During our first months with a puppy, we had to learn how to survive in this new world. We had to learn how to feed and groom it and keep it contained. We had to learn how to do things that one normally doesn’t have time for during the day. And we did it because we thought it was important.
In fact, when I say “surviving the first night with your puppy,” I mean that you have more responsibility than you would have in a more traditional household: you are responsible for feeding and taking care of your pet, but also for its safety. You can’t just leave the dog outside all day long; it might be hit by a car or get lost or attacked by another dog (and this is especially inappropriate if you are alone).
Surviving the first night with your puppy is about learning new things about yourself every day, about what you do for work and at home as well as how you spend your time with your pet. It is about accepting that there are going to be difficult times and trying not only to cope but also learning from them without letting them get the better of you.
How to Teach your Puppy to Use the Litter Box
My girlfriend and I got a puppy about two weeks ago for Christmas. She’s about 8 weeks old and still sleeping on my shoulder, the only adult I’ve ever been with, but she’s a fairly affectionate dog.
I want to share with you our story of how we got her to use the litter box, just in case it was useful to others. We started off by assuming that perhaps if we did this it would be easier for her to use the litter box than if she was left alone all day.
We also assumed things like “she will eventually learn to use it when left alone” or “she won’t be able to figure it out now, since most dogs can’t read directions” or “it is not convenient anyway, because she uses her nose instead of her mouth to go potty and that would be a pain in the ass. So let’s just leave it.”
I have some experience teaching people how to do things like drive a car or play an instrument, so I could probably have gotten through this problem easily too (I also have some experience teaching English). But what I didn’t know was that dogs aren’t quite like humans: they’re more sociable animals that respond differently to different situations (including ones where there is no one around).

So before we try something we should ask ourselves:
• What are your goals? Are you trying to teach him something or are you just trying to get him using the litter box?
• What is going on here? Can he understand what you are saying? Is he getting frustrated because he’s being ignored? Have you done something wrong? Did your puppy run away when you got your attention? Did his behavior change from what he usually does when he’s upset? If so, why is that happening now? Does this dog need help training his new behavior at all (or is this behavior already learned)? If so, then how do you think he learned it in the first place – perhaps through watching other dogs do it and copying their behaviour? In any of these cases, the right approach should be clear: start by asking yourself these questions before doing anything else.
It turns out that we were asking ourselves several questions at once. We were also starting out thinking “I’m going to teach him how to use the litter box! This is going well! He’s looking forward!
What Type of Litter to Use
This is the first question I think I’ve ever run into when talking to someone about their pet. It’s a tricky one.
On the one hand, many of us who have pets will tell you that it is critical for your to put it in a box, close the door and start some kind of care plan. And for those of us who don’t have pets and can’t afford to keep an animal, that might be true. But if you are talking about a dog or cat (or even a bird) then the answer is probably “yes, this is an OK idea”. After all, any time we spend putting our pet into its box or away from prying eyes is time we could be using to go out and play with it.
But what if you are talking about a dog or cat that isn’t near as harrowing as yours but still needs some care? Then the answer would be no. Since there are so many different types of dogs and cats out there, all different in size, height and coloring (and each has its own unique behaviors), there aren’t any general rules on which type you should choose when building your cat or dog box. You really can do whatever because they all need different care from you — if it works for them!
So with that said, here are some areas where we would generally give more thought to picking out specific litter types:
* Scent-based litters (e.g., paper towel scented litters)
* Litter alternatives (e.g., bedding), which are generally more expensive (but sometimes cost effective)

* Litter choices with higher moisture content (e.g., clay & peat pellets) vs lighter litter options (e.g., clumping pellets), which tend to smell better than other types but take longer to cover up odors – which makes them somewhat less hygienic as well as inconvenient because they need scooping out on occasion
In general though, I think most people would probably agree that there isn’t one perfect way of installing your litter; a single solution would be impossible because each person has their own preferences in choosing the right type of litter for them and their environment — but even if you could find one perfect solution then there wouldn’t really be much point in using it because no matter what type you choose I guarantee that your cat/dog will not
How Often Should I Clean the Box?
I see a lot of people who, before moving into their home for the first time, clean out the boxes and put away all the “stuff” in their parents’ or grandparents’ old homes. It’s a good idea to do this (especially if you want your parents or grandparents to be happy about your new place), but we don’t recommend it as often as these people do. The reason? We are trying to avoid setting ourselves up for failure.
It is not just us who have forgotten that cleaning out a place is hard work. According to Business Insider , “one in every five people will have had to clean out their own home in the past year.”
There are a number of ways of going about this; I think this blog post is one of them:
• You can hire someone to help you, but they are expensive and they are not very effective.
• You can hire someone who has experience, but there are also plenty of others who just copy what they do when it comes to cleaning out their own homes and then pretend that means something about how successful they were at it (and in fact, many of them had a great time doing so).
• Or you can just get creative: you could ask your friends/family/coworkers/neighbours if there’s anything that could be donated as a gift for your puppy and then ask them why they don’t want someone else doing such a thing and ask whether they would like to be paid for it. Or you could go into Google Images and look up the word “doggy litterbox ” (which sounds like something from an old British sitcom that was never aired) — there should be lots of images showing puppies using dogboxes and then asking if anyone wants one for their pet (you could even use images from websites where you can buy similar products). And so on… Here we go again: imagination + practice = success!
But we also need some basic techniques when dealing with cleaning out old houses:
• There is no excuse not to follow through on all the things we promised, because dogs want things too — especially when it comes to food :-). But make sure you don’t forget things that could cause problems later on ! For example, while our company cat keeps her food bowl at eye level (set her up with her own special toy), she still prefers high
So You Think Your Puppy is Ready for the Big One?
You probably have a pretty good idea of what you are going to do. You’re going to get a puppy, and you’re going to love it.
Then you might realize that there’s one hitch: the puppy will be yours, and nobody but you knows the whole story of how it got that way. You have no one to turn to when things go wrong.

The stage is set (if there is any), but first you need to make sure that your puppy really is ready for the big one – ready enough, in any case, to survive it. As with every aspect of your pet-raising experience from now on (and as with your life with your pet), we want to help you prepare for the night when things get rough and someone tries to steal your puppy away from you. We want this article, along with all future ones that appear in this series, to help you understand what’s at stake and how best to prepare for it.
We believe that by learning as much as possible about each stage of the process we can help make sure our puppies are treated well during the important months when they are growing up (the first few days, weeks, months and years). We hope this article will prove useful in making those preparations possible by helping everyone feel more confident about their own plans for raising their pets and giving them more guidance on how best to do so in the later stages when things start getting serious.
I’ve been doing this for a long time, so I know what it feels like to ask for help, and why it is so hard to ask. A lot of people have asked me how long I’ve been asking for help, but today I want to share my story of how long it has been. It is a story about failure, but also about perseverance and what it means to be persistent in the face of adversity.
In the early days when I was starting out on the road of product development (I’ll call this “project 0”), someone asked me if I would write a single post on how long it takes to get started with something new. The topic came up frequently in discussions because there are a lot of people who need help getting started (referral programs are very popular), and asking someone has been one of the most effective ways that I have found to learn new things (the questions make you think harder). It is not necessarily what you think or what you had thought before you asked — there are many aspects that go into making your daily life better through asking for help (sometimes called “social support”).
So here goes:
This post is written in lighthearted fun, with references to dogs. There are many well-known quotes that go along with the title, which underscores the fact that there can be some serious consequences if you don’t take care of your dog first:
1. “If your dog does not obey you after 7 years he is probably dead.” – Carl Sagan
2. “The best way to predict tomorrow’s weather is to find out today’s weather.” – Mark Twain
3. “The dog is not only my friend; he is my whole world.” – Charles Schulz
4. “You can’t feed a man his own food; you feed him what he wants.” – Groucho Marx
5. “A man should do more than live; he should make his life useful.” – Jean Paul Sartre