. For this design, you should know how to knit.

Basically, you should knit a piece of material that can fit a cardboard tube and also add a loose end. The metal bell should be attached to the loose end. Also, it must be big enough for the dog not to swallow it. This toy is entertaining because of its tubular shape, textured material, and bell, which makes a noise that dogs like.

14. Dog Toy With Water Bottles, Treats, and Wooden Frame

Dog Toy With Water Bottles, Treats, and Wooden Frame
Source: patchpuppy.com

This toy for your dog is so great that you should start building one right now. This accessory is fitted for every dog, regardless of its size. It consists of 3 plastic water bottles with a metal rod going through them.

These implements are placed on a wooden frame, before being filled with dog food or dog biscuits. Dogs seem to have a lot of fun with this toy, especially because they get rewards. This is like a game for them and they might keep playing for hours.

Anyone can craft such a toy, with a little skill and determination. All you need are some plastic water bottles and a few wooden panels in order to build it. Your dog will have an awesome time putting its mind at work.

General Considerations About Making Dog Toys

A great way to get rid of rags or old jeans is the production of homemade toys for dogs. Before you use any material, be sure to wash it well with another type of detergent besides the one you normally use.

Because the dog can associate smells, it might want to chew on something else smelling the same, which can be, for example, your clothes. This aspect cannot be emphasized enough when it comes to handmade dog toys. The 14 examples above are just guidelines for any dog owner. However, you can set your imagination free and create your own designs.

The simplest toys for dogs to play with are made of fleece or used shirts. These toys do not even need sewing. You can simply tie as many knots as necessary to keep them together. This does not mean that you cannot use the sewing machine to create complex designs.

As long as you follow some simple safety rules, you can manufacture numerous types of toys. In addition, you could combine different fabrics with toys that make a sound when they are bitten by a dog. Those are not as cheap as tennis balls are, but if you really want to spoil your dog, then you can try them.

Cloth, canvas or other durable fabrics can be used to create simple toys in different shapes and sizes. Using 2 layers of any material will make any toy more durable. As for the fillers, they should not harm the dog in any way. Do not use foam, polyester or small pieces of cotton. Instead, go for linen, denim, wool and fleece.

Old socks and sleeves can be used to cover plastic bottles and then given to the dog. The reason why a plastic bottle should be covered with a type of material is that the dog might swallow pieces of plastic after chewing on the bottle for too long. That would definitely not be a good thing to happen because those plastic pieces have sharp edges, which can damage a dog’s esophagus and other organs part of its digestive system. In addition, you could fill that bottle with objects that make noises when the dog plays with the toy.

However, the objects should not be small because the dog might swallow them when it damages the bottle, fact which will eventually happen if it keeps playing with it for a long time.

Ideally, a dog should have 3 or 4 toys to play with. In addition to entertaining them and amuse them, these toys should also be fitted to their skills. For example, terrier dogs have more fun by playing with a certain type of toys that are not so appreciated by shepherd dogs. This happens because terrier dogs like to run and hunt things, while shepherd dogs do not have those instincts.

Every dog breed belongs to a certain group, according to their natural instincts and training. There are hunting dogs, guard dogs, surveillance dogs and so on. You should know what type of dog you have and create a toy for it. This way you save money even if you fail and your dog is not very attracted by a particular toy.


Tips for Making Dog Toys

  • The caution comes first! The toy that you manufacture at home must be, above all, safe for your canine friend. Avoid synthetic fibers, small objects, or stuffing that might choke the dog.
  • Always supervise your dog when it plays with cloth, plastic, or other objects that may become dangerous. Do not leave it unattended if you know what it does involves certain risks. This applies to the cardboard box toy too.
  • Always wash the materials you use for making dog toys. It is very important for the materials, not the carry the smell of another person.
  • Adding treats to a toy makes it multiple times more interesting than not having anything inside them. Food motivates dogs to play longer until they achieve their purpose.
  • Quality dog toys are important, so manufacture them as good as you can, without skipping steps that might improve their quality.
  • Here are some useful videos that show you how to manufacture a few dog toys at home.

In these videos you can see more details on how to make dog toys:

And a really cool food dispenser made for a larger dog. Check it out now!

Conclusions for Your Crafty Side

As seen, you do not need too many skills or to be creative in order to make toys for your dog. In order to save money and invest energy and time in your dog, you can manufacture a few toys that are very entertaining for them and that does not cost anything.

Instead of throwing away old shirts, clothes made of fleece, or something as common as water bottles, you could use them to make your dog happy and surprise it as soon as possible.

Considering that dogs destroy their toys, you might get used to making more and more toys. There are countless sources of inspiration and step-by-step instructions when it comes to crafting. In addition, remember that handmade toys are more valuable than the ones purchased from stores. They are also perfect as a gift, so do not hesitate to make some for others and surprise both the dog and its owner in a pleasant way.