A recent survey by the Pet Industry Leadership Council found that a majority of dog owners do not bathe their dogs. A similar poll in the American Press recently found that less than half of pet parents bathe their dogs.
In the real world, this is highly unusual. What’s more, it’s not just a few people. It’s the majority of dog owners don’t bathe their pets.
And why? Well, it may be that they don’t feel like it; it may be that they feel nervous about bathing; or it may be that they don’t have time to go to a gym, teach themselves how to swim, and put together a professional-looking bathing suit for their animal pal: in short, there are many reasons why dog owners might not bathe their pets.
But I bet the most common one is that they are busy and aren’t interested in spending time on something as mundane as taking care of their pet.
So what can we do about this? The answer for us is simple: make ourselves available to these people when they need us. We should also strive to provide them with a convenient method for doing this (and also customize our products so they can use them without feeling restricted). Also important: make sure we offer training and support on how to take care of our animals (even if they are just dogs) so they will see themselves as part of our family instead of something separate from us.
How to Bathe a Goldendoodle Puppy
The Internet is full of articles about how to bathe a golden doodle puppy.
There’s the one that suggests it should be done every day, or that you can give it a bath once or twice a week, depending on what breed and whether your dog is male or female.
This is, I guess, pretty common advice (I also encourage you to read this post on the same topic which has some good ideas). But there’s just one problem: we should probably not recommend bathing golden doodles more than once a week.
Golden doodle puppies are very prone to watery eyes and other serious eye problems. The risk of eye infections increases with age, so it’s not good for them to have their eyes washed every day with soap and water. The risk of damage increases with each bathing, so at some point, you should stop bathing your little dog.
They don’t find watery eyes very funny; they don’t like baths anyway. If you can find a way to keep your dog clean and out of the sun (or if you buy them clothes), then bathing them every day shouldn’t be a problem. But we shouldn’t recommend this as the only thing we can do for our little pets: buying expensive anti-yeast products and even worse anti-bacterial products is not going to make an important difference in a few years time either.
On top of that, bathing golden doodles doesn’t make them any healthier than they would be without it. They are still going to get wet when they play in the rain; they will still get dirty when they go swimming; they will still get sick when they get sick, and they will still suffer from food allergies when their immune systems show signs of being overwhelmed by food allergies (as happened with our first baby).
So while bathing your little dog every day might make you feel better in the short term (and will generally result in them getting much more exercise than if you didn’t bathe them), there are other things that can actually make their lives better too (as long as we don’t put too many restrictions on which toys/movies/books/foods) — like having someone else take care of their business for us…
Bathing the Goldendoodle Puppy
I have seen many people post the question they ask themselves when they try to figure out how often to bathe their dogs. The question has been asked over and over again: “How often should you bathe a Goldendoodle puppy?”
Bathing your dog is good for your dog, too! But in a very specific way that varies depending on the breed. Goldendoodles are very special dogs. They can be so good at what they do that they don’t need much help at all (and I promise you, there will never be a “right” way to bathe them).
So, rather than asking how often you should bathe your golden doodle puppy, it might be more appropriate to ask this question: “What type of dog is your golden doodle?” If your golden doodle is a rescue dog or an animal at a shelter, then you can probably assume that he or she will get along just fine with minimal bathing. If it turns out that you have a Goldendoodle with allergies or other allergies, then you may also want to use low-protein shampoo.
If you have any questions about bathing particular breeds of dogs or about specific shampoo for particular breeds of dogs (or if you are thinking about bathing your dog), please leave a comment below and I will answer them in future posts.
How Much Should You Bathe a Golden Doodle Puppy
For most home-based businesses, the issue of bathing a Goldendoodle puppy is both extremely simple and incredibly important. It’s always a good idea to get up and take a quick shower at least once a day, or else you risk damaging your dog’s skin. But if you don’t bathe him often, he will most likely get dry and itchy.
The problem is that people have this misconception that they have to bathe their Goldendoodles every day, or else they can develop skin infections and other health problems. The truth is that there are various factors to consider when deciding when you should bathe your dog:
- Does he get wet frequently?
- Is his coat dry or damp?
- Does he need it? (You can tell if your dog does not itch by putting his paw in water for approximately 30 seconds before using the shampoo.)
- Do you bathe him daily? (If not, then use a mild shampoo with some moisturizers.)
The general rule of thumb is that if your dog gets wet frequently, then every other day would be enough. For example, if you routinely bathe your dog under the faucet in the bathroom, then every other day would be sufficient. If he gets wet frequently because of rainstorms though (or exposure to water from a hose) then every 8 to 10 days would be sufficient.
If he gets wet frequently because of baths in a public place like the beach or pool or petting zoo or amusement park, then 2 times per week would be sufficient. But even with these guidelines in mind, it’s still a good idea not to forget about him! He needs to be properly cleaned all the time just like we need to clean our fingernails or our hair regularly so as not to scratch them up later on (unless we have extra strength nail polish).
One way of doing this is through regular bathing sessions where your puppy stays outside while you do it (in a tub), which helps clean his fur without getting into trouble with scratching him afterward (and without leaving him sitting outside all day).
Another option is that you put him into his crate for 1-2 hours at night so as not to disturb him during sleep time and also so as not to disturb him when taking care of other dogs at home later on. As always though: don’t forget about yourself! After all, this really isn’t
Tips to Avoid Overbathing the Goldendoodle Puppy
How often do you bathe your Goldendoodle? I get asked this question a lot. And the answer is, ‘Not too often.’
Maintaining a healthy golden retriever requires that you bathe it, brush it regularly and exercise it. But how frequently should you do these things? The answer to this question depends on what breed of dog you have and what breed of puppy you have. What does your dog look like? What does he or she sound like? Does he or she act like a normal puppy or is there something wrong with him or her?
The recommended frequency of bathing depends on the age of the puppy and the breed of the dog. (For example, grooming a golden retriever at least once every two weeks, while bathing their long-haired counterparts every week should provide adequate care.)
Golden retrievers are part of the hound-hound family (the same as our BoxerPup) which also includes Jack Russell Terriers, Collies and Stenlits (added recently in 2010). All these hounds are terriers which means they are naturally aggressive (something not always entirely pleasant for owners). Their natural prey is other dogs but generally, in most cases, they will not be aggressive towards people.
Another important thing to keep in mind when deciding how often to bathe your golden retriever puppy is that all puppies should be thoroughly checked for signs of illness before being given baths. This will help prevent them from developing colds or other diseases which can be fatal if left untreated. When bathing puppies it’s always best to use baby shampoo as opposed to adult shampoo since with adult shampoo it may be hard for baby hair to come out cleanly.
Given this information about golden retrievers, here are some tips:
- Always give your dog regular baths using baby shampoo rather than adult shampoo. Adult shampoo can cause allergic reactions in dogs and can lead to skin infections. Baby shampoo is gentler on skin; the extra benefits include less irritation but also less potential for infection even without baby shampoo being used on an otherwise healthy dog’s skin (as adult shampoo can.)
- If possible make sure that your veterinarian gives your Goldendoodle puppies a good check-up at least once a year so they get used to regular grooming sessions at home. Check them over thoroughly prior to giving them baths; any new spots, cuts or growths must be cleaned out thoroughly with antibacterial wipes before giving them their first bath.
Most people don’t bathe their dogs, and that’s no coincidence. There are a lot of reasons for this. One is that we don’t want to do it. Another is that we don’t like doing it (we get tired if we do). A third is that there are other things more important to us than our canine friends. And now a fourth: We think dog bathing is bad for the dog, and your dog probably agrees with you.
We wonder what the big deal with bathing is, but there are a lot of reasons why people avoid it — maybe it’s too messy, maybe the water is slimy or maybe they don’t want to get wet. But here is a quick list of some of the better-known drawbacks:
- The water can harbor parasites and disease
- It can contain dirt and trash
- It can smell bad (this can be pretty bad)
If your dog gets sunburned, he may not come home smelling like roses The water can hurt your skin The water may contain harmful bacteria The water may have chemicals in it which could cause allergies and other problems
Your dog might decide he likes being beached more than washing up
Your dog might decide he likes being beached less than not bathing at all If you have a smaller breed or older puppy, you might need to consider multiple baths over weeks or even months, because drying out will affect his overall health and well-being — which in turn might affect how much energy he uses You may need to take frequent breaks from bathing since the process can burn out your muscles
Check out our post on amazing facts about Goldendoodle dogs.