Dog Pregnancy

Dog Pregnancy Stages: The Joyous Experience of Dog Birth

Pregnancy is always an exciting experience for any living being. Having a pregnant dog can be a joyous event for any dog owner, one...
Homemade dog ear cleaner

Homemade Dog Ear Cleaner: Top 3 Recipes That Will Make Your Life Easier

The ears of your dog can be really sensitive, thus you need to take time to examine them thoroughly in order to prevent infections....
Female Dogs Periods heat cycles

Do Female Dogs Get Periods: A Short Guide to Female Dogs Heat Cycle

All mammals go through a period of what is called estrus, which is the equivalent of the human female period. In asking do female...

Enlarged Heart in Dogs: Dilated Cardiomyopathy Explained

A dog fills our hearts with joy and asks for nothing in return. However, we are the ones who should take care of its...

What Is the Best Dog Toothpaste? – Pearly Whites for Pups

All dog owners love to come home and be greeted by their furry friend. No matter how you last parted ways, whether it be...
Sleep Walking Sympoms and Causes in Dogs

Sleep Walking Dog: Causes & Symptoms That We Shouldn’t Ignore

Occasionally, you’ve heard of people walking in their sleep, but rarely have you heard of animals displaying such behavior. A funny thing has been happening...
Bumps and Lumps on Dogs - Canine health

Bumps and Lumps on Dogs: Important Things You Should Know

As a pet parent, you love touching and pampering your fur baby, even while sitting down and watching your favorite show. You run your...
Coltis Dog Disease

Colitis in Dogs: Causes, Symptoms, Types & Diagnosis

Colitis in dogs is described as inflammation of the colon that can be caused by a number of factors. The causes of this dog...
The Top 5 CBD Benefits for Your Furry Friend

Paws & Relax: The Top 5 CBD Benefits for Your Furry Friend

The search for natural and holistic healing methods is more than just a trend but a lifestyle; our furry companions are not far behind...
toy poodle

Toy Poodle Full Grown Dog Appearance, Height, Weight, Price, and Facts

Apart from being clever, proud, and elegant, poodles are an impressive dog breed that is considered one of the most intelligent in the whole...